Durian LiftOff Profile picture
Mar 10, 2022 272 tweets >60 min read Read on X

'Endemic Delusion' in Denmark - coming to a continent / country / city / town / village / house near you, if it isn't already in your living-room.

#ElastomericBulletproof ImageImageImageImage

Q & A.

Not sure why anyone would focus on one particular continent when this happens to be a global pandemic.

When Pi?

#ButtonUp #N95 #FFP3 #GoElastomeric #P100 ImageImageImageImage

"Some people call me BA.2(.x). Others say I'm 'Deltacron' or 'Omicron 2'.

I don't mind. You can call me Shepherd's Pi for all I care."

#GoElastomeric #N95 #FFP3 #P100 #MasksInSchools #MasksSaveLives #CorsiRosenthalBox Image

He has a point.

'Every prevailing political party (in office) is going to act like it's "Mission Accomplished" with covid and screw the public right before every election cycle.' Image

A doctor, in the early Wuhan days, told me that C-19 was "serious, but at least it appears to be sparing children. Otherwise we'd have complete carnage".

⚠️ Omicron vs. Delta: 'A 5x greater rate of hospitalisation of infants and children aged 0-4 yrs.' Image
Back in August '21, when Delta was doing its thing, there were scientists predicting where the next 'super-variant' might come from. Indonesia & India were on the list.

So too, funnily enough, was the UK.

'... very poor public health interventions'. ImageImageImageImage

This is not a Hong Kong/South Korea/Japan thing only.

⚠️ 'There is no immunity/herd immunity for SARSCoV2.'

⚠️ 'Reinfections again, and again, and again.'


Once again:

China's maligned Zero Covid policy has paradoxically kept the rest of the world's economies oiled for the last two years.


An Omicron BA.2.2 threat has seen at least 13 Chinese cities locked down: 50% of the USA's freight comes via Shanghai and Yantian. ImageImageImageImage
'Covid-19 cases are exploding in Asia. Here’s what it means for the rest of the world.'


Or: 'Why countries with strong Covid-19 policies are getting hammered.'

BA.2's reproductive number is now +/- ten, making it the most contagious subvariant to date. ImageImageImageImage
Covax. Moderna and Pfizer. Cough-cough.

#VaccineEquity Image

Just stop now. BA.2.++ was enough. BA.4? Give over.

I held up my hands after Delta, and got myself an #elastomeric GVS SPR644 #Elipse #P100 #respirator.

I haven't taken it off (outside) yet.

If you're going to wear a mask, why only go 95% of the way? ImageImageImageImage

'A reminder that hybrid immunity does not confer additional prevention against hospitalisation compared to vaccination alone.'

(Infection + vaccine = not 🦾)

Reinfections? 'Three-times more likely to require ICU admission.'

The old 'Good vs. Evil' game again. Never gets old. Very Balinese; very Mahabharata.

(Hint: Good prevails... but it takes a while.) ImageImageImageImage
On Long Covid - or #PASC (Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS CoV-2 infection) to its friends & family - is raising the bar.

Organ impairment in 59% of a mostly non-hospitalised cohort - including the asymptomatic.

But the Dead Docs already knew that.

#PASC ImageImageImage

Do you want to know which organs were affected, and how?

You're going to have to be patient.

#PASC #LongCovid ImageImageImage
The only problem here is that I wasn't just promised hybrid immunity after a mild, brain-bashing liver-trashing Omicron infection.

I was promised Super Immunity ®.

But I guess that's so Jan '22.

Anyway, here's the science. And don't worry: it's been fact-checked too...

#PASC ImageImageImageImage

Probably this in a nutshell.

'The most important (and under-discussed) Covid-metric is *deaths per variant*.

That’s gone UP since 2020 - and it’s very undercounted.'

Who told you that the pandemic was over? Why? Image

Paediatric admissions for the BA.2 wave in Hong Kong:

⚠️ 1,147 child admissions in 23 days of BA.2.

○ 737 in total over +/-670 days for the rest of the pandemic.

Unvaccinated children are at risk from this subvariant.

Reinfections abound.

#PASC ImageImageImageImage

On Omicron, on getting together, and relying on RATs - rapid antigen tests.

'Why rapid COVID tests aren't more accurate, and how scientists hope to improve them' (23 Jan 2022):


You have been warned.

#CovidKills #MaskUp #PASC ImageImage

On the raging "Is it an Omicron [BA.]2 'wavelet', or a 'mini-wave' - or even a 'bump'?" conversation, as seen from a Canadian perspective.

#NotNormal #FarFromNormal ImageImageImage

Kind of a low bar here set for the US:

'... Given the extremely low infection-fatality rate for Omicron in children, continued mask requirements for schoolchildren are not warranted.'

What's a rate that might raise eyebrows? Asking for a few parents. ImageImage

One for the annals.

'Will Omicron give you Long COVID?'

Notice there's no 'could' in this headline.


A 15-minute podcast worthy of your time, from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

#PASC #LongCovid #FarFromNormal ImageImage
Hypocritical tw_ts have a lot to answer for in this pandemic.

Nice that they out themselves.

#FarFromNormal ImageImage

'Omicron is giving birth to so many new variants and mutations it's becoming almost impossible to keep up with them all. This is extremely concerning, as we will fall behind in analysing the impacts of each new variant that emerges.'

#VeryFarFromNormal ImageImageImageImage

On what RATs are, and what they are currently missing:

⛔ 'RATs have always been a red light to stop you from going someplace you would otherwise have gone.

🚫 Never a green light to let you go despite symptoms.

⛔ Symptoms *always* mean No Go.' ImageImage
A baby aspirin a day keeps the Covid at bay?


Surprising, highly positive outcome from a peer-reviewed study of more than 10,000 PCR tests indicate that a daily baby aspirin can not only cut C-19 positivity by up to 29%, but also blunt Long Covid/#PASC. ImageImageImage

It's incredible what a little morality, hard work, unselfishness, community-minded discipline and science-led politics can achieve in two-and-a-bit years.

#NoAprilFool ImageImage
April Fools'! Image

'Omicron' doing some heavy lifting with an endless array of mutations, recombinants and sublineages...

When 'Pi' or 'Sigma'?

When will it be politically convenient to label a new, distinct threat - in the middle of all the Pandemic Over parties? ImageImageImage

A complex scientific paper from 'Nature' - broken down into layperson's language in the thread - describing serious and negative effects of SARS-CoV-2 on monkeys' brains.


Poor monkeys; poor humans.

#PASC #LongCovid #CovidKills ImageImageImage

On how Covid-19 can trigger your T-cells to commit harakiri - which isn't a good thing, as your T-cells play a huge role in your immune response - and why getting infected over and over again isn't a smart thing to do.


nature.com/articles/s4141… ImageImage

More on the Great News Front.

In the 30 days after a C-19 infection:

🩸 Six-fold increase in odds of developing deep vein thrombosis;

🩸 32-fold increase in odds of pulmonary embolism.


bmj.com/content/377/bm… ImageImage

Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 are detected in South Africa - where 'mild' Omicron first established a bridge-head.

⚠️ BA.2 is as different to BA.1 as Delta was to Alpha.

