Could be for stating a biological fact such as "Women don't have penises" or "Men don't menstruate" or something equally reprehensible.
Who knows. Dude bros at @twitter won't say.
Meanwhile nazis and fascists tweet merrily away.
This is the University of Victoria Womyn's Centre, which set up after the Women's Centre was taken over by trans activists.
@twitter is helping the men keep the women quiet.
Weirdly, @twitter seems heavily invested in making sure the the University of Victoria Women's Centre include males.
It has been renamed and is now run by a self-declared (male) "tranny cyborg" => feministcurrent.com/2016/07/21/uvi…
@seven_hex is a transsexual who is critical of the transgender ideology, so...@twitter boots him off the platform. Normal.
Women argue back.
Guess who gets silenced by the @twitter bros?
Yup the women of course.

Free speech is fine for racists, sexists, white supremacists, anti-semites & other assorted deplorables.
If my account gets taken down by twitter, you'll know why:
I do not believe that men can become women, end of story.