>Multi wallet support
>Fast load time
>#CoinJoin into other wallet [daemon]
>New GUI icons
>Custom change address
>RPC server
>#Bitcoin Knots
Install & reclaim privacy now!
This comes bundled with an extraordinary loading speed improvement: what took 3 minutes now takes 3 seconds!
A work in progress for over 25 000 blocks, & even more to come!
This means... you can CoinJoin from your hot wallet, directly in another wallet, especially into your hardware wallet!!
For example, if you spend from the hardware wallet, get the change back into another hot mixing wallet!
The RPC server is now finally released!
It allows developers to programmatically interact with Wasabi by building advanced automated CoinJoin processes!
Another work in progress for +50k blocks is the integration of a #Bitcoin full node in Wasabi.
In order to benefit from cutting edge features needed for efficient consensus verification Wasabi now ships with Bitcoin Knots binaries!
zkSNACKs uses terms and conditions to protect the ability to offer the service legally.
We have updated the ToC to be easier to understand, simpler, and more condensed.
Download and install Wasabi today, make this #CoinJoinDay unforgettable, and your transaction history untraceable!
Always verify #PGP signatures!
You make this tool as beautiful as it is!
@nopara73 @molnardavid84 @lontivero @dwuk86 @yahiheb_ @jumarmacato @dangershony
@KevinR4v @OlUkolova @RiccardoMasutti DavTerra Transisto
You will be rewarded with a 0.3 #bitcoin bounty swiftly!