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May 28, 2020 60 tweets 32 min read Read on X
1) A thread on #ContactTracing. Yes, it's here. We are watching the #NWO #Agenda21 script play out right in front of our eyes. First we'll show what this is, then I'll share an Anon's opinion of what is really going on. No fear....
2) First, THOUSANDS of #ContactTracers are being hired all over the country. The evidence of this is clear. cbsnews.com/news/contact-t…
3) Now, who would be attracted to such an invasive job? How EXCITED your neighbor might be to be able to decide the future of your kids and other family members through #ContactTracing! 🙄 Controlling flags, grass length and noisy dogs is just not enough!
4) Let's learn about the power they will have over you. This person has been through the certification and is alerting the public to how big of a deal this REALLY is. I have included some of her images about #ContactTracing in memes in this thread vimeo.com/421657568
5) The #NationalGuard under the control of the state governors (many of whom sold our country out to China and are trying to hide their crimes) are also being engaged for enforcement. virginiamercury.com/2020/05/27/lib…
6) "Setting The Stage For Phase 2 As States Deploy National Guard For Contact Tracing"

7) In Nazi Germany jealous spouses and neighbors often used such a program to settle scores...
8) This CAN'T be happening you say? California will be moving people from their homes when necessary. Is that like medical concentration camps?
9) Virginia weighs in under the direction of #Babykiller #Blackface #Northam
10) #Broward Administrator Bertha Henry plans to remove people from their homes
11.) Health screening apps are coming #coronavirus #CoronaVirusHOAX

13) #ContactTracing ARMIES... BILLIONS spent! 180k Tracers hired! All for a #CoronaVirusHOAX with a very tiny death rate per the #CDC What are they REALLY up to? virginiamercury.com/2020/05/27/lib…
14) Couldn't POSSIBLE be this could it? #ClintonFoundation #Pedophile network and strategy used in #Haiti

15) The partners sure are sketchy. In spite of this being an AJ article, the point is well taken. #GeorgeSoros #BillGatesIsEvil and Chelsea being involved CAN'T be good.
17) Listen to him giggle as he talks about shooting #GMO organisms right into kids' veins #ThesePeopleAreSick
18) Here's an #Agenda21 idea "Round up people who refuse vaccinations"
19) The #ContactTracer training spoke of a future that would require you to allow a system to scan an assigned QR code or bar code that tells of your status prior to being allowed into stores, your employer, schools and other buildings. Apps are coming out daily.
20) There is NO QUESTION that the #DeepState had a goal of forcing everyone to get vaccinated. They had been signaling since the late 80s that the #Coronavirus was a planned event. Here is one commenting that they didn't infect enough people
21) We hear many mailboxes had color coded dots to distinguish if you were to be kept as a slave or disposed of. THIS is ultimately #Agenda21. They were determined to keep the most hardy, the strongest, the easiest to control.
22) They have already been controlling us through a variety of ways, but the forced vaccine planned by #BillGates was supposed to contain an RFID chip; the Mark of the Beast. This thread addresses DNA and 5G; what they planned and what Trump did about it
23) Those who are aware of this entire agenda have been very alarmed by a few chess moves Trump has made.
24) After all, this 7:39 min video clearly explains the problem with the typical #vaccine
25) How could President Trump allow this? defense.gov/Newsroom/Relea…
26) Certain people will not feel secure until they have a vaccine. This is a short discussion about the pure, healthy vaccine that we believe the White Hats are developing, courtesy of some of Gates' frozen assets we suspect
27) President Trump is CLEARLY aware of the #VaccineDangers. He has tweeted about them for YEARS. trumptwitterarchive.com/highlights/vac…
28) Potus says that vaccines are for those who want them
29) So WHY are the #ContactTracing programs still being allowed? We suspect that once again, the #WhiteHats are using the #DeepState strategy against them. You see, TOO many people have glamorized Communism and Socialism. They have NO concept of that loss of freedom.
30) Consider that people who had flu shots are more likely to test positive for #coronavirus per this DOD study drkarafitzgerald.com/2020/04/16/dod…
31) This involves MILLIONS of people
32) The test kits are very suspect also. There are many that are reported to be contaminated. Here is the most ridiculous outcome #COVID__19. Simply put, there is a good chance people who test will show positive.
33) Our Republic is being attacked from within. SO many people are brainwashed and convinced that their chosen favorite leaders have their best interest at heart. The only way to shake people awake is to do EXTREME things... like infanticide. This is a common strategy
34) We MUST deal with all the bad paid actors, PLUS hold those who have enabled them accountable. My theory is it starts here
35) The ULTIMATE #TrumpTrap
36) This popped up while I was doing this thread. #AntifaTerrorists are now classified as #terrorists dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8…
37) For those of you who think we can't use our military within the country, ironically enough, Bush and Obama made the laws that we will now use against them! (They had intended to round us up and send us to interment camps) pegc.us/_LAW_/Elsea_De…
38) Looks like the arrested thugs (and their families and friends who often have the same attitudes) are about to start a hard lesson.
39) There is a pretty darned good chance that they will "test positive" for #COVID19. The horror and embarrassment then begins. Family, friends, colleagues and others will now be inconvenienced
40) There are a variety of ways authorities can tell if you were close to someone
41) If you think these companies reporting this information, or sharing if you are found to be positive through various apps is against HIPAA regs, you are sadly mistaken. They are currently exempt healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/hbl…
42) According to #ContactTracing classes, your privacy is not protected
43) Folks attending the #riots2020 were warning each other about various ways they could be identified
44) But they just don't get it! Military birds in the sky!
45)#AntifaTerrorist #BlackLivesMatter were INFILTRATED and allowed to continue Q drop 14
46) Q drop 28
47) Both were tied to #Pedophile group NAMBLA
48) Folks supporting these #Terrorists will be in a lot of trouble. Imagine how many inmates joined these armies once turned loose by the Governors?
49)This was an Anon explaining to me that the bad guys had been shown their files, and had choses to make. Did they play their role and help the public understand what the agenda had been? Did they choose execution like McStain?
50) These horrible, traitorous Governors are part of the show
52) Other culprits are acting as well. You can't TELL the public, you must SHOW them says Q
53) Soon, their crimes will all be made public
54) #RalphNortham gave his wife's charity 733 Million
55) Meanwhile, back to the brainwashed general public; just THINK of how many people these folks have come into contact with.
56) It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Making a personal choice to be around people who tried to overthrow our govt and country has implications. These folks are about to get what they've been saying they wanted; the Communist experience.
57) When their children are taken away as a result of this quarantine, when they can't leave their house, reality and consequences will suddenly affect them PERSONALLY; something many have not experienced. This will probably make many angry, but they need to understand..
58) Contract Tracing was cooked up and organized by the very leaders they have been supporting. Trump and the White Hats just took it over and removed the deadly, final consequences. "Think mirror" "Boomerang" What was intended for evil shall be used for light.
59) The rest of us, who are awake to the crimes and the situation, just need to try to stay out of the way. Should you get snagged into the #ContractTracing process, just remember, these efforts to alter human behavior on a massive scale are difficult, but for the overall good.

