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Apr 29th 2023
🦴 Bad to the Bone 🦴

The 2020 SARS2/HIV research of University of Alberta scientist Shokrollah Elahi portended this. >

Teen boy died from leukemia just a day after diagnosis via @MailOnline
Want to understand SARS2?
Read Elahi.…
Read 7 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
My 3 year old daughter Lila was recently diagnosed with a VERY rare and aggressive type of #leukemia.

👉 It’s potentially treatment resistant… AND

👉 Requires a bone marrow transplant.

A🧵with all the details we have so far 👇

Please @Twitter help me save my little girl. Image
First, some background:

👉 A month ago, Lila was diagnosed with “acute undifferentiated leukemia” (AUL) by her docs at @ChildrensLA

👉 Last week, we found an unrelated marrow donor who’s a perfect “10/10” match (thx to @BeTheMatch ) and they have agreed to donate. 😭
👉 But just yesterday, we learned Lila’s first cycle of chemo failed. 🥺

Before Lila can get the transplant, we have to get her into remission first.
Read 17 tweets
Dec 11th 2022
The Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London has preformed the world's first base editing treatment for a 13-year-old patient's once "incurable" T-cell leukemia to rid her body of cancer. #cancer #geneediting #baseediting #cancertreatment #Leukemia #CGTNAmerica
Invented six years ago, base editing uses the four bases of the building blocks of the human genetic code: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T). #cancer #geneediting #baseediting #newcancertreatment #cancertreatment #Leukemia #CGTNAmerica
Scientists alter the structure of a base, converting it to another and changing the genetic instructions. The hospital used this technology to edit and create a new type of T-cell that finds and destroys T-cells, including leukemic T-cells. #geneediting #baseediting #Leukemia
Read 4 tweets
Dec 3rd 2022
#Methotrexate is the nr1⃣drug of choice for Rheumatoid #Arthritis.

MTX's history is eventful, and deserves a 🧵

🔹It started with childhood leukeamia
🔹Sleeping Beauty in the 1960-70's
🔹Awakened by Hoffmeister
🔹FDA👍1988 and 🔝 in the 1990's

1/🧵 #RheumTwitter #MedTwitter
The start:
🔹1948, Dr Farber treated 5 children with #leukemia with Aminopterin, an anti-folate & precursor of #MTX, with outstanding results

🔹1951, first positive results of Aminopterin in #RA & #Psoriasis pts

Despite this, Aminopterin was aborted in RA

2/🧵 #RheumTwitter
MTX enters:
Due to difficulties in manufacturing, Aminopterin was modified and MTX was created.

🔹1962, positive results with MTX in both RA and #PSA

🔹Next 10 years: MTX was extensively studied in #psoriasis but halted in #RA

🔹In RA, MTX becomes the Sleeping Beauty👸💤

Read 10 tweets
Sep 7th 2022
♨️💉⚰️ #DiedSuddenly

Je viens d'être acceptée sur le groupe #Facebook de #DiedSuddenly.

Je commence un long twit fil rouge avec des partages d'écran pour vous tous... malheureusement que des mauvaises nouvelles..

Accrochez vous car les montagnes roulettes russes commencent.. ImageImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Jun 15th 2022
🚥 #leukemia #ASH21 🛎️ Last call for poster #️5️ 〰️ Graaph-2014 study ➕ adding Nelarabine to chemo for #ALL pts 🔹 #OncTwitter w/ @LoriMuffly & @LuskinMarlise 🔸#CME from @BonumCe 🔗 🔸Supported by edu grant Jazz Pharma…
2/🟠Get your 🆓 #CME
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#MedTwitter #OncTwitter #leusm
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3/ 🏆#CME credit provided by @IntegrityCE
🤝In partnership w/ @BonumCe

