Also, you had this guy.

You can't go suggesting that this was just a bunch of scared white dudes.
Look, the Left, we gotta champion Free Speech or we're toast. We've gotta be the standard bearers for *allowing* all arguments no matter how vile.
No matter that the Left is essentially beaten to a bleeding pulp these days, & Islam wars against itself...
The Left (especially Antifa) and Islam were presented as a clear and present threat to our way of life.
This was typified in repeated talk of Speaker's Corner somehow being under threat.
(BS, obvs.)
Moreover, the clash of civilizations rhetoric was dialed up to 11 - lots of verbal frotting of Western Civilization.
There was nothing authentic about the organization today. It was as astroturfed as a minigolf course.
A lot of people being played by monied interests.
The Left mock Tommy. They should start worrying about him.
Yeah, didn't see that one coming.
Folks need to have the info to be able to spot them & know what they stand for.
I got a lot of thoughts here, but I know this, having met several dudes I've roasted (& been roasted by) online:
Argue with them, or ignore them. Trying to crash their events only gives them power.

We need laws to protect the vulnerable, and to prevent extremists from inciting hatred, whether they wear a long white robe or a three piece suit.
That's not sexy, or comfortable or looks good as a hashtag.
I'll just end with this: Anyone who tells you to hate and fear your fellow man is a fucking charlatan. I know - I listened to many of them today. FIN.