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Kyle @HNIJohnMiller
7 years ago, 31 tweets, 9 min read Read on Twitter
1) I have awoken. I have prepared. My power is MAXIMUM. It is time for another installment of: The Conservative Underground News of Twitter
2) The theme music for this random goddamn afternoon's broadcast
3) The topic? The media's coverage of North Korea at the Winter Olympics. Just to collate and tie everything together in this shit sandwich.
4) Now, there were two distinct talking points that emerged from the first few days of the Winter Olympics that have dominated the news cycles more than the fact that the US is presumably facerolling the medal brackets because we OWN WINTER SPORTS! USA USA USA
5) The first? The random comparisons of Ivanka Trump to Kiss Yo Dong.
6) "The South Korean news media call her “Kim Jong-un’s Ivanka,” likening her influence with her brother to that of Ivanka Trump’s on her father, President Trump."…
7) Note that there's absolutely no evidence I've seen so far that the South Koreans even MADE this reference. The closest I've come to drawing any line in South Korean news is that Kiss Yo Dong was sent as part of the North Korean delegation AFTER Ivanka's trip was announced.
8) That didn't stop the Fake News from pushing this TOTALLY ORGANIC TALKING POINT relentlessly of course.…
9) That article is @businessinsider actually REINFORCING the similarities between the two, doubling down after the backlash. They've been pretty generous towards Kiss Yo Dong overall…
10) Between hyperfocusing on sidelong glances more than they did Trump dumping food into a koi pond
11) And the parallel talking point of how by just sitting there Kiss Yo Dong apparently 'outmaneuvered' Pence…
12) They just can't shut up about her…
13) They THEN claim that North Korea is WINNING in propaganda because of all the attention Kiss Yo Dong's getting…
14) And if THAT'S not enough, the news media is also hyperventilating over the two hundred-something North Korean CHEERLEADERS…
15) Even WSJ is biting on the bait for that!…
16) It's pervasive, I don't even know how any teams are doing in hockey (nott that I give a damn about hockey) because all the coverage is on these damn cheerleaders!…
17) I CAN tell you that pretty young women are often kidnapped by the regime and made into sex slaves. Also North Koreans who see and speak too much of the west are sent to gulags. Proof? Thank you VICE of all fucking places for BACKING ME UP ON THIS POINT
18) So good job CNN, WaPo, WSJ, and all the rest who are fawning over a bunch of doomed sex slaves. Good job. High fives all around. ANYWAYS, back to the topic at hand.
19) Such was the pushback that the news media started receiving, that journoperatives of the DNC actually started PUSHING BACK and DEFENDING North Korea; here's Weingarten of the WaPo.
20) Even Chris Cuomo got into it with our very own @Debradelai.
21) I still can't tell the difference between @ChrisCuomo and @jaketapper btw.
22) ANYWAYS, so, what's going on here? Why are all these different news organizations all doing the same talking points? Kiss Yo Dong 'stealing the show', calling her the 'Ivanka Trump of North Korea', all the attention paid to the cheerleaders?
23) Well, we already know about the debradelai rat list of journalists (here's the updated one btw from last week if anyone hasn't seen it yet) who are known to regularly push Democrat talking points for them
24) There's also the fact that journalists regularly are lazy AF and just copy-paste articles, changing JUUUUUST enough to be able to publish them. Seriously, take the first two core sentences of a political article, knock off the first two and last words, and google it to see
25) But let me put on my Morpheus face for a moment
26) What if I were to tell you that there was a Democrat organization that pushes these talking points and spreads them to loyal journoperatives/their bosses who then hand them down to the writers of articles?
27) What if I were to tell you these talking point articles don't actually ever cross the path of data analysts in these news organizations, that the skeleton of the articles come prepackaged to be filled in with enough differentiation to hide that the talking point isn't organic
28)… What if I were to tell you that the Democrats have put together organizations like Media Matters and ShareBlue and have been doing this since Trump won in 2016?
29) And what if I were to tell you that these organizations were pushing these articles all across social media?…
30) The above story? One of the most left-wing communities possible has had to ban ShareBlue, one of the above organizations, for artificially manipulating Reddit's systems to push their stories, their talking points, to the top of any discussions.
31) They really think we were so dumb we weren't going to notice? HAH. They don't know the Fire and Fury that is about to come down on their heads. /end
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