22 items are 0%
3 are on 1.5%
1 s on 3.5%
40 are on 4.5%
26 are on 11.9%
An average of 5.41% across the whole chapter.
I just did another fact-check on it regarding the claim about about New Zealand Lamb. Would you be surprised to find out that it's not true?

This page for New Zealand lamb HS 0204300010 (Carcasses and half-Carcasses of lamb, frozen, Of domestic lamb) shows two quotas. Order: 092016, any 3rd country, and specific for New Zealand order 092013.
Within both quotas lamb is imported at 0%.

What percentage is left for this year? 166720541.93/228254000= 73%
Only 27% used up so far this year.


There's some fine details to sort out regarding who has competence (EU or member states) for some stuff. Once signed tariffs will be 0% for Vietnam.
All Bananas from ACP countries on EBA or EPA are on a 0% tariff.
For the Caribbean that's:
Antigua & Barbuda,Barbados,Bahamas ,Belize ,Dominica ,Dominican Rep,Grenada ,Guyana ,Jamaica,St Kitts &Nevis ,St Lucia ,Suriname ,Trinidad & Tobago,St Vincent & the Grenadines.
All bananas from these countries come in tariff and quota free.
This table shows the main ACP suppliers.

There's a tariff on these.

in 2008 these companies were fined over €60m by the EU for operating a cartel, but that's beside the point, back to tariffs.

Standard rate for 3rd countries is €117/tonne, for the big suppliers though as follows (per tonne):
Ecuador: €90
Columbia: €89
Costa Rica: €89
Panama: €89
Peru: €89
Guatemala: €89
Mexico: €70