One thing that really pissies me off are those facist reactionary "#ProLife" bigots.
And I'll explain in detail, WHY they are bigoted.
So strap in and hold tight...
Regardless if those advocate for the [very facist] idea of de-facto criminalizing #suicide or #abortions, "#ProLife" advocates aka. bigots are not willing to provide even a halfass alternative substitute as a figleaf to pseudo-legitimize their ideas.
I mean, regardless whether or not one person should be allowed to have a say into the health, life and well-beijng of another person is something agrees with [I think #ProChoice is the only non - reactionary-facist answer!]... is clear that people don't actively seek suicide nor abortion unless they don't see another option and the alternatives are not acceptable to them.
Therefore I could at least respect [but not agree with] "#ProLife" people if they'd actually offer alternatives.
I.e. you don't want to have so many #abortion|s?
Then make actual sex - education mandatory, provide contraceptives, child-care and medical care for free whilst offering paid parental leave and undo the Gender Pay Gap ffs so that people are not economically forced into a decision
OFC that doesn't change the fact that #AbortionIsHealthcare and that banning or restrction #abortions an access can't be accepted nor legal in any shape and form.
And while I can't and won't agree with these people, I'd certainly at least be able to respect their backwards-minded views if they were at least consistent in their morals.
You don't solve issues by banning these from existing.
Just because it's hard to legally get a gun doesn't mean people are less likely to commit serious crimes in Germany.
Just because Cannabis is illegal doesn't change the fact that most people at least tried it once.
Just because #sexwork is being criminalized doesn't change the fact that said #sexworkers will still have to make ends meet, pay for rent, utilities and food themselves.
Nor does it change the fact that those people face #discrimination in the job market.
I just have the privilegue of always being able to decline jobs and offers that I can't accept - regadles if for legal or moral reasons.
But I'm not the average person, and I realize that not everyone has existing support they can count on.
If you're going to be a reactionary asshole, be a full asshole.
Don't claim "moral high ground" or being "the guood guys" unless you offer a full solution when you want to ban existing options...
Consider every abortion the result of multiple circumstances that - in an ideal setting - would not have happened to this extent.
Same goes with suicdes.
People just don't randomly wake up and want to end their life.
A lot of failsafe nets eithe did not existed or failed before.
Hate me or not - IDK - but at least be upfront of your intent!
Personally, I'll help a person seeking safe abortion as much as possible - even if that means I've to drive them to a clinic across the german-dutch border.
And I also think that there are other options than taking oneselves life.
But I'm not going to force anyone [not] to do anything...
Because I accept bodily autonomy and at least respect people's choices.
BTW: In Germany, you have €0 co-pay for a doctor's visit [previously it was €10 per quarter-year excl. referals by other doctors to i.e. spechalists]...
Also I think that #ISPs should be mandated to provide real, #DualStack internet access, since #CGNAT bricks #VPNs and thus is being weaponized for #censorship.
So I've to help a #RemoeWorking colleage to not only get their #ISP to migrate them to #DualStack instead of that #DSlite/#CGNAT bs, but also migrate a company #VPN to Dual-Stack...
@Inferbro while legally & technically the entire #ContentID-Fuckup of @YouTube is to be blamed 75% on the #CopyrightMafia, that's even assuming someone get's 50k subscribers and can make a living from Videos.
@Inferbro this really puts on a huge damper on my plans to release content, and with <1k subscribers on @YouTube it's not worth opening up a @Patreon, @Flattr or @kachingle for the few cents per month - espechally when this would be taxable income to file.
"Bundesinnenminister erklärt bundesweiten Katastrophenzustand. Bürger*innen werden angewiesen zuhause zu bleiben, bis KatS-Personal von Feuerwehr, THW & DRK...
@MFeldenkirchen ...allen Personen mindestens 1 Vollmaske (DIN EN 136), 1 wiederverwendbaren P3R-Partikelfilter mit Schaubanschluss, Reinigungsmaterial und 1 Schnelltester ausgehändigt haben. ...
@MFeldenkirchen ...Für die Kommenden 28 Tage sind bis auf Geschäfte des täglichen Bedarfs sowie Post- Paket und TK-Dienste alle Geschäfte und Büros ohne explizite Ausnahmegenehmigung (welche nur für Notdienste & Bereitschaftspersonal erteilt wird), geschlossen. ...