#Empathy, compassion, listening with patience, the willingness to express gratitude and accept mistakes are some of the soft skills that #leaders need to lead happy teams.
Jerks cannot be good #leaders. People #management is about people. You cannot excel at people management if you lack empathy and compassion.
Compassion and empathy in #leadership is non-negotiable
“#Leadership is about empathy. It is about having the ability to relate to and connect with people for the purpose of inspiring and empowering their lives” – Oprah Winfrey
2. •A little research to start. I identified a common challenge faced by #smallbusinesses – lead management. Most businesses struggle with optimum usage of #sales CRMs. They either don’t have a system to manage leads or fail to utilize the functions of a #CRM
3. I created a free Excel based lead management sheet. The LMS is easy to use and has in-built reports to track #sales KPIs and trends
1. Now, more than ever, is the time you should not fail to plan for #employeeengagement. Why?
2. The #COVID19 impact on the way we work and live continues to linger on. There is no end to job, health and life uncertainties. As one after another #pandemic wave subsides and we look to move closer to what was normal, a new variant and spike hits us with greater force.
3. The combination of job insecurity and financial concerns have added to #Mentalhealth challenges and #stress for employees.
Are you a BAD Manager? What makes a #manager good or bad? You need to realize that the correct answer is not a definite point on a scale. Like most quality measurements, the answer would have a range linkedin.com/pulse/you-bad-… #leadership
Like how sweet is a cup of tea? Or like salt to taste. Being a "Good" or "Bad" #manager has a range. Also, there is no one size fits to all approach to #management and #leadership
It helps that we have a range to play. Makes conformance easier and realistic. You have a real chance to be “Good” and an equal probability to be “Bad”. The choice is always ours. #Management#Leadership
Every #sales objection has a way out. Pay attention to what your prospects are really saying with their objections and find a way they simply can’t say “no”. businessmanagementblog.com/handle-sales-o…
The opinion of the buyer gets stronger the longer you choose to ignore the objection. Get it out of your way the sooner you can. #salestips#salestraining