Says #Ukraine has hardened its networks & has been a step ahead of the Russians in #cyberspace
"Having 10 folks on the ground that are tied back to our command & our agency, that's power I think is really helpful" per @CYBERCOM_DIRNSA re US #cyber aid to #Ukraine
Says US "surged to well over 30...we flooded the zone" to help #Kyiv in #cyber
#Ukraine's warnings abt looming #cyber attacks by #Russia on energy, financial sectors - "They have gone after energy, certainly" @CISAJen tells @CFR_org
"We've been working very closely w/the energy sector ... we are not at a place where we should be putting our shields down"
"The environment is very difficult. The #Russia|ns are very unpredictable. Their back is up against the wall" per @CISAJen
"We've seen these horrific kinetic attacks again civilian infrastructure & we may be seeing a lot worse coming"
"We see scanning all the time" per @CYBERCOM_DIRNSA, noting importance of calling out/sharing warnings/advisories on #malware
"We should remain very concerned, very vigilant abt potential attacks on US critical infrastructure" per @CISAJen but calls Monday's #DDoS attacks on US airports "a nuisance at best"
Says @CISAgov was in touch with airports, official last week & over the weekend
Despite calling the #DDos attacks a nuisance, @CISAJen warns, "this could be the leading edge of other types of attacks"
"We could see deliberate attacks as far as retaliation [from #Russia] on our critical infrastructure. We could see #ransomware ..."
#Election2022 - "We are seeing no significant indications of attacks that are being planned right now but this for us is a matter of vigilance" per @CYBERCOM_DIRNSA
#Russia's kinetic attacks, "criminal in nature...have overshadowed the cyber activity that occurred against gvt networks, against critical infrastructure..."
NEW US National Security Strategy bent on "out-competing #China & constraining #Russia"
"Around the world, the need for American leadership is as great as it has ever been" per @POTUS "We are in the
midst of a strategic competition to shape the future of the international order"
"#China harbors the intention & increasingly the capacity to reshape the int'l order in favor of one that tilts the global playing field to its benefit" per @POTUS
"#Russia’s brutal&unprovoked war on its
neighbor #Ukraine has shattered peace in #Europe & impacted stability"
"Autocrats are working overtime to undermine democracy & export a model of governance marked by repression at home & coercion abroad" per @POTUS in the new US Nat'l Security Strategy
#Russia's nuclear saber rattling just noise, for now, per US
"We've seen no indication-nothing that tells us Mr #Putin has made a decision to use nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction at all inside #Ukraine" @WHNSC's John Kirby tells reports
"We've seen no indication that the that the #Russia|n apparatus is moving anything to prepare for that kind of a decision" adds @WHNSC's Kirby
The US assessment echoes comments by #Britain's intel chief, @GCHQ's Sir Jeremy Fleming, earlier to @BBCNews
Mounting concerns about the safety of US election workers ahead of #Election2022
@TheJusticeDept Asst AG Kenneth Polite, Jr. met Tuesday w/300 officials, workers to discuss "available grant funding for physical security enhancements"
More: the election officials, workers also "received an update on the work of the Justice Department’s Election Threats Task Force, including a briefing from the @FBI on communication & coordination... in the lead up to the November election" per @TheJusticeDept
On Monday, senior @FBI officials said since June 2021 there have been more than 1,000 reported threats to election workers -58% from just 7 US states
Happening now: New US $625 million pkg for #Kyiv is "tailored to meet #Ukraine's immediate needs" per @DeptofDefense Deputy Assistant Secretary Laura Cooper
NEW: W/less than 2 months til #Election2022, US "not aware of any adversary #cyber campaigns specifically targeting US elections" per sr @FBI official
BUT adversaries "could seek to spread or amplify false or exaggerated claims of compromise to election infrastructure"
NEW: @FBI warns #Russia#China#Iran "will take advantage of election integrity narratives that come up in the US election ecosystem" per 2nd senior official
"We've seen that already specifically form Russia"
NEW: Ahead of #Election2022#Russia|n gvt "expanding the ecosystem that they are using to try to identify & recruit both witting & unwitting proxy organizations" per 2nd senior @FBI official
"I think we can infer that they [Russia] think this has been relatively successful..."