⚠️ BA.4 and BA.5 are 63-84% more contagious than BA.2, and are likely more pathogenic. ImageImage
2022: The Year of Reinfection (after Reinfection)™. Image

Alas, poor Pi.

Must be devastating for BA.2 to have put in all those extra stage hours, only to be passed over by the CDC and the WHO's running dogs.

A real career-banger.

Anyway, I'm sure it'll reinvent itself in time for next year's Oscars. Image

So far, in April, ten new (sub)variants to track.

All are more infectious than Omicron BA.2.

Some carry the L452R mutation - associated with higher pathogenicity, more immune evasion and more contagiousness - found in Delta. ImageImageImage

Back to the T cell front.


'... little is known about how SARS-CoV-2 effectively dismantles one of our primary tools of defense...'

... but it does.

'Marked lymphopenia is observed in 83.2% of SARS-CoV-2 patients'.

#C19Kills ImageImageImageImage

I got my new LieOmeter™ in the post today, and decided to try it out.

#LieOmeterTastic ImageImageImageImage
Five very solid articles on why picking up any variant of Covid-19 is a very bad idea.

Hint: 'Herd immunity via infection' is a dead end.

Suggestion: Buy yourself a solid P100 elastomeric respirator, and to hell with the rest of the crowd.

#C19Kills Image
'Variant Whiplash' coming to Merriam-Webster's in 2022.



"The United States jumped from BA.2 to BA.2.12 to BA.2.12.1 in the space of a month. I can't keep up with all these new numbers and letters. I think I'm getting variant whiplash."

#C19 ImageImageImageImage

'The used-virus salesmen and infection-based immunity apologists ("Waves are immunity updates, not mass death") are out in force [regarding the latest hepatitis outbreak in children and infants].'

#C19 Image

On the recent, rising trend of liver failure in children - and why blaming an adenovirus (with weak, circumstantial evidence) is, in this gastroenterologist's opinion, suspect at best.

By Farid Jalali, MD.

#C19 Image
One more protective (vaccine) panacea to add to 'the monoclonal antibody graveyard'.

When BA.4/BA.5 arrive in your neighbourhood, you can throw Astra Zeneca's Evushield to the wind.


BA.4/BA.5 show 'a 30-fold resistance to cilgavimad compared to BA.2'. ImageImage

'Imagine how many are still only swabbing their nose and continuing the infection chain.

You need to be swabbing both nose and throat.'

#C19 ImageImageImage

'How often can you be infected with the Coronavirus?'

Um... lots of times? Until you're thoroughly disabled, in constant pain, have lost your mind or are plain dead.

Stupid, sad and pathetic that mainstream media is only cottoning onto this now.

#C19 ImageImageImageImage

Pi's - sorry, BA.2*'s - Super Power seems to be its rabbit-like ability to create babies. The Marvel Strength Scale needs revising.

C-19 got its severity right with Delta, & Omicron BA.1* worked hard at its super-contagion.

Now: BA.2*, 4/5 and a bowl. ImageImageImage

'Omicron' BA.4 and BA.5 heading across Europe, and already designated as 'Variants of Concern' due to their 'high degree of immune escape'.

Vaccines waning. Under-5s unvaccinated.

What comes after Pi? Looks like we missed a couple of beats.

#C19Kills Image

2020: The Year of Crap Masks and Handwashing.

2021: The Year of the Vaccine.

2022: The Year of Reinfection (After Reinfection).

Rule #1 & 2: Don't get infected.

Rule #3: If you do get infected, don't get into the habit - and keep your virus load low. Image

On why vaccines & boosters helped make Omicron (BA.1) 'mild'.

That doesn't help unvaccinated children or those who are still on zero or one shot - or those receiving under-par vaccines like the Sputnik or Sinovac.

Hooray for the world's 'First Nations'! ImageImage

Molnupiravir doesn't seem to be thriving in this environment. And Paxlovid, the Great White Cope, likes its rebounds.

How about not catching the disease in the first place? Or is that old fashioned?

#C19 ImageImage

The Great Unwashed... outdoors.

Note to Self: Don't hang about unmasked outside. It's stupid.

#C19 Image

On C-19; on certain governments' and individuals' responses; and 'senicide' (or 'geronticide') - the killing off of old folk (or their abandonment to death).


I don't see how this is funny.

#C19 #Senicide ImageImageImageImage

At the bottom of the ladder, a healthy lathering of infanticide and Herodism as the UK continues to blame Adenovirus and not C-19 for the acute hepatitis outbreak in children; and unvaccinated 0-10 year-olds hung out to dry.

#C19 ImageImageImageImage
Expect a hot European Summer.

Portugal is the world's first country where BA.5 is now dominant.

Note that 'mild' Omicron BA.1* died in April. Note the BA.2*/BA.5 Death Cross.

Portugal: Positive test rate up to ~50%. Highest death rates since Feb '22. ImageImageImageImage
I find this a fascinating map of how SARS-CoV-2 has evolved... baby-giant step by giant step... and on and on.

Flow on flow; improvement after improvement. Jackpot severity with Delta but lacking transmissibility; backtracking & solving it with Omicron.

Now big-boy steps.

#C19 ImageImage

This is the current state of the human condition in a nutshell, as exposed by a little virus.

It's honestly a really sad indictment. It's just quite sad.

#C19 Image

Another accurate comment on how the (modern) human species has reacted to a chronic threat.

I find humans a generally weak animal.

#C19 Image

Clear observation on living in a chronically stressful situation, and how fear can manifest.

Fear is useful to alter behaviour that would otherwise result in pain or death. Change behaviour = distance oneself from the threat.

#C19 Image

On deluded ostrich-hopium - not a sustainable recipe.

Or just read.

Knowledge in a pandemic is not power: it's self-preservation.

#C19 Image

'Omicron' (Pi) BA.2's speciality/superpower: Making Babies.

nb. Also:

XAC and

... which wouldn't fit in the screenshot.

XAC is a BA.1/BA.2 recombinant.

#C19 Image

'Lots of speculation about reinfection from BA.4/5 after BA.2. Here's one data point:'

'We have an employee with a reinfection [after BA.2] in less than 30 days.'

#C19 #2022TheYearOfReinfectionAfterReinfection Image

Omicron (BA.1*) was a gift from the Tricksters' God to persuade the populace that C-19 was over: mild, and attenuating. It isn't.

The WHO's refusal to follow their own Greek letter-labelling system for new, distinct variants compounded the lie.

#C19 Image
The Great Omicron Con.

'How subvariants are named, and why none of Omicron’s family members has been upgraded to a ‘variant of concern’ (VOC).'


'... the WHO’s system places a priority on the ease of communication to the public.'

What system?

#C19 ImageImage

'The facts are that this disease will be detrimental to you and your family in a host of ways. Ignoring it or believing the propaganda will only leave you worse off. Not today, maybe not tomorrow but it will affect you in some way before too long.'

#C19 ImageImage
"Life is for living."

"Live your best life."


'Babies with prenatal exposure to SARS-CoV-2 were 86% more likely to be diagnosed with a brain development disorder in their first year than babies who weren’t exposed before birth.'

