BTW: In Germany, you have €0 co-pay for a doctor's visit [previously it was €10 per quarter-year excl. referals by other doctors to i.e. spechalists]...
One thing that really pissies me off are those facist reactionary "#ProLife" bigots.
And I'll explain in detail, WHY they are bigoted.
So strap in and hold tight...
Regardless if those advocate for the [very facist] idea of de-facto criminalizing #suicide or #abortions, "#ProLife" advocates aka. bigots are not willing to provide even a halfass alternative substitute as a figleaf to pseudo-legitimize their ideas.
I mean, regardless whether or not one person should be allowed to have a say into the health, life and well-beijng of another person is something agrees with [I think #ProChoice is the only non - reactionary-facist answer!]...
Also I think that #ISPs should be mandated to provide real, #DualStack internet access, since #CGNAT bricks #VPNs and thus is being weaponized for #censorship.
So I've to help a #RemoeWorking colleage to not only get their #ISP to migrate them to #DualStack instead of that #DSlite/#CGNAT bs, but also migrate a company #VPN to Dual-Stack...
@Inferbro while legally & technically the entire #ContentID-Fuckup of @YouTube is to be blamed 75% on the #CopyrightMafia, that's even assuming someone get's 50k subscribers and can make a living from Videos.
@Inferbro this really puts on a huge damper on my plans to release content, and with <1k subscribers on @YouTube it's not worth opening up a @Patreon, @Flattr or @kachingle for the few cents per month - espechally when this would be taxable income to file.
"Bundesinnenminister erklärt bundesweiten Katastrophenzustand. Bürger*innen werden angewiesen zuhause zu bleiben, bis KatS-Personal von Feuerwehr, THW & DRK...
@MFeldenkirchen ...allen Personen mindestens 1 Vollmaske (DIN EN 136), 1 wiederverwendbaren P3R-Partikelfilter mit Schaubanschluss, Reinigungsmaterial und 1 Schnelltester ausgehändigt haben. ...
@MFeldenkirchen ...Für die Kommenden 28 Tage sind bis auf Geschäfte des täglichen Bedarfs sowie Post- Paket und TK-Dienste alle Geschäfte und Büros ohne explizite Ausnahmegenehmigung (welche nur für Notdienste & Bereitschaftspersonal erteilt wird), geschlossen. ...