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Jun 5th 2023
.#Thread: @SecDef Austin's India visit: Held bilat with @rajnathsingh in the morning. 🇮🇳🇺🇸 concluded a roadmap for Defence Industrial Cooperation which will fast-track tech coop & coproduction in areas like air combat & land mobility systems; ISR, munitions & undersea domain... Image
Roadmap, aims to change the paradigm for cooperation between U.S. and Indian defense sectors, including a set of specific proposals that could provide India access to cutting-edge technologies and support India’s defense modernization plans: US statement
.@SecDef & @rajnathsingh also pledged to review regulatory hurdles impeding closer industry-to-industry cooperation and to initiate negotiations on 'Security of Supply Arrangement and a Reciprocal Defense Procurement' agreement which will promote long-term supply chain stability
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May 12th 2023
Tomorrow, Sweden hosts the second EU – Indo-Pacific forum, gathering ministers and high-level representatives from around 60 countries.
A great display of the EU’s convening power, but what is the agenda and potential outcomes of such a broad format? A 🧵 1/13
#EUIndoPacific Picture: European Union in ...
This forum was instigated by 🇫🇷 during its presidency of the EU Council in Feb 22, in line with France’s efforts (along with others, 🇳🇱🇩🇪) to raise the EU’s profile in a region that is vital to its interests (40% of EU imports) and that faces many common challenges.
The first forum, in Paris, was hailed as a success. But from the onset, there have been debates on the format (mainly regarding 🇺🇸&🇨🇳) and the substance (what are the conducive topics for #EU-#IndoPacific cooperation). 3/13
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May 5th 2023
Prime Minister @narendramodi will be the Guest of Honour at France’s #BastilleDay celebrations on 14th July.
What does this mean?

➜ A thread on this special moment for France🇫🇷 & India🇮🇳: (1/8) Image
14 July is France’s National Day.

It dates back to the French Revolution.

It’s a moment for the French to celebrate what binds them together, especially the values of “liberty, equality, fraternity” - which, by the way, are also in the Preamble to India’s Constitution! (2/8)
Every #BastilleDay, Paris’ famous avenue des Champs-Elysées hosts a military parade - not very different from the #RepublicDay parade on Kartavya Path!

#DYK that France has been the Republic Day guest of honour 5 times since 1951? (3/8) ImageImage
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Mar 13th 2023
Pentagon asking for $30.6 billion for munitions in FY 24 - a 12% increase over FY 23 & a 50% increase over 5 years ago

"We are buying to the limits of the industrial base, even as we are expanding the industrial base" per @DepSecDef Kathleen Hicks
Munitions & munition production has been in the crosshairs due to demand/aid to #Ukraine

Per @DepSecDef, 1/3 of munitions spending will go for long range fires, including #hypersonic missiles
"This latest budget...procures the maximum amt of munitions that are most relevant for deterring &, if necessary, prevailing over aggression in the #IndoPacific..." per @DepSecDef's prepared remarks
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Mar 10th 2023
🧵 What does the China-brokered normalization deal between #SaudiArabia and #Iran mean for great power competition between the United States and #China?
1. Because the Gulf remains an essential energy source, major host of domestic and international capital, and a central node for maritime and naval connectivity, great powers will always aim to play a major role in the region.
2. China's economic prosperity is tied to energy imports from the Gulf. Brokering a deal with Saudi Arabia and Iran that could de-escalate regional tensions is a direct Chinese interest.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
#RaisinaDialogue2023 | The New High Table: Realigning the #G20 in a Changing World

We are live tweeting the session with @JosepBorrellF, @m_ebrard, @melaniejoly, @MdShahriarAlam, @IndBagchi

Stay tuned for live updates!


.@IndBagchi: This is the only table where the 20 most consequential countries of the world have gathered. It is becoming more consequential as traditional #multilateral systems find themselves in a bind.

#Raisina2023 #RaisinaDialogue2023
Read 13 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
Good morning and welcome to Day 2 of the #RaisinaDialogue2023!

