I was a sex worker from the ages of 19 til about 21, and then kept solely regular clients for about a year or so afterwards. Few know this. I stopped because I felt like I wasn't able to handle the work; my self-worth and capacity to perform was shot at the time.
If I speak up in favour of sex work without criminalisation, I'm accused of at best being part of the "pimp lobby" - pro-oppression - and at worst, endorsing their rape. When I'm talking about my rights too.
But do consider the number of times you've let yourselves do that for free, with men who later made you want to vomit with rage on your own shoes.
- Sex work is work. Our bodies aren't workplaces; they're available for a well-balanced blend of performance and intimacy. The kind you get with your therapist. Plus dicks.
I'd hope at that time, my country can keep me safe, as they would any other person working any other job.
I've enjoyed, and will regain enjoyment of, doing it.
Right on. 😎🤘
Trafficking is real! Sex workers would love to talk to you about how to tackle it.
But we can't if you're ogling us like we have two heads, and like we want to force enslaved youths into small basements owned by some unsavoury individuals.
That ain't us.
Think about it!
I am obviously not. This is a myth. The actual sex part of the gig is surprisingly small.
This may shock the people who know me, but I do keep some things close to my chest. IT'S SUCH A RELIEF TO GET THIS OFF.
(haha... puns)
(Oh my god I'm sorry bye)