@EvergreenStCol admin brought in constitutional lawyer, Alan Levine, to publicly rationalize deplatforming.
I went.
Putting free speech aside, disagreement and the free exchange of ideas are at the core of the work of a university. But there is an asymmetry--it is easier to disrupt someone's ability to make a point than it is to make one...
Who decides what perspectives may be silenced?
Not I, because I am a white man. Shutting viewpoints down is the province of people who've faced a history of oppression.
It is now January--8 months since student rioters openly declared food, water and chairs off limits to whites at a public meeting...
Eight months of painful, public lessons and yet no learning has apparently occurred. Someone must intercede.
@GovInslee who lives and works just a few miles from @EvergreenStCol, and to whom the Trustees are formally responsible, is still nowhere to be found.
Where are the adults? Where?