Let the facts come. Let's ask—
1. Why did this 3-month old murder case suddenly become news. Why was it not news when the murder happened?

Were certain people being framed to create a narrative in this case. Was a poor dead girl being used to push agendas?
Why was the entire Jammu Bar association dubbed a defender of child rape when they protested the way this case was being handled. Who created this spin?
What made this 3-month old case suddenly make international headlines? Why did all the usual suspects jump on to it?
But we need to call out those that are using this for their agendas, while they are silent on 10x more rape-murders by their favorite people.
1. Protesters in Jammu believed the charge-sheet was false i.e. innocent people were being framed. This was spun as "support for child rapists", carried in international media.
2. Pointing out the media bias is also being silenced as "justifying rape."
The orchestration is to hide the Islamization of Jammu. This is why a 3-month old case was dug up.