"I feel hot in my mask." ImageImageImage

"Life is for living."

"Live your best life."

The sheer self-centredness of these mantras is colossal.

#C19 Image

2022: The Year of Reinfection After Reinfection.

And no, you don't become immune; you either die sooner or later from a heart attack or a lung embolism, or your kidneys pack up or your liver does or you just go plain stupid.


If you're on a triple AZ or Pfizer, you may not have caught the magic bullet train. (A large cohort of Brits were given two AZs and a Pfizer; along with a Moderna if you were lucky.)

'Omicron' BA.4/BA.5: in a village, town, city or house near you.

#C19 Image

'A study of triple-vaccinated people says Omicron infection does little to reduce the chance of catching the variant again' - perhaps, and bear with me here - because we're no longer dealing with Omicron (BA.1*).

#C19 Image

A dose of C-19 may add ten years' worth of ageing to your brain - or make you feel fairly pissed most of the time.

So what happens after you catch a second infection?

The magic elixir of life: yes, you may feel as if you live to a hundred.

#C19 ImageImage
'Children under 12 can't be infected (or contagious).'

"There's a missing section in there just before 'oops'. The 'we now admit it's real, but it's too late now to do anything about it' one."

#C19 Image

'Children under the age of 12 can't be infected (or contagious).'

The Great Barrington Declaration authors - Trump's quasi-medical inner circle - have a lot of young blood on their faces now.

So does its UK 'Us For Them' branch of child undertakers. Image
If you've been infected with SARS-CoV-2, you have a ⬆️ risk factor for developing these conditions:

350%: Alzheimer's.
260%: Parkinson's.
270%: Ischaemic stroke.
480%: Bleeding in the brain.


nb: 'Flu comes around once a year, not 3 times in 6 months. ImageImageImageImage
Grounded, hard-to-argue-with observation on C-19 and the African continent.

'Anyone who thought Africa would have enormous immediate deaths somehow missed that the median age in 2020 was just 19.7.'


'Enormous long-term debilitation.'

#C19 Image
BA.5(*) is set to dust around the world's corners from mid-2022.


#C19 ImageImageImageImage
BA.5: Rho or Sigma?

#C19 #WHOcares Image

Expect a large number of reinfections with BA.4/BA.5.


"As the population becomes more immune, the virus becomes more and more immune evasive."

#C19 ImageImage

'Talking about current Covid risk and science to people in real life sort of feels like explaining the danger of zombie bites to a group of zombies.'

About that bite...

#C19 Image

About those zombies...

'This pandemic really brings out the true colours in people you once respected...'

#C19 ImageImage

About that zombie bite...

'... Covid patients with "classic" Covid lung pathology and the need for mechanical ventilation are growing again.'

It's like Delta in mid-'21, except with the hyper-infectious, immune-elusive, non-dramatically named BA.5*. Image

I'd go with the Numbers Man on this one.

Mike Honey's a great follow for figures. Accurate present trends = more accurate future predictions.

Knowing where your country is regarding variants' rises or falls gives you valuable time to adjust risk.

#C19 Image
It's the sirens that give a variant away.

Living unvaccinated through Delta in a country whose oxygen had run out, and hearing the sirens on repeat from 1, 2, 3, 4am and on 'till dawn at 6, was the scariest time of 2021 for me.

#C19 Image

'Blood from Covid-19 patients was taken during the acute phase of infection. A comparable reduction in B-cells was found in both diseases and a more severe reduction in the total amount of T-cells in Covid-19 compared to AIDS patients.'

#C19 #HIV #AIDS Image
"The gates for Flight BA5 to Bali, and Flight BA275 to Lesbos are now open. Please make your way to the gates now."

What the ☠ tourists don't realise is the BA.5/2.75 that they just gave a Balinese cashier will likely financially break that cashier's family.

British Airways 🏴‍☠️ Image

"Covid? Long Covid? It's all in your brain... it's all in your mind, you fool."

#C19 #CueBrainDamage #GenerationEyeCue19 Image

Not waves or wavelets: full-moon tidal surge after tidal surge.

King Canute was humble and right; not narcissistically and idiotically arrogant.

An early victim of misinformation by second-hand storytellers.

There's a proverb in here.

#C19 ImageImageImage

'Cryptic circulation'... and that beast Delta, which never seems to completely die away.

The Times of Israel is a reliable media reflection of a serious country that has everything to lose if it lets go in the fight against SARS-CoV-2.

#C19 ImageImage

If your brain is the body's motherboard, Covid-19 is the chip fryer.

☣ Declining cognitive function.
☣ Alzheimer's markers shown in blood tests.
☣ Brain-volume loss shown in CT scans.
☣ Brain inflammation.

A bit like Alzheimer's.

#C19 Image
- "I've spoken to some passengers and they're all feeling really positive about the situation."

[Cuts to C-19-riddled cruise-ship bogan OAP.]

- "Theerz now coffin', now sneezin'... Eeveereewon's heppy!!"

You gotta laugh. It's the only way out.

#C19 Image



It's a never-ending list. And it's sad, and it spells trouble.

#GenerationEyeCue19 #GraveNewWorld ImageImage

... Pilots, train drivers, bus drivers... car drivers.

Lots of car drivers.

A 12% surge in car-crash deaths in the USA in the first nine months of 2021 - the largest increase since records began nearly 50 years ago.

#C19BrainDamage ImageImageImageImage
On RATs. Image

On Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs): they don't mix well with Omicron.

2-3 days minimum before a symptomatic infection shows positive - if you're swabbing correctly (ie. the back of the throat). If symptomatic, get a PCR test; earliest + is 72 hours.

#C19 ImageImageImageImage

If you're going to swab like a normie, swab the back of your throat.

If you're going to swab your nasal passages like a pro, then follow a pro.

Dr. Levi is an Adult & Paediatric Otolaryngologist and Head & Neck Surgeon.

#C19 ImageImage

🌡 Don't assume you are uninfected after one or two negative rapid tests - they are not reliable indicators.

🌡 When symptomatic, test repeatedly. Test with PCR if you are able.

#C19 ImageImage

There's a point when anecdata shifts to a trend, and a trend with Covid-19 is never a welcome signpost.

'Beware the false reassurance of RATs, and those coughers who insist that "they don't have it"'.

The denial is strong, risky and dangerous.

#C19 Image

On SARS-CoV-1, and long-term physical and psychiatric disability in survivors.


PTSD, depression, somatoform pain disorder and OCD.

Lucky SARS-CoV-2 has managed such a weak spread in its 2½ years, and that it spares the brain. ImageImageImage
Previous tweet: Extreme Sarcasm Alert.

Sad you have to label sarcasm for what it is - I thought part of the fun of being sarcastic was the side-splitting penny-drop.

What's the fun in 21st-century humour if you can't even engage in the lowest form of wit without Twitmo dread. Image

'Herd immunity via unbridled mass infection': a lie that suited politicians and government-fielded economists.

'Hybrid immunity': the virus's 3-monthly surges are too effective for their own good, and simply run out of fresh meat to infect.

#C19 Image

An observation on C-19, or the climate crisis, or MPXV.

