#SecureOurSchools #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA

Just like the federal law enforcement & intelligence community that President Trump inherited from the Democrats.

I've seen many times that he can pull off the seemingly impossible while in stealth mode.

The failures were spread among individuals, local, state & federal government.
The solutions must come from all of those.
"Gun free zones" must be ended. #CopFreeZones, too.
The Governor has a duty to use his powers to address that.
Everyone needs this.
With rights come responsibilities.
What is working for America rn, can work in Broward, even when it stays blue.
I now believe it is possible to make a difference anywhere in America, with time.
IMO states' rights are necessary & extremely valuable. But they are not unlimited.
It appears that Scott Israel felt he was exempt from that.
I will be surprised if we see one.
Across the board, he has so far kept his promises, on economic, social & foreign policy.
Gov Scott MUST act to clean up the BSO & others's systemic corruption, abuse of power.