• • •

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Dec 8, 2024
The takeover of the health care system

A thread 🧵

With the recent information coming out about United Health Care, I'm going to share some of the info that @NoogaJack and I had been compiling. In this thread, I'll be relaying the information as someone who has been heavily involved with all types of insurance. I also have a unique perspective due to other factors. My father was a doctor. We had a third party administrator who paid claims for very large self- funded companies, so I've watched this unfolding for YEARS. @NoogaJack will likely then take this information and add it to a thread we had been developing, and he can tell you all about how #Maximus fits in to this evil scheme. I simply want to show just how badly the medical industry has been captured.

Obama was put into power to destroy our country. He was a star student of radical Saul Alinsky and closely followed his playbook. Below you will see that one of the primary goals for conquering a nation is to control the health care system. I would venture to say that there are four main goals to be attained by doing this- traffic children/organs, generate money by denying care, pushing pharma that adds to the health issues and thus more money, and ultimately, to gen0cide the population. As you follow along, you will soon see that doctors have very few choices but to tow the line they are given. MANY have lost their practices and the systems put in place to control them are nearly impossible to navigate.Image
This timeline shows a very deliberate, methodical strategy to control the population via taxes and employers. In this way, it was impossible to opt out of the fraudulent tax scam, even if you were to become aware that this is exactly what it is. In addition to a money making scheme, taxes also served as a weapon to force compliance.

Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) were a major factor in the demise of our health care system. Employers were required to offer 'managed care' as one of their options if their employee numbers were over certain thresholds. "Managed care" really is just that. You can be told what you can and can't do, and there is even a 'death panel' that decides if you can have certain potentially life saving treatments.

🚨🚨 Nixon was caught on a recording talking about how his cronies running HMOs would be making a killing by LIMITING SERVICES. 🚨🚨

Grants and loans were given to HMOs. Where did the money go? 🤔

A simple Google search yielded "According to recent reports, CEOs of major health maintenance organizations (HMOs) can earn between $13 million and $22 million in total compensation, including salary, bonuses, and other forms of pay, with the top earners reaching even higher figures depending on the company size and performance." Is it any wonder we have a health care cost problem?

