"Prof Sackell" calling @BylineTimes@NafeezAhmed. May I correct you slightly? First my name. Secondly, I signed this letter first drafted by @rwjdingwall - all my requested edits were made before publication.
And here is my follow up piece in @Daily_Express. It is important not to forget where we are trying to get to tho the journey will be long and complex express.co.uk/comment/expres…
I do however like the "Orlando" ring of Prof Sackell. Maybe time to switch from the one assigned at birth?
2/3 There is probably no easier setting for doing an #outbreak investigation than a #choir. @MakingMusic_UK & others have well developed risk assessments. Ask @BarbaraEifler Around 300k people sing weekly - more than football (more women tho....)
2/3 #Vaccination doesn't only change what we can do - it changes the decision space. Let's think beyond emergency response, and build the trust and support needed for #ResidualCovid - new trade-offs.
3/3 and apologies to @adph should have said local authorities working with (not under) PHE. End.
1/3 This thread sets out a very important and basic point about diagnostic #tests. As #COVID19 cases decline, a higher % of positive results will be false positives. Big issue for #schoolsreopeninguk @educationgovuk needs to....
3/3 With #scabies - like #COVID19 - we must ask "Can rates of infection be too low?" Same for #syphilis - took early #AIDS epidemic in #UK, and Maoism in #China. Something I ask students when teaching on #STI#HIV. Serious question.