'It's like Covid - why put the fear of reality in them? Better to let them face the consequences unprepared. That way at least they'll be happy for a short time until the sh1t hits the fan.'

#C19 Image
There's little good news on the horizon; but this pre-print is positive.


'Intranasal vaccine for Covid-19: non-invasive, needle-free, and doesn't require trained healthcare workers' - ideal for low-income, geographically-spread nations.

#C19 ImageImageImage

Holy Mary Mother, the All Saints, and whatever else is up there that can help us.

A C-19 pandemic aftershock: the scale and scope, and almost unviable level of Stupid in so many Northern Hemisphere populations.

The unbearable lightness of Mad.

#C19 ImageImage
And not forgetting pockets of the Southern Hemisphere...

Think hairdryers - a great distribution system for C-19 - and hairdressers too busy shampooing your scalp to cover a cough or a sneeze - with a skin-to-skin Monkeypox dessert. Mm.

#C19 Image

This C-19 game is going nowhere fast.

It's that pesky Selfish gene that can't keep its head down.

And those old, deadly sins of laziness and greed.

#C19 #SomeThingsNeverChange Image

'The problem with a pandemic is not just the pandemic.

You can look back in history and see this again and again.

Pandemics destabilise trade, finance, economies, regimes, religions, populations and leaders.'

#C19 Image
Endemic; not much to write home about.

Serious lung, heart, kidney and pancreatic problems in 5-26% of children who've had Covid-19.


Breathing problems, changes in taste and smell, brain 'fog', anxiety, depression, fatigue and sleep disorders...

#C19 ImageImage

'Endemic Covid-19 in Kids', ctd.


'Greater risks of blood clots, heart problems, kidney failure, Type 1 diabetes...'

Nothing to worry about, then. Wonder what endemic Monkeypox will look like.

#C19 ImageImageImageImage

Don't count on the BA.1* that you caught at Christmas, or the BA.5 that caught you on the beach over Summer to do much in the way of protecting you against an Autumnal dose of BA.2.75.

Tidal surges, not tidal waves.

#C19 #MaskUp Image
Can attest.

'Loss Of Smell Linked To Long Term Covid Cognitive Impairment.'


Entire loss of smell and taste in April/May '20 during first infection. I lost my internal thesaurus after that.

After a second infection in Feb '22, my dictionary went.

#C19 ImageImage

A useful compilation of articles regarding C-19 damage to the...

🕛 Brain
🕐 Heart
🕑 Liver
🕒 Kidneys
🕓 Eyes
🕔 Ears
🕕 Nervous system
🕖 Endocrine system
🕗 Immune system
🕘 ... and the Reproductive system.

Oh, and skin.

#C19 Image
Obligatory link to 'The Forever Plague' by Andrew Nikiforuk.


'A pandemic that progressively weakens its host population with each successive wave is ultimately more dangerous than one that dispatches 10 per cent of the population & then vanishes.'

#C19 ImageImageImageImage
If you're still short on links to articles that heap fact on fact in regard to the deleterious impact of SARS-CoV-2 on the human body, here's Nikiforuk's response to criticism of his 'Forever Plague' piece.


Mass infection is a dire trajectory.

#C19 ImageImageImage

'Seriously, there’s more stigma now to being careful about Covid than being contagious with it.'

#C19 Image

Continuing in our Andrew Nikiforuk vein is his brain-slashingly sharp first-person narrative as 'The Pandemic' - a beast that has laughed its way through millennia of guileless human beings.


It's not pretty.

#C19 #MPX #PolioToo Image

The writing was on the wall two years ago today: herd immunity by infection is bullshit; a lie.

#C19 ImageImage

C-19 + 'flu = bad.

C-19 + anything bad = also bad.

C-19 + 'flu + anything bad = badder.

#C19 Image

C-19 + polio = a bit shit.

Especially for children who haven't completed a full vaccination course for polio - or been vaccinated at all for C-19.

Think 'lower-income southern hemisphere', where medicine is often an impossibly pricey luxury.

#C19 Image

Knowledge isn't power in a 21st-century pandemic: it's survival.

#C19 Image

It's all about this. The level of self-centredness come to life in this pandemic is...

'2020 : We’re all in this together.
2022: You do you.' *

* 'You do you, but not if it makes me feel guilty! In that case, do as little as I do so I feel OK.'

#C19 Image

When Ted says he's scared, it was probably time yesterday to pack yourself and your closest into the nearest Mazda Bongo you can find and go and find a place where you can live off baked beans for a very long time.

#C19 Image

🎈BA.2.75 symptoms to beware of in your neighbours/co-shoppers/family circle:

🌡Sore throat
🌡Nasal congestion
🌡Body ache

Maskless people walking around Aldi coughing their cheeks off are just low-par horrid now.

#C19 Image

SARS-CoV-2 and HIV walk into a crowded bar...

Follow the featured thread to the end - even if you're not medical - and tell me you're not suppressing the odd goose-pimple, or a flash of Kaposi's sarcoma by the time you finish eating it.

#C19 Image


The utter idiocy of human life on this planet.

We're in such big, fat trouble.

Question is, how long will it take before the fools off themselves?

A: Probably not fast enough.

#C19 Image
A fantastic historical read on the curative effects of fresh air - and the use of masks - to combat tuberculosis, war wounds and the 1918/'19 'Spanish' influenza pandemic.


Not much learnt from, then. Not hugely surprising.

#C19 #LessonsFromTheVault ImageImage
A solid piece of the #PASC/#PACS/Long Covid jigsaw clicks into place.


Patients with PASC displayed low levels of cortisol in their blood - which was also 'awash with a category of "exhausted" T cells'. Reactivation of herpesviruses was also noted.

#C19 ImageImageImageImage

'Accepting the disease and not the protections...'

... is counter-intuitive. It goes against our survival instinct.

Why is this accepted as normal when it results in death or disability?

Illogical absurdism. Capricious.

#C19 #Brainache ImageImage

I notice this in myself: my autopilot has been switched off.

I have to make a cup of coffee through a series of steps.

Each step is a conundrum; a question; a search for the solution; and the act of solving.

1. "My mug is empty."
2. "..."

#C19 #PASC Image
If C-19 causes a higher incidence of cognitive impairment - brain damage, aka dementia - in survivors over 60 - then what the hell is it doing to grey matter in foetuses, babies, children, adolescents... and adults?


Forgotten your keys lately?

#C19 ImageImage

So what does a C-19 infection do to a kid's brain?

Surprisingly, there is evidence of 'cerebral hypo-function' - 'hypo' being the opposite of 'hyper'.

Meaning thick, not clever.

#GenerationEyeQueue19 Image

If you lost your sense of smell with the OG Wuhan strain - I did - then it's a bit of an 'oh'.

'Severe dementia-like' brain damage in one in three seniors, showing as 'impairments in memory, attention and executive function'.

Hi, holes.

#C19 ImageImage
China knows that its people are its economic backbone. A little cold, I'm sure - but accurate and true.

The surprising thing about the rich Northern Hemisphere/capitalist Western nations is that they don't give a flying fvck about their populations: smash-n-grab, an' fvck you. Image
For the origins of SARS-CoV-2, you must read the following article; or you are doing yourself a disservice.