When I was in the field working with doctors, they used to tell me that the HMO wouldn't even reimburse enough to cover the cost of a pap smear. The doctors were often penalized financially for providing appropriate care as HMOs evaluated them based on how profitable they were rather than the quality of care they provided. Often, the most talented doctors who could actually help extremely complex patients missed out on bonuses that would've been necessary to keep their practices afloat, simply because their patient population tended to be less healthy overall as critically ill folks would seek them out. Doctors nationally were becoming very disenchanted with how medicine was trending.

The trouble with hospitals buying up practices was in full swing in the 90s when I was traveling the country meeting with Fortune 500 companies, unions and physician groups.

When doctors were forced to sell their practices to become EMPLOYEES, they were then required to do exactly what their employers instructed.

When healthcare is tied to employment, employers have a lot of control over the population. Folks aren't as mobile in the workplace and the employers can try to mandate services (as we saw with the Covid shots)Image
Health care and social services has the largest group of employees in our nation. To take control of these sectors, a powerful partner would be needed. Enter, #Maximus. "The single most invasive and pervasive non-governmental organization (NGO) in modern times"- @NoogaJack We will link to more information about the history of this org later in the thread.Image
Read 32 tweets
Sep 24, 2024
🧵 Thread- The Battle of Dulce

Time to stretch our minds a bit!

I created these memes to start a conversation and to help me wrap my mind around a few concepts. I suspect that as I research and gain a better understanding, I'll add to this thread. I also suspect that survivors may have some insight to the question that most haunts me; how do the physical 'aliens' relate to the inter-dimensional beings that the Cabal summons? Are the demonic beings working hand in hand with the physical 'aliens'? These were created under my 'Survivor Stories' series as it is certain that the goals of this monstrous facility are connected to the horrors that survivors face.

It is clear that extremely evil beings have been taking advantage of humans for a very long time. This will ultimately tie back into a lot of the issues with blood types, DNA and nano tech, but I'll start with this meme set before launching into my next stretch of research.

As is typical, I've noticed a few things from other digs I've done, so I have a few personal speculations in these memes...
Dulce Base is a vast facility 2 miles underground, that connects via tunnels and tube trains to other D.U.M.B.s all over the US and likely, the world. It is known for the horrific genetic experiments on humans, and to be a place that at one time was shared by both alien and human scientists working side by side. The horrors became too much for the good guys, and they HAD to take action!Image
#BattleOfDulce Horrible genetic experiments were being done on the captured victims. Young white females were a favorite and were highly coveted by many races of aliens for violent orgies and torture. An army of victims provided an endless supply of fertilized ovum and could be harvested indefinitely to build cloned hybrid slaves and other horrific creatures.Image
@DragonAppleB noted that Epstein was also harvesting ovum. It is horrifically fascinating that many independently portray him as another species... Image
Read 11 tweets
Feb 21, 2024
I'm looking back through some old info and have some questions. WHY did #Pfizer not want to admit they were part of #OperationWarpSpeed ???

Read this document. Maybe we need to watch this video again. Something is NOT adding up. trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-stat…
This is a comm if I ever saw one. Trump: 3 x 5? Image
I trust Trump. He has always had a reason to do what he does, even if it is not apparent to us at the time. That being said, I've really wondered why he 'stands by' the vaccines. It almost seems to me like he is baiting them. Given that Dr. Ruby noticed there seems to be ....
Read 14 tweets
Oct 10, 2023
@luckymedic1 @SeekingAnon Teams are out there to make sure comms don't go down completely. You just have to have licensing and a lot of training and know how to be part of them. I'm sure they'll be monitoring the handheld folks. These guys are the bridge to the HAM communities! Image
@luckymedic1 @SeekingAnon Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) is your local group who would communicate with MARS. You would find them by going to your area fire departments, because even if those comms were down, these guys/gals know what to do, even in the case of power outages. Image
@luckymedic1 @SeekingAnon The ARES often run emergency drills to stay sharp, updated and connected. Each fire department has a team assigned to their location. The local HAM operator clubs know how to interact with the emergency teams who can send messages up the chain. #RedpillAHAM ally today!
Read 4 tweets
Aug 19, 2023



Read 5 tweets
Apr 26, 2023
#Cult93 #SB2 I am going to share some of the SerialBrain2 images I've managed to find and download. So much of this information seems to be completely gone now, and to me, it is invaluable to understanding what is really going on in this spiritual war. Tag me if u have pieces! Image
2/27 Though an ancient battle that goes back to Cain and Abel, this time around, it all starts with John Dee. #SB2 explains how the Queen of England became possessed by an evil demon who retained control of the countries s(He) through his practices of necromancy. Image
3/27 This particular image was in a series discussing how metaphysical chemtrails were affecting us, but that Trump put a stop to them, and in fact, reversed them to harm the Nephilim rather than the humans Image
Read 29 tweets

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