2000: 1.3 million
2006: 1 million
2010: 400000
2017: 300000
Currently we have a net negative immigration rate...more people leave than people who cross.
the wall is a waste. It is just an Ego monument for Trump!
This moron president should understand the basic of Supply/Demand.

We don't need a fuk'n wall.

look at the 90's versus the last decade.
they do not want to be here anymore, trump or nit. it has been a trend

They keep mentioning wall building costs and maintenance.
NO ONE is mentioning the BILLIONS that will be passed to states to build ROADS to get both materials and workers to Wall sites.
There is no existing road network that can handle it.
That is where the GAP is and it is a NATIONAL SECURITY issue.
The only company that can make enough concrete for the wall is in:
Wait for it