♠️ nymag.com/intelligencer/…

'For some reason, people aren't getting this.'

Perhaps because you're fed sh1t like this:

theguardian.com/world/2022/aug… ImageImage
2015: 'An experiment that created a hybrid version of a bat coronavirus - one related to the virus that causes SARS - triggered renewed debate over whether engineering lab variants of viruses with possible pandemic potential is worth the risks.'


#Chimera ImageImageImageImage
Some lite relief - on the possible Origins of the Beast.

Imagine creating 'humanised mice'. And then infecting them with a chimaera Horseshoe Bat coronavirus that could bind to human airway cells.

Mengele-level. Financed by the USA's NIH & DOD.

#C19 Image

C-19 is slippery; so are its symptoms that shift between major variants.

Anecdata from India suggest possible new symptoms, including:

🌡Acute coronary syndrome
🌡Myocardial infarction (heart attack)
🌡Decreased urine output

#C19 ImageImage
If you think that BA.5 - you know, the Variant Of Concern
that the WHO forgot to give a name to, and which ripped through your neighbourhood in July - was a lemon, then you're wrong.

It killed more people than any other variant in Australia, New Zealand and, soon, Japan.

#C19 ImageImage

The next time you start moaning about the Commie policy of "No, we don't want a brain-mulching, granny-killing, kid-crushing bat chimera virus on the loose", then ponder what a big fat fix the West would be in right now without China's workforce.

#C19 ImageImage
Meanwhile in the USA - the shining light of illuminated thought and lily-white Humanity First economics...


'Think the CDC F–ked up Covid-19? Monkeypox and Polio Aren’t Going Any Better'.

Here we go again. Bye, 2023.

#C19 #MPX #PolioToo ImageImage

'Always operate within your limits.

If you cross your baseline - if you try to push a little further each time - it will cause your baseline to shrink further.'

Note: emotional exertion is a thing. Stay away from it if you still suffer from Covid-19. ImageImageImageImage

When is 'Covid pneumonia' not Covid pneumonia?


Why was the virus that causes Covid-19 buttonholed so early as a respiratory syndrome when its baseline is vascular - and that 'Covid pneumonia' is pulmonary vasculopathy?

#C19 ImageImageImage

'We are swimming in an ocean of denial, including the (understandable) denial that our own governments would deliberately let millions be infected knowing what COVID can do to a body.'

#C19 #OceanOfLiesMediaBullshitAndTopDownFuckYous Image
Do you understand yet?

You are on your own.

Your US, British, Canadian and Australian governments and their media rooks don't give a flying fvck whether you, or the members of your family, or your best friends are brain-damaged beyond recognition, or dead.

#C19 #GotItYet? ImageImage
"We need to prepare for large increases in cardiovascular, neurological and mental health disorders..."

'The chief scientist of the WHO saying this should be breaking news.

Your friends who aren’t on Twitter won’t even know she said this.'

#C19 ImageImage

Your Personal Responsibility Pandemic Checklist as you push your trolley around Aldi's frozen-food section.

(You'll need qualifications in statistics, epidemiology, virology and moral philosophy to answer all 10 questions correctly.)

#C19 #GoodLuck ImageImageImage

Matters of the Heart.

A heavily linked thread on why you might want to begin to think of Covid-19 as a chiefly vascular, rather than respiratory, disease.

#C19 #PASC #PostAcuteSequelaeOfCovid19 Image

Round and round she goes...

EU excess mortality in 2022 > 2021 or 2020.

Particularly striking in the EU: excess mortality among children in 2022 'has already exceeded the whole-year level of 2021'.

... where she stops, nobody knows.

#C19 #TidalSurges ImageImageImage

The number of pregnant women walking around maskless - all, without exception yesterday, in a city near me - is astounding.

Akin to go-karting seven days a week without a seatbelt, with your future lineage banging against the steering wheel. ImageImageImageImage

This virus is really getting a wriggle on: no rest for the wicked.

It's almost like it was pre-programmed to hone itself ad infinitum, regardless of geography.


Kind of unbelievable.

#C19 #TheCassandraCurse ImageImageImage
The Atlantic can be very hit-and-miss: this is a hit.

A treatise on 'brain fog': Covid-19-induced brain damage.

'It raises unconscious activities to the level of effortful consciousness, and makes easy tasks absurdly hard.'

theatlantic.com/health/archive… Image
'Older people who were infected with COVID-19 show a substantially higher risk - as much as 50% to 80% higher than a control group - of developing Alzheimer’s disease within a year, according to a study of more than 6 million patients 65 and older.'


#C19 Image
From the over-65s (bad luck if you've had C-19 a couple of times) to the other end of life's age-range. (Bad luck if you're a kid and you're on your second or third school-caught dose.)

A heavily-linked thread on Covid-19 and the young:

#C19 #PASC ImageImageImage
On C-19 reinfections:

'Our new reality begs the question: What does a life where COVID strikes our immune system over and over again look and feel like?'


“Getting hit with a baseball bat once is better than getting hit five times,” one expert said. Image
The Lancet doing the WHO's job:


'Long COVID might itself be an emerging pandemic.'

'Might' doing a lot of lifting there.

#C19 ImageImage

Why this virus scares me: independent of geography or linked cases, it is showing convergent evolution.

I don't like that. I don't think that bodes well.

#C19 Image
Imagine the Pentagon and China screwing in a lab, and then dream up the kind of bastard chimera they'd conceive.


It really stinks.

#C19 #GeneticGenie ImageImage

'Convergent evolution' in SARS-CoV-2:

'[Omicron's] immune escape really appears to be shockingly efficient, new highly mutated variants appear almost every week, and there is no reason to believe that the process will end.'

#C19 ImageImage

'Convergent evolution':

'In evolutionary biology, convergent evolution is defined as the process whereby distantly related organisms independently evolve similar traits to adapt to similar necessities.'

It's... getting complicated.

#C19 Image

I do like it when clever people break cleverspeak down into simplespeak: it's the sign of a good teacher.

I'm still digesting this. But I think I can follow it far enough to get a grip of the beast that it is.

C-19 reminds me of HAL in '2001'.

#C19 Image
SARS-CoV-2 (after Omicron BA.1):

'I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission.

And I want to help you.'

#C19 Image

'COVID-19 is a communicable disease that causes non-communicable diseases (like heart failure, stroke and diabetes).'


#C19 #MeatGrinder Image

The Lunchtime Specials board looking like a full-on bijou menu now.

("Can I have the Basilisk, well-done, with a side-order of Parkinson's, please.")

#C19 Image

A series of threads on widespread sudden deaths by @MeetJess and compiled by @1goodtern.

'[Strokes, heart attacks, embolisms and aneurysms are] happening at a speed and consistency that is not normal...'

#C19 #CatastrophicCovidInjuries Image

Jeez, this world is getting dark.

"Man who says he may die if protections are dropped dies from protections being dropped. Infectious Disease doctor responds, "Well what do you want us to do, protect people from infectious disease?"

#C19 ImageImageImage

Shit, this looks like it might even work:

'New drug has potential to turn SARS-CoV-2 virus against itself'.