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Jan 7th 2022
Happy to share our latest paper w/ @SibaElHussein as lead author, out today in @BMTjournal ⚡️Acquired WT1 mutations contribute to relapse of NPM1mut AML following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant #hemepath #leukemia #hemepathMDA Image
WT1 mutations are present in ~7% of de novo AML, are typically Lof mutation involving exons 7-9 of the gene. They frequently (~15%) co-occur w/ NPM1mut & have detrimental impact in this setting, shown by @AkEisfeld and colleagues in @LeukemiaJnl Image
We studies a cohort of de novo NPM1-mut AML. 7% had concurrent WT1 mutations at baseline.  22% (15/67) relapsed; 4 (27%) with newly acquired Lof WT1-mut. Illustrated by @furudateken Image
Read 10 tweets
Nov 9th 2021
1/ Excited to share how T cell therapies kill #leukemia!! multi-omics + new #computational #singlecell tools for longitudinal analysis 👉unexpected answer!…

*👏* @elhamazizi! 🙏 @dpeer Cathy Wu @MDAndersonNews @CPRITTexas @ColumbiaBME @sloan_kettering
2/ We studied donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) - an #Immunotherapy for relapsed #leukemia after #BMT & the #og of #celltherapy. Previously, we showed DLI reversed T cell exhaustion - but didn't know why/how/which T cells were responsible...…
3/ To address these ?'s, we modeled intraleukemic T cell dynamics by integrating longitudinal, multimodal data from ~100K T cells (!) during response (R) or resistance (NR: nonresponder) to DLI.
Read 18 tweets
Aug 10th 2021
Basic research by Dr. Brian Druker @OHSUKnight in the 1990s contributed to the development of #imatinib (Gleevec), a landmark drug that has improved the outcomes of patients with #chronicmyelogenousleukemia.… #NothingWillStopUs Photo of Dr. Brian Druker
He discovered that a compound called STI-571 (a.k.a #imatinib) specifically inhibits growth and tumor formation by #leukemia cells expressing BCR-ABL (a fusion oncoprotein that drives #chronicmyelogenousleukemia) in an @theNCI funded @NatureMedicine study.…
Based on these findings, Dr. Druker et al. tested #imatinib in a phase 1 #clinicaltrial. They found that the drug was well tolerated and an effective treatment against #chronicmyelogenousleukemia in patients with late-stage disease.… #NothingWillStopUs
Read 6 tweets
Apr 21st 2021
Vandaag wordt voor de vijfde keer de internationale ‘AML World Awareness Day’ gehouden om aandacht te vragen voor acute myeloïde leukemie (#AML), een zeldzame vorm van bloedkanker. #NKRdata #leusm #leukemia #bloodcancer #KnowAML @IKNL @KNOW_AML @HematonNL (1/16)
AML treft momenteel ruim 750 patiënten per jaar in Nederland (zie figuur). Op basis van de internationale
RARECARE-definitie voor zeldzame kanker is AML een zeldzame kankersoort #NKRdata #leusm #bloodcancer #KnowAML @IKNL @KNOW_AML (2/16)
Volgens de RARECARE-definitie is een kankersoort zeldzaam als het minder dan zes nieuwe gevallen per 100.000 personen per jaar treft. Voor Nederland betekent dit dat een kankersoort zeldzaam is als er minder dan 1.021 nieuwe diagnoses per jaar zijn. (3/16)
Read 17 tweets
Mar 26th 2021
The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indore has developed a cost-effective new asparaginase drug with lesser side-effects to treat Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). Asparaginase is an enzyme that is used as a medication, using the protein engineering approach.
ALL is a type of blood cancer representing nearly a quarter of cancer cases diagnosed among children. Around 25,000, new cases of ALL are diagnosed every year in India.
The institute said that repeated administration of asparaginase, currently to treat ALL, causes serious side-effects such as allergic reactions, neurotoxicity, among others.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 28th 2020
1/ Classic #opticneuritis is characterized by a sub-acute loss of vision in one Eye, with central #scotoma, pain on #eyemovement, positive #RAPD
- Fundus exam is usually normal
- Age range 15-45 years
2/Talking about #MOGAntibodies:
- More frequent in #pediatric population, Associated with #ADEM
- #MOG IgG serum titers depend on disease activity and is mainly from extrathecal origin, enters #CNS from systemic circulation and reaches CSF through passive diffusion or broken #BBB
Read 10 tweets
Apr 16th 2020
Meet Dr Yazad Irani, @Yaz_Sci, at @sahmriAU, the researcher paving the way to better outcomes in chronic myeloid #leukemia - by helping predict patient responses to #cancer therapy

