This move has an unprecedented global strategic implications; the #US may praise the move publicly but deep down they will be blown by the new reality on the ground which is the fact that #China has become a political power in the Middle East rather than an economic one alone.
This will also result into limited US options with regards to using Iran as a tool against Saudi Arabia through the US long time tactic of "Low Intensity Conflict" and " Stratigic Balance"
The US, as the security guarantor of the Middle East, may not be the case anymore in practical terms, China's success in the Saudi-Iran mediation will cause a humongous shift in the security apparatus in the Middle East.
China is the biggest trading partner for Saudi Arabia , the US is second. The US is the biggest security partner of Saudi Arabia as of yet, but it seems China is working hard to become the actual security partner with the Kingdom through politics rather than selling weapons.
The real question is what concessions #SaudiArabia managed to get from Iran; with regards to many conflicts caused by its #IRGC militias in #Iraq, #Syria, #Lebanon and most importantly #Yemen.
Both want to create a new precedence to project hegemony over the South China Sea.
It seems that the #US far left will gain slight momentum in a victory in media that will slightly help them in the November #elections, surely, in their point of view, since the democrats have never witnessed such low trust by their constituencies in modern history.
The only legacy #NanciPelosi will have before she finishes her term this year is the expedition of the #Chinese acquisition of #Taiwan.
#MBS stressed the success of economic and social reforms:
#SaudiArabia is a @g20org country, you can see our position five years ago: It was almost 20. Today, we are almost 17”
To #MBS, the #Ritz operation was an elegant, nonviolent solution to the problem of vampires feasting on #SaudiArabia’s annual budget.
The fight between #MBS and Sheikh #Tamim Al-Thani had been no big deal, “a fight between brothers.” The relationship between #SaudiArabia and #Qatar is now “better than ever in history.”
#عاجل: أمريكا أعلنت إنسحابها من مجلس حقوق الإنسان في الأمم المتحدة.
إنسحاب #أمريكا من مجلس حقوق الإنسان هو مشابه تقريبا "لإنسحابها" السابق من #اليونسكو؛ وقد يظهر بأن أسباب الإنسحاب الأخير مشابه للأول ولكن ذلك ليس بالضرورة دقيق.
السبب الظاهري لكلا الإنسحابين هو لدعم #إسرائيل ولكن لا أعتقد ذلك بخصوص الإنسحاب الأخير.
ف #ترامب أبدى إستيائه بإستمرار من معظم المنظمات الدولية؛ ويشعر بأنه تم إستغلال أمريكا ماديا ومعنويا من خلال هذه المنظمات بلا وجود فائدة ملموسة لمصالح #أمريكا.
الشيء الآخر هو بسبب الإستقطاب السياسي الداخلي في واشنطن.