People in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square protesting against corruption & Benjamin Netanyahu. (Footage via @ItayBlumental).
They were not protesting ‘corruption’ as I suggested above, but coalition negotiators btw Netanyahu & Gantz.…
1) Donald Trumps sparsely attended inauguration;
2) René Magritte’s Golconda (“It’s Raining Men”);
3) Matt Hancock’s “1984” speech to NHS staff at the Nightingale Hospital.

Another social distance protest in TelAviv, Israel, today. 500 dancers protesting against the financial crisis caused by #covid19. #coronavirus
(Video by Uzi Nissim via @MJISRL)
Demonstrators wear face masks & gloves and keeping #SocialDistancing #coronavirus #LabourDay2020 #1May #πρωτομαγια #KKE #MayDay2020 #COVID19 #workersday2020 #COVID
Demonstration in Trafalgar Square, London, today.
“No vaccine for the #climatecrisis” 2,000 empty pairs of children’s shoes.
A demonstration by @XRebellionUK #ExtinctionRebellion (Pic via @ArtForOurPlanet)

This was the vigil for Tiananmen Square, held ystdy despite a ban.
Please #BlackLivesMatter protesters, look & learn & you can’t manage to socially distance, please don’t go out at all. #COVID
If you’re at a #BlackLivesMatter protest, please observe social distancing rules & wear a face mask. #BlackLivesMatterlondon #blacklivesmattermanchester #blacklivesmatterprotests #BLM