We kickstart the day with ‘The #QUAD Squad: Power and Purpose of the Polygon’

Featuring @SecBlinken, @hayashi09615064, @SenatorWong, @DrSJaishankar & @SamirSaran

Follow this thread for live updates!

.@SenatorWong: We are interested in a stable, secure and prosperous #IndoPacific. #Quad’s focus and our engagement with the Pacific Island countries are aligned with #Australia’s interests.

#Raisina2023 #RaisinaDialogue2023
Read 16 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
Welcome to Day 2 of the #RaisinaDialogue2023!

We start the day with a panel discussion on 'The #Quad Squad: Power and Purpose of the Polygon

Featuring @SecBlinken @hayashi09615064 @SenatorWong @DrSJaishankar @samirsaran



#RaisinaDialogue2023 | A Region of Opportunities: From the #Mediterranean to the #ArabianSea

Featuring Sameh Hassan Shoukry Selim, Sayyid Badr bin Hamad bin Hamood Albusaidi, Reem Ebrahim Al Hashimy, @drausaf & @AlOraibi



Read 23 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
#China's spy balloon - "This was a surveillance balloon is equipment that is inconsistent w/weather balloons" per @ASD_IndoPacific Ely Ratner, speaking at @HudsonInstitute

We "have not heard a plausible explanation for this activity" from the PRC, he adds
US deterrence vs #NorthKorea "is to deter agression & deter conflict" per @ASD_IndoPacific

"It's not to deter Kim Jong Un from killing a bunch of fish with his missiles"
"We're focused on readiness. We're focused on deterrence. We're focused on ensuring that Kim Jong Un doesn't take risks that go way beyond his capacity" per @ASD_IndoPacific

re #DPRK
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Mar 2nd 2023
We are live tweeting the session on Lessons and Look Ahead: Black Swans and Lighthouses.

With @AmbVMKwatra, @MinColonna, @JamesCleverly, @larsloekke, @Menlu_RI, @BillGates and @samirsaran

Follow this thread for updates!

@orfonline #Raisina2023
.@AmbVMKwatra: The evolutionary journey of the #RaisinaDialogue mirrors the evolution of our world. It has become a prominent platform to discuss global issues.

#RaisinaDialogue2023 #Raisina2023
Read 19 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
Good evening and welcome to the #RaisinaDialogue2023!

We are delighted to have Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) and H.E. Ms. Giorgia Meloni (@GiorgiaMeloni) inaugurate #Raisina2023.

Follow this thread for live updates!

@orfonline @MEAIndia @PMOIndia
.@samirsaran: This edition of the Raisina Dialogue is special. It is the first Dialogue in India’s #AmritKaal, or 'Golden Age’—an epoch marking the 25 years leading up to a century of India’s independence.

#RaisinaDialogue2023 #Raisina2023
Read 23 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
The effect of the #UkraineRussiaWar on the EU's quest for #StrategicAutonomy according to CICIR analyst Zhang Jian.

🔹CICIR is one of #China's most influential think tanks with links to the 🇨🇳 Ministry of State Security.

🪧 What is EU #StrategicAutonomy?

According to Zhang at least, it means the #EU “breaking away from US control and gaining the power to make strategic decisions on its own.”
1⃣ “The crisis in #Ukraine has rendered the already unpromising prospects of the EU's strategic autonomy even bleaker.”
Read 14 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
How is the #UkraineRussiaWar affecting the #EU's prospects? Its economy? Its place in the world?

▫️ Zhang Jian (张健): "It will further weaken the 🇪🇺's strength and int. influence and accelerate its marginalisation in the global geopolitical landscape."…
🔹The author: Zhang Jian (张健) is the director of the Institute of European Studies at China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) – an influential think tank linked to China’s Ministry of State Security.…
🔹Some context: Zhang’s assessment is more pessimistic than some in China, but several of his arguments are in line with those made by other Chinese analysts: e.g. the negative impact that the #war has had on the EU’s quest for #StrategicAutonomy. This is bad news for #China.
Read 13 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
#China released the Global Security Initiative Concept Paper. Main takeaways:
▪️#GSI strikes a delicate balance btwn upholding existing frameworks/institutions of the liberal international order while promoting China-driven platforms
▪️Not mentioned is the #BRI ; #IndoPacific 1/
▪️Harmonization (discursive at least) btwn #GSI priorities and UN initiatives/platforms
▪️Capacity building programs and trainings are present throughout the concept paper
▪️#Africa is mentioned 14 times, the USA 0
▪️A mix of traditional and non-traditional security issues 2/
Read 3 tweets
Feb 9th 2023
NEW: #China's spy balloon "put on full display what we've long recognized - the PRC has become more repressive at home & more aggressive abroad" @DeputySecState Wendy Sherman tells lamwmakers