The trick is to remain as uninfected as possible until a way is found to defeat this virus.

Don't lose hope.

#C19 ImageImage

A blood-brother in C-19 brain pain. Believe him about the brain 'fog' (damage) too: mine also gets embarrassing.

Interesting that Amitryptyline helps him: it helps me too. And twice-daily Propranolol helps more.

Consult with your doctor, please.

#C19 ImageImageImage

I have these same feelings now. I am not among the 97% in this country. I don't give a shit who doesn't mask, or who endangers their own family or mine through their short-termist selfishness and ignorance. I just don't give a shit anymore. 1/ ImageImage
Do wtf you want. Save yourself, or knock yourself off. Attempt to save your family and friends, or not. What I do or say will make no difference at all. Masking for others that don't give a shit is a one-way dead-end. They'll hurt or kill themselves anyway, and... 2/
... there's absolutely nothing I can do. I can continue to mask for myself - kind of boring at this stage of my life, with a couple of solid infections under my belt. My heart hurts, and my brain gives me daily pain. I am getting stupider by the day. I continue to mask... 3/
... more out of dogged, bored habit than anything else at this stage. It won't cure a sore heart, and it won't reverse the damage to my brain. I think I mask now out of a reptilian stab at survival, nothing more. It's boring. I'm bored. And I'm bored with the majority... 4/
... of humanity at this stage. I'm disappointed with the human experiment. It's a lost-in-space shitshow. 5/ end
Well, that was a trip 👆🏼. The evening before Kajeng Kliwon always pokes the genies.

Back down on earth, I learnt the difference between commensal microbes and pathogenic microbes today.

They make a lotta sense. And you don't wanna mix them up.

#C19 ImageImage

A realistic humanist's reading on what is going down with vaxxed friends or family who don't get the 'protections' business, who don't mask and who really think that Covid is 'flu, and that every little infection makes you stronger.

It's just sad.

#C19 ImageImage
More on the 'infection is good for your child's evolution' game of circus mirrors. JoHo's (@19joho) a solid read.


'Is it “Natural and Healthy” When Children Get Sick With COVID?'

#C19 ImageImage

On Alzheimer's Disease and SARS-CoV-2 infections: another comprehensive compilation of articles by the great Jess™.

Now what did I come in here for?

#C19 ImageImageImageImage
Just a reminder about the bullshit*.

* Murderous lies and bullshit.

#C19 Image

On Hybrid Immunity™:

'There is only one way to get “hybrid immunity”, and that is to be part of a chain that probably kills someone else.'

#C19 Image
Just throwing this around for people who like their global supply chains uninterrupted.

#C19 Image

From 'hybrid immunity' to 'the airbiome'.

Folks, we have crossed over the Rubicon into Farce Territory - and the road to hell is nothing if not entertaining.

Humans try so hard at fvcking things up. It's an impressive feat.

#C19 Image

Yet more unusually widespread, sudden deaths in unexpected demographics.

Omicron really had/is having the last laugh this year:

- "Think I'm pretending I got mild? The joke's on you, and you, and you..."

Late bloomer.

#C19 ImageImageImage

"I'm getting sub-sub-sub-variant whiplash from all this alphabet soup".

#C19 ImageImage

This is where following intelligent people on Twitter - the 'DIY Pandemic Model' - may help you avoid an infection by a nasty (near-)future variant, and may save another portion of your brain, or your life.

Precautions? #P100 #elastomeric + booster now. ImageImageImage
Just a reminder that SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19 is a Biosafety Level 3 pathogen - just like the plague, tuberculosis and anthrax.

The really serious boys and girls are in the Level 4 category: Ebola, Lassa fever, Marburg virus and Bolivian hemorrhagic fever.

#C19 #Yuk Image

2022: The Year of Reinfection After Reinfection™.

(And yes, reinfections just hurt more and make you more stupid.)

#C19 #MoreInStore #BlackWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayAndSunday Image

46 million people with #PASC/#PCC/#LongCovid in the United States of America?

That's gotta hurt (the economy). Lotta slow-thinkers incoming.

#C19 #PostCovidConditions #PostAcuteSequelaeOfCovid19 #ChronicCovid Image
'Why Covid-19 Made This Sexually-Transmitted Superbug Even Worse'.


Oof: that's gotta hurt too.

'Specially when the antibiotics don't anti so well.

(Hint: "I'm a gonner heah..."!)

#C19 #ClapForTheGovernments Image

We're at the 'bundles of new variants' stage of the pandemic now.

Well, that's what you get for being lazy and putting your Happy Life first.

#MeFirst #PickAndMixHappyMealSeason #C19 Image

(Heavy) vomiting & diarrhoea appear to be new symptoms to be aware of with the newest variant to hit the shelves: BQ.1.1.

Like many of 2022's subvariants, it doesn't appear to show up well on RATs.

#C19 #ButtonUp #MaskUp Image

"Here comes the wave, do-do-do-doo... 🎶"

It's not like the sea didn't suddenly retreat from the beach, and didn't leave us all stranded there thinking, "Well damn. What does *that* mean?"

#C19 #VariantBundles Image
At (long) last.

🦋 theguardian.com/society/2022/o…

🦋 theguardian.com/society/2022/o…

🦋 theguardian.com/society/2022/o…

🦋 theguardian.com/society/2022/o…

A reputable media outlet makes a splash about #LongCovid, also known as #PASC (Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19) or #PCC (Post-COVID-19 Conditions). Image
'Think about your heart, and Covid-19.'

#ThisIsNotGovernmentAdvice #C19 #WatchYourself Image
Dengue's a killer, and it's not just Pakistan's record floods that have spurred this wet-season mosquito-borne disease to new levels.

Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines have also seen extreme rises - coinciding with populations hit hard by Covid-19 spread.

#C19 Image

And talking of dengue fever complicated by C-19, take a look at a (clever) doctor's opinions on why they are a very bad mix.

#C19 #DengueFever Image
On who makes the money when the chips are down.

Hint: 'Bank'. (Casino.)

War; pestilence; 'rebuilding' and 'regeneration' of bombed-flat countries; and medicine that 'cures' a plague that was left to run riot.

Nota bene: Pfizer's Paxlovid is 💩.

#C19 Image

'Omicron variant-evolution is officially off the chart in terms of numbers of mutations.'

This is horrible news.

That's a big front.

#C19 #Foreboding Image

On SARS-CoV-2-/superantigen-induced immunodeficiencies.

A good, radical thread.

#CytokineStorm #C19 ImageImageImage

Holy Fvckwit: we're here.

The tracks are not heading in the right direction.

#C19 Image

'2020… the year we discovered how to mitigate the 1918 'flu pandemic, and chose not to.

When I say “we”, I am excluding all sensible countries like Japan.'

#DisasterMismanagement #C19 Image
Pandemic management, US-style.

It hurts too many brains to wonder why the world's major capitalist nations aren't pushing for something so simple as masks to save lives and help eradicate SARS-CoV-2.

There's no good reason not too: except for $.

#C19 Image
You've got to wonder how the people who've had no vaccinations yet - or a couple of crappy ones, like the Sinovac or the AZ plus a booster - are faring in this multi-fronted Omicron blitz?

