
Guy seems hellbent on putting people out of business for hurting his feelings.

(his ID clearly says "male", which is why he refuses to show it; he looks male, which is why is asked for ID, and... he IS male)


No biggie, why would women ever need privacy away from men when they're performing intimate physical functions? Men's rights are more important, we must submissively recognize that.

I guess he was joking.

In the words of Omarosa: Every critic, every detractor will have to bow down. It is the ultimate revenge.
Maybe after all the vile comments to the first one, with people saying the entire staff plus managers should be fired.
For not letting a man into the women's toilets (he pushed his way in anyway).
Here's an article out already in the Washington City Paper.
But no! His dainty, gentle, feminine soul, perhaps modelled after that of Cruella de Vil, instructs him NOT be magnanimous. His feelings have been hurt! He must castigate and pillory and DESTROY!

Massive campaign defending this man's right to push his way into the women's bathroom.
Mashable: mashable.com/2018/06/23/cha…
Metro Weekly: metroweekly.com/2018/06/transg…
NBC4: nbcwashington.com/news/local/Tra…
Jamil Smith:
Chelsea Clinton:
All you need is a tube of lipstick and a male sense of entitlement to women's spaces.
Might as well abolish the ladies' altogether, let's all mix & be merry!
men in women's changing rooms
men in women's showers
men in women's prisons
men in women's rape shelters
men on women's lists for political parties
men as keynote speakers at women's events
men winning all the medals in women's athletic events
Oh wait all done already.
- Call the police on some African-American folk on a picnic: BOOO!!!
- Call the police on an African-American kid selling water: BOOO!!!
- Call the police on a Latino restaurant at a time when ICE is on the prowl: BRAVO!!!