I get marginalizing the idea of an unpopular subject like #antiques being made LESS unpopular, this is hardly something to call congressional meetings on. But it’s an innocuous subject to test things on.
Look what happened back in March when I got my 1st #COVID#vaccine.
It’s a single story with 23 views minus 6 = 17 views total.
That is MY #Covid vaccine, you can see the “JAME” and the #moderna there. THAT’S ME showing I was getting #vaccinated to a group of #antique people, most of which we can assume are right leaning, #vaccine hesitant.
To add insult to injury and make the current climate WORSE, the “suggested for you” of these #finsta accounts suggest legit antique dealers. The Goods Company follows me… they have an amazing #Instagram account, so I followed them back. But the suggestions here are real people.
So let’s take a look at “lisa.david.9in8777o” who managed to squeeze into this @instagram story view while I was typing this original thread on the 18th.
Ms. “Fuck me hard” (in German) has 8 followers and her link to her VK (Russian social media account) profile.
At this time I’m not interested in #Russian porn (check back tho), but each of “lisa’s followers has #Stories going.
Remember when we were told that fake Instagram accounts don’t run #instagram#stories?
That’s not true. Each of these got more engagement & more views from me.
BTW, if you look at some of these “friends,” you will find a LOT of people from other countries trying to pose as #influencers with “personal blogs.” But right away from the “suggestions for you,” there’s a trail that leads to OTHER #finsta accounts.
So why is it necessary for @Meta /@Facebook / @instagram to keep these OBVIOUSLY fraudulent accounts? How do they even get created?
The “soc.secrets.promotion” account has #bots creating these profiles and no one at #instagram sees the need to prevent them from being duplicated.
Back in February, I noticed that @Instagram was in NO way interested in stopping ANY of these accounts for any reason.
These months later the ruling still stands, this account wasn’t removed for sex solicitation, and the account is gone even though a report of it still exists.
Back then I used the same profile pic as I do on here. I was a pretty coordinated business.
Then I realized that there’s NOTHING I’m going to do to make my small business visible.
“Steven.anderson.0ee2526o” was right under “Fuck me hard” Lisa. This account has 7 followers, only 6 are listed.
@BotSentinel would probably label these followers as suspect. @instagram does not. The profiles LOOK legit, so they are ignored. And so the #finsta web stands.
This trend of LEGIT LOOKING spam accounts propping up OBVIOUSLY faie spam accounts keeps #Instagram’s AI confused, allowing a spam network, or @Meta / @Facebook itself, to do anything they want from preventing positive #COVID messaging to eliminating small businesses.
Can someone let me know if you also have this problem with @Apple, as a product user?
1/3 I've had this #MacBook since early 2017. I love it. I was doing mostly Photoshop, some video editing. "Oh, if you're doing video editing, you need to up the memory." And so I did.
2/3 Last year and 2 upgrades later, the MacBook started to run hot, and loud... very hot and loud. So I took it in. "You're running Photoshop and video editing? You don't have enough memory." Also, my battery was going out.
Battery replacement was not covered, so $200.
3/3 I've changed NOTHING about my work in the past 4 yrs, so with no fault of my own, changing NOTHING about my biz, @Apple determined the #MacBook that I love is obsolete, unsalvageable, overheating again, and my only option is to spend $2K to replace it... just because GREED.
The natural response here is, "let's give the victims some space, so they can stabilize."
Instead, there's a herd of obsessive, psychotic people who migrated from a religion that called down fire upon gossiping while having the most gossip-riddled religion on the planet.
I get it... the religion with a vulture complex and ambulance-chasing spirituality ingrained a sense of reward in running about standing next to worse people so that one doesn't have to put forth any real work to be better.
And if a wife and child get's traumatized, so what?
"How about giving them some space."
That's a lie. You're gossiping for clout because in #JW world, gossiping was currency and how women leveled the playing field in a misogynistic faith where they will never be in control.
@cbouzy BTW, someone @TheJusticeDept really came through for me. NO #FOIA request was ALLOWED but then one day the report at the end of this vid arrived and I was delighted to find out that I have so many mental disorders, ailments, and addictions. 🙄
@cbouzy Naturally, it'd be easier for everyone ELSE if this were swept under the rug with my death (means vary, but the paper trail seems to have set a fairly predictable narrative). 😑