Imagine four infections on three AZ doses: good, or not good? Image
You know things are getting weird when your Long Covid doctor has to take her own Long Covid into account in order to perform her work and stay on task.

That's where we are.

#C19 #WeirdTimes #PASC #PostAcuteSequelaeOfCovid19 Image

Some people's work is arguably more important than others. Lose one highly trained, experienced psychiatrist to SARS-CoV-2 and 300-600 patients lose their mainstay.

Similar story in lower-middle-income countries: lose a GP and a whole community suffers. Image

'Long Covid', or just 'Covid'?

° Abnormal coagulation.
° Microclots.
° Autoimmunity.
° Viral persistence.

The headshed finally concocted some decent antiretrovirals for #HIV/#AIDS - so what's the hold-up for SARS-CoV-2?

#PASC #LongCovid #C19 ImageImage
On immunological dysfunction following mild-to-moderate SARS-CoV-2 infection:

'Missing naive T cells - seen in HIV.

Missing naive T cells and B cells - unprecedented?'

The Nature article:

🌐 nature.com/articles/s4159…

Layperson explanation:


#C19 ImageImageImageImage

1/ 'COVID-19 is fighting back by generally depressing the whole adaptive [immune] system.

We are showing resilience to COVID reinfections due to adapting… but we are becoming more vulnerable in general to infections of all kinds.'

#C19 Image

2/ 'Worst case scenario: a single infection causes ongoing and progressive immunodeficiency.

Best case scenario: a single infection causes temporary immunosuppression, and we suppress COVID transmission enough to allow recovery.'

#C19 Image

3/ 'Most likely scenario, medium-term: immunosuppression that becomes continuous and possibly progressive due to reinfections.'

#C19 Image

4/ 'Also, reduced immune function after a viral infection is NOT unusual. Many viruses do this. The concerning issue is the length and breadth of the immune system dysfunction coupled with emerging evidence of other pathogens taking advantage.'

#C19 Image
The Omicron famiglia and internecine fights.

🌐 fortune.com/well/2022/10/2…

'Now, it’s a battle royale between prominent viral “families” warring to keep power within the lineage. No single family—BA.5, XBB, nor BQ—has achieved global success this fall. Not yet, at least.'

#C19 ImageImage

On the growing global chasm between primary vaccine coverage and booster coverage.

🌐 pandem-ic.com/slow-and-unequ…

The poor always lose.

#VaccineInequality #BoosterInequity #C19 ImageImage
BQ.1: a new raft of symptoms to watch for.

° General malaise
° 'Flu-like symptoms
□ Severe headaches
° Sore throat
° Cough
° Muscle aches
° Runny nose & sneezing
° Diarrhoeal episodes
□ Difficulty in breathing
□ Altered heart rhythm

🌐 lindependant.fr/2022/10/27/cov…

#C19 Image
Short story.

#C19 #SickenedToDeath ImageImage
From Jan '22: the writing was all over the wall.


I can't imagine any of the first cohort who caught HIV, had a brief 'flu-like illness and then carried on with life were aware that they'd be dying of pneumonia & TB & Kaposi's sarcoma 8 years later. Image
Only when your iPhone supply drops out will you value the public health policy of pursuing eradication over propagation.

If China's supply chains get hit, the world's economy gets mashed.

Get over yourselves in the Northern Hemisphere: you're not the centre of the world.

#C19 Image

On opening up, and forgoing mitigations for the sake of the economy. It's a smash-'n'-grab that does not work. It kills & debilitates a workforce.

China knows this. Its eradication policy is saving millions of lives - and millions of workers' lives too. ImageImage

On the future, and what we can hope for - or suck up.

These are tough times for those fighting against infection: social pressures, political pressures, media pressure (the most insidious) - and family pressure, in the worst of cases.

Fight, and wait. Image
I like it when dedicated souls put together lists of article after scientific article on a particular subject: all I have to do is read them.

25 papers on Post-Covid Immune Deficiency - PCID - or C-AIDS for short.

#CovidAcquiredImmunoDeficiencySyndrome Image
On 'Long-Covid Brain' - or 'brain fog', or brain damage - or, quite simply, cognitive disfunction.


Link to paper:

🌐 link.springer.com/article/10.100…

Replicated study:

🌐 link.springer.com/article/10.100…

#CovidBrain #BrainDamage #C19 ImageImageImageImage
Of note from above:


'Brain hypometabolism is reduced uptake of glucose (used by the brain for energy), and is most commonly seen in neurodegenerative diseases.

Hypometabolic clusters... were located mainly in the right frontal & temporal lobes.' ImageImage

'Many Long Covid patients have word-finding difficulties and memory problems.

Some call it ‘brain fog’, but a medical term would be ‘cognitive dysfunction’.

The right temporal lobe is involved in learning and remembering non-verbal information.' #C19 Image

'The virus has now been shown to be present in major organs 15 months after infection, even in autopsies of ‘asymptomatic’ infection.

We are focusing on the wrong thing (acute infection).'

We sure are.

#C19 ImageImage
'Long COVID: long-term health outcomes and implications for policy and research'.

🌐 nature.com/articles/s4158…


What part of the body does SARS-CoV-2 not touch?

#C19 #TheForeshadowing #PASC ImageImageImageImage
To be quite honest, this made me cry.


The young - adolescents who should be dating & running around pitches; the under-7s who are innocent, and who barely understand what life is; babies, whose major organs are slipping; betrayed by money and hubris. ImageImageImage
On SARS-CoV-2 infections, erectile disfunction and the future of male youth.


#C19 ImageImage

'And it is really sad to see formerly cautious people give in to perceived helplessness and say: “I can’t keep making the effort anymore”, and to begin to roll the dice.'

... And begin to roll other people's dice for them. That's the twist.

#C19 Image
On calling out the conjured-up, nonsense-term of 'immunity debt' - and calling it for what it is: an empathy debt of the lowest order.


#C19 #CallousTimes Image
On 'immunity debt', children, made-up non-medical terms whose pedigree doesn't stretch back further than 2021 (when it was made up), lies, deceit, sickness, debilitation and bereavement.


#C19 ImageImageImageImage
If you want to read what a prominent sideshow-barker has to say about the fantasy world of 'immunity debt' - and I'm sorry to have to retweet his words - then look no further than Mr. Munro, a proponent of said 💩.


#C19 #Infanticide #HerodOnSteroids Image
One to tell your GP, if she's finding it hard to identify your microclots.


Adversity incites invention: maxillofacial and plastic surgery in WWI (troops going over the tops of trenches); the treatment of burns victims in WWII.

#C19 #Microclots #PASC Image
SARS-CoV-2 was never mild.


2022 (and 2023): The Years of Reinfection After Reinfection (until the body holds up its hands).

🌐 nature.com/articles/s4159…

#C19 #TheFiniteReinfectionLoop ImageImageImageImage
Tern always was a critical thinker.

He's now a super-critical thinker.


I would pay attention to him.

Score your family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances with this easy one-or-zero test. If they're hitting a lot of ones, it may be time to move. ImageImageImage
The prominent sideshow-barker has thin skin.