A thread 👇

@AcademicChatter #chemotherapy #medicalresearch #precisionmedicine #CML #immunology Image
Our blood is composed of red blood cells, in charge of carrying oxygen; and white blood cells, whose main function is to help the immune response to fight infections and diseases.
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a blood cancer in which a subpopulation of white blood cells, known as granulocytes, grow out of control. Although new treatments have resulted in good patient outcomes for 80% of patients, the remaining 20% of patients do not respond to therapy.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 26th 2019
Morning! In response to some of the tweets we're seeing online about @WWE and @WWERomanReigns we wanted to have a little chat about leukaemia/leukemia, relapse and perceptions of cancer. #WWE @davemeltzerWON
Firstly, incredible news about Roman Reigns. Relapse is a scary reality for all leukaemia patients. Either fear of your cancer returning or having to face treatment for relapse. It's great to hear some positive news from a leukaemia patient.
The tweets we are seeing mainly centre around the idea of what a cancer patient should look like.

"How can he have hair?"
"How can he have not lost weight?"
"Why doesn't he look like a cancer patient?"
Read 19 tweets
Feb 17th 2019
#Tweetorial Just finished 4 weeks on the leukemia service at @UCCancerCenter. We saw a number of patients present with a new diagnosis of acute leukemia and hyperleukocytosis, our index of concern for the development of leukostasis was dependent on if they had AML or ALL.
In 1982 Lichtman et al wrote about hyperleukocytic leukemias. The leukocrit (packed WBC volume) was described in AML, ALL, and CLL. Due to the larger mean cell volume of myeloblasts, a higher leukocrit was observed in AML compared to ALL and CLL.
The pathophysiology of leukostasis is thought to be driven in part by blood viscosity. A higher leukocrit and hematocrit correlates with a higher blood viscosity.
Read 11 tweets
Nov 12th 2018
🔥 THREAD ⚠️ Spread the word. 👏👏👏
Massive #WoolseyFire Began On Contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory, Close to Site of Partial Meltdown
Statement by Physicians for Social Responsibility - Los Angeles (@PSRLA)
#SimiValley #SSFL
🚨 Electric Substation at #SSFL Tripped 2 Minutes Before Fire Reported
The tremendously destructive #WoolseyFire has been widely reported as beginning “near” Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL or Rocketdyne), but it appears that the fire began on the #Rocketdyne property itself.
"Cal Fire identifies the fire location as E Street and Alfa Road, a location that is in fact on Santa Susana Field Laboratory." -@PSRLA
#CalFire #SSFL #SimiValley #WoolseyFire
Read 22 tweets
Nov 11th 2018
🚨 THREAD 🔥 Spread the word. 👍🏼
Woolsey Fire Burns Nuclear Meltdown Site that State Toxics Agency Failed to Clean Up
Statement by Physicians for Social Responsibility - Los Angeles (@psrla)
#SSFL #WoolseyFire #SimiValley #OakPark #BellCanyon
The #WoolseyFire began on the property of the contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory. #SSFL, a former nuclear and rocket engine testing site, is one of the most contaminated sites in the nation.
#SimiValley #OakPark #VenturaCounty #BellCanyon #WestHills #SFV
"Santa Susana Field Laboratory (#SSFL / #Rocketdyne) burned in the #WoolseyFire, threatening toxic exposures from contaminated dust, smoke, ash & soil. The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) denies risk that it created by delaying the long promised cleanup." -@PSRLA
Read 19 tweets

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