Our take on the @EU_Commission’s second part of the #Fitfor55 package aimed at re-designing the EU’s internal #gasmarket rules and governing a future European #hydrogen pipeline network. 1/12
1️⃣ gas market: The proposed revisions to the internal gas market rules do not address that Europe’s #climatetargets imply a rapidly shrinking market for #fossilgas use already this decade. 2/12
The need to scale down #fossilgas and replacement by #electrification and only partially by non-fossil gases must become the underlying narrative of the gas market rules. Here is why! 3/12
“Low carbon #hydrogen” that is derived from non-renewable sources should meet a greenhouse gas emission reduction threshold of 80 percent, not 70 percent, over the entire life cycle. 4/12
COM proposal to “preserve” decision by Member States for costly and inefficient blending of #hydrogen into national natural gas systems should be rejected. 5/12
2️⃣ building sector: The @EU_Commission also addresses the building sector with the revamp of its Energy Performance of #Buildings Directive (#EPBD) in a bid to align the building standards for new construction and renovation with the goal of climate-neutrality by 2050. 6/12
We need to align our building standards for new construction and renovation with the goal of climate-neutrality by 2050. The #EPBD revision takes important step in this direction by proposing a new zero-emissions #buildings framework and aligning tools with this goal. 7/12
The proposed minimum energy performance standards for buildings are key. Ambitious implementation will be needed to drive investments into the building stock at the scale and depth needed, make all buildings’ renewables-ready by 2030 and keep ETS 2 allowance prices in check. 8/12
The @EU_Commission wants member states to measure embedded carbon in new #buildings under the new #EPBD. Measurement is good, but what is really needed is regulatory limits. That’s what will really create markets for low-carbon basic materials. 9/12
3️⃣ energy poverty: Member States are asked to spell out their long-term financing support strategies, making them coherent by stopping financing fossil fuel boilers and prioritizing deep renovations. Important emphasis on cost-effectiveness and fairness. 10/12
4️⃣ methane regulation: The @EU_Commission also proposes a new Regulation to address #MethaneLeakage. The rapid reduction of methane emissions is a low hanging fruit to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees. 11/12
But establishing a system of monitoring and reporting and fixing the biggest leaks within Europe is not enough. We also need national reduction targets for Member States and must set maximum leakages rates for fossil imports in line with industry best practices. 12/12
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Hydrogen is one lever for #climateneutrality in areas which are challenging to electrify. But where does #H2 research stand currently & what new findings are available? With our new impulse "12 Insights on #Hydrogen" we shed light on the subject. 🧵 👇 1/8
Finding 1: By 2050, carbon-free #H2 provides 1/5 of world's final energy, mainly made from renewable electricity. H2 should first decarbonize industry, shipping, aviation + consolidate a #greenenergy system. H2 infrastructure should meet need of industry, ports & power grids. 2/8
Finding 2: Financing #greenH2 in no-regret applications (industry, power, shipping, aviation) needs additional policy support since #carbonprice will remain insufficient over the next decade. No credible financing strategy for introducing green #H2 in #households. 3/8
Do you already know our #GlobalSteel Transformation Tracker? Our new online tool provides insights on the status quo of #steelproduction worldwide, to the necessary reinvestments, announcements of #greensteel production before 2030 and more. Ready for some insights? 👇 #COP26 1/7
Where are the steel centres located? Are blast furnaces, integrated direct reduced iron or electric arc furnace used for production? Our interactive map with data from @GlobalEnergyMon/@caitlinswalec lets you explore steelmaking around the world. 2/7
Our #GlobalSteel Transformation Tracker visualises the required reinvestments of a country’s #blastfurnace fleet from 2021-2050. That most of the blast furnaces will reach the end of its working life before 2030 is an opportunity to replace them with low-carbon technologies. 3/7
#COP26 & #GlobalSteel: Steel sector must invest in 2020s into climate-neutral technologies to meet emission reductions target + to get on a 1.5°C pathway. We examined the opportunities + challenges for a green asset transition of the steel sector in various countries. Thread👇1/6
Finding 1: Before 2030, 71% of existing coal-based blast furnaces (1090 Mt) need reinvestment. Together with new investment in emerging markets (170 Mt), it must flow to low-carbon technologies to save jobs and align the sector with 1.5°C pathway. 2/6
Finding 2: #GlobalSteelTransformation must start in 2020s: key low-carbon technologies can be deployed now. Green steelmaking capacity before 2030 ➡️ many projects in pipeline. Operators should switch to secondary steel production + DRI, coal-based may be a dead-end road. 3/6
Where do we stand today? WB-6 power markets consist almost exclusively of two generation technologies: #lignite and #hydro. The share of either source varies considerably between the countries. 2/12
Finding 1: 90 % of #lignite power plants in the #westernbalkans was put into operation 30 or more years ago. 40 % of the capacities are older than 40 years. The power plant park is in urgent need of #modernisation. 3/12
EU #CoalPhaseOut action plan: 16 EU Members States will be #coal free by 2025, remaining states must follow by 2030 for a cost-efficient #netzero pathway. 6 countries not yet committed to 2030. We identified a policy mix without new fuel lock-ins & minimum costs. Findings 👇1/9
Key Finding 1: The EU's 2030 climate target of -55 % requires a complete #coal phase-out in the power system by 2030. An EU-wide #CoalPhaseOut2030 saves 1 billion tons of CO2 compared to 40 % emissions reduction at little additional costs to consumers. 2/9
How will the EU coal phase-out by 2030 affect the price of #electricity? Consumers can expect a price increase of only 0.5 ct/kWh with a policy mix scenario - a figure that is dwarfed by the current increase in #powerprices driven by more costly #fossilgas. 3/9
Wahlkampfthema #Klimapolitik – wie erreicht DE das 2030-Klimaziel (-65 % ggü 1990)? Im Szenarienvergleich sind sich Gutachter:innen einig: Im Stromsektor muss die neue #BuReg mindestens zwei Punkte in den kommenden Jahren umsetzen. #btw21 1/7
1️⃣ Der Erneuerbaren-Ausbau muss an Tempo gewinnen – d.h. konkret: eine Verdreifachung der jährl. Installationszahlen von #Windkraft + #Solar|anlagen (5–6 GW #Windkraft an Land & 15 GW #Solarenergie). Je nach Szenario braucht DE bis 2030 zw. 435 und 554 TWh erneuerbarem Strom. 2/7
2️⃣ Die #BuReg muss den #Kohleausstieg auf 2030 vorziehen, um die gesetzlich verpflichtenden #Klimaziele zu erfüllen. In allen 2030-Szenarien sinkt #Kohlestrom auf 10 bis max. 28 TWh. Das entspricht dann noch 1 bis max. 5 % der gesamten dt. Stromerzeugung. 3/7