Oh well. More ways to skin a cat than using a pair of tweezers, as my Gran used to say.


Surprised that he bothered with a minnow like me.

#GossamerThinMorals #C19 ImageImage
Another light shone on that Nature paper, from the World Socialist Website.

Don't fret, you don't have to be a commie to read it. It won't bite.

🌐 wsws.org/en/articles/20…


Nutshell: Reinfection causes cumulative damage to patients.

#C19 Image
On the how and why of C-19 reinfections, cumulative damage and death - by the outstanding Andrew Nikiforuk.

🌐 thetyee.ca/Analysis/2022/…

T cell dysregulation, premature ageing, organ harm & exhaustion - and a talented immunologist named Dr. Anthony Leonardi.

A must-read.

#C19 Image
Quite honestly, I think this is where we're at.


The inevitability of it is just sad. Super-hard to turn a tanker 'round on a 1p. It just won't happen.

The destination has already been chosen, and the momentum will carry it there.

#C19 ImageImageImage
I try to keep this thread pretty clean, because I don't want to have a big hole in it where I've been raided by the Twitter police.

But look at this ginormous fucking mess.

Look at the state of this fucking thing.


It's everything we were afraid of. Image
Layer upon layer of sickness: with secondary bacterial infections on top.


Rhinovirus, enterovirus, streptococcal bacteremia, meningitis, mastoiditis.

It looks like C-19 opens up the human immune system to a whole host of diseases.

#C19 ImageImage
'You know what’s coming next...

Multi-drug-resistant bacteria.'


'... This is going to get really out of control. Trying to treat infections in immunodeficient patients is a great way to make loads of resistant bacteria/viruses.'

#PASC #C19 Image
'None of them have twigged that COVID might have toasted them yet either.

They are all heading into this next wave with no idea how dangerous it might be to abuse their already struggling immune systems like this.'


#Immunodeficiency #PASC #C19 ImageImage
'Signs and symptoms of primary immunodeficiency can include: frequent and recurrent pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus infections, ear infections, meningitis or skin infections. Inflammation and infection of internal organs. Blood disorders, such as low platelet count or anemia.'

#C19 Image
Get ready for global supply chains to be stress-tested. The cat is fighting its way out of the bag.

If China hadn't pursued its eradication policy - and opted for disease promotion like the big capitalist countries - the global economy would already be in the bin by now.

#C19 Image
Looks like BQ.1.* has found its feet.


Projectile vomiting will make a change to the usual lung-coughing-up along the aisles of Aldi.

Better grab some pampers to go with that lamb korma, as explosive diarrhoea is also on the cards.

#C19 #BigShit ImageImage
A puzzling new phenomenon emerging on the radar, two years and a dozen days ago.


What is this devastating 'second act' that they speak of?

#C19 Image
A trip down memory lane: November '20.

Not too far off the mark.


#C19 ImageImage
An early, very sharp Wall Street Journal read tackling "Covid's Mysterious Long-Term Effects" - from 01 Nov 2020.

'A persistent multifront attack.'

PDF download at:

🧩 google.com/url?sa=t&sourc…

Heavy AF disease.

#C19 #PASC #LongCovid ImageImage
It must be Walkback Wednesday.

From 'Management of post-acute covid-19 in primary care' (11 Aug 2020):

'Post-acute covid-19 (“long covid”) seems to be a multisystem disease, sometimes occurring after a relatively mild acute illness.'

🌐 bmj.com/content/370/bm…

#C19 ImageImage
The sum total of titting about for two years trying to push C-19 under the carpet is 20 million+ dead and an avalanche of very ill children.

The lucky ones will be sick in countries with advanced PICUs, however overcrowded.

The unlucky ones won't, and will pay for it.

#C19 Image
Solid advice for the already-bitten:

'If you’ve been infected with Covid—even mildly—the precautionary principle, based on immunodeficiency research, is to assume you’re more susceptible to infection w/ ANYTHING.'


#C19 Image
Full circle: RSV spread from unprotected, vulnerable, immune-depressed children to the unprotected, vulnerable, immune-depressed elderly.

🌐 abcnews.go.com/Health/rsv-hos…

It's so egregious it's tragic.

#C19 ImageImage

• • •

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More from @DurianLiftOff

Jan 29, 2024
Celebrating the soft-opening of my C-19 website.


A patchwork of scientific papers and media pieces married with the best of Twitter.

○ Heart
○ Brain
○ Body
○ Immunity
○ Transmission
○ Solutions
○ C-19 Blog
○ Cartoons

#C19Life #SARSCoV2c19.life
On C-19, the heart, and the circulatory system.


‘Heart attacks, strokes and other major adverse outcomes doubled in people post-COVID at one year.’

#C19Life #SARSCoV2 c19.life/heart
⚒ Resource: Genomic Mapping of SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 Variants.

By .


#C19Life #SARSCoV2NextStrain.org
Read 13 tweets
Mar 21, 2023
The Atlarntic has had a change of editorial management after forced Seppuku (ritualised self-disembowelment).

Long live The Vertlantic!

(If you have any original Atlarntic gold buried in your Gallery, please share and retweet!)

😊😇 @1goodtern

Read 8 tweets
Jun 1, 2022
From hereon in, this thread'll be a hit-job on every Fifth Columnist ever to walk the streets of London, and Edinburgh, and Cardiff, and... oh. Forgot. We sold NI down the river a long time ago...

Note 1: The BBC Disease has Gone Ozzo. (It's catching.) Image
'Rich and powerful people will tell you anything to help them stay rich and powerful; and their armies of media stooges, PR companies, and social media influencers are no better than Vichy puppets.' Image
The BBC is not on your side regarding C-19: on the radio, on your TV, or on its website.

It really isn't.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

Even The Clangers were made up. ImageImageImage
Read 43 tweets
Mar 18, 2022

As if you needed reminding.


'A well-sealed FFP2/3 [N95/N99] mask is the single greatest tool humankind has come up with to prevent initial infection, further spread and mutations - as well as an endless pandemic.'

#MaskUp ImageImage
I hadn't realised that the 'Vax-Only and Nothing Else' crew were a thing; or that they are so incredibly toxic & wrong-headed; and as dangerous as any of the other extremist Covid bands.

A thread on putting them right: and why vax-and-mask matters. ImageImageImageImage
Read 59 tweets
Dec 30, 2021
A rash of mask tweets 🧵.

On elastomeric masks, N95s, KN95s, FFP2s, KF94s, care and fit, sourcing, testing, real-world examples & tips, warnings, children's masks, cute alternatives - and why you might want to upgrade now.

#facemask #facemasks #Masks #COVIDisAirborne Image
Why you might want to strengthen your first and most important line of defense.

Bear in mind the type of people you are sharing your supermarket air with.

#facemask #facemasks #Mask #Masks #MaskUp #COVIDisAirborne ImageImageImageImage
One of the best primers on new mask technology in one short interview.


Teases out technical classifications of 'hi-fi' (high-filtration) masks such as N95s, KN95s or KF94s - and why cloth & surgical masks are not an option now.

Think '2022', not '1918'. Image
Read 66 tweets

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