"It reinforced the need for us to double down on our strategy-invest, align, compete "
.@StateDept "modernizing our mobilize our embassies and resources to take on this challenge" from #China, per @DeputySecState

Sherman says US working w/like-minded countries across the #IndoPacific & beyond, sharing intel showing threat posed by PRC
#Taiwan-"We remain committed to out long-standing One #China policy & oppose any unilateral changes to the cross strait status quo" per @DeputySecState
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Feb 2nd 2023
NEW: US @SecDef Lloyd Austin leaves #Manila w/agreement on expanded access for US troops to #Philippines military sites AND talk from Philippine officials of a shared vision re #China & the #IndoPacific
“It seems to me the future of the #Philippines, & for that matter the Asia Pacific, will always have to involve the #UnitedStates simply bcs those partnerships are so strong and they’re so historically embedded in our common psyches" per Pres. Ferdinand Marcos Jr.
.@SecDef visit to #Philippines “is symbolic to all of us that the US will always be there for us" per Philippine
acting Defense Secretary Carlito Galvez, Jr.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 3rd 2023
Breakfast time late. Reading an interesting article of @gideonrachman about #China. This might be a long #thread.…
"Do we want China to fail" Nobody wants to see China fail. The #Ukrainian war & #Covid pandemic have demonstrated the existing limitations & risk of our dependency of #China, it has challenged our abilities to act in line with its interests in an interconnected 🌐. That’s all 1/2
Currently, #China controls a vast majority of those resources, providing Beijing with a powerful tool - export restrictions in a challenging geopolitical context. China will never be poor 1/3.
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Jan 1st 2023
There is much in the war in #Ukraine we do not see. The struggle on the ground is dynamic, and the correlation of forces can be unclear. This makes predictions about the future trajectory of the war nearly impossible. 1/25 🧵
2/ However, there are certain variables which are likely to have a significant impact on the course of the war in 2023. I believe there are five key variables, which depending on the approaches of #Russia and #Ukraine, will shape this war in the coming year.
3/ Variable 1 is effective conservation of ammunition and the capacity of the west to increase defence production. The war in #Ukraine is the first in three decades to challenge post-Cold War defence industrial and strategic logistic models.
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Oct 12th 2022
1/ US National Security Strategy is finally published.…
2/ On Integrated Deterrence:

"Our National Defense Strategy relies on integrated deterrence: the seamless combination of capabilities to convince potential adversaries that the costs of their hostile activities outweigh their benefits."
3/ On #IndoPacific:
"We have entered a consequential new period of American foreign policy that will demand more of the United States in the Indo-Pacific than has been asked of us since the Second World War."
Read 18 tweets
Sep 23rd 2022
On the sidelines of #UNGA, 🇫🇷Minister @MinColonna participated this week in two trilateral meetings (with 🇮🇳 & 🇦🇪, then 🇮🇳 & 🇦🇺). Formats revealing of French strategic positioning in the #Indopacific. 1 / 6
First on Monday with @DrJaishankar & @ABZayed, for a trilateral dialogue upgraded to Ministerial level for the 1st time. The 3 countries aspire to be key security stakeholders and ‘balancing powers’ for the #IndianOcean
Second today with @DrJaishankar & @SenatorWong, resumption of a trilateral format that did not convene since #AUKUS. It shows that water passed under the bridge with 🇦🇺, thanks to the change of Government(s), with both sides showing willingness to repair ties
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Aug 24th 2022
Some Armour Vehicles used by #Indian Army& Paramilitary Forces 😎🔥🇮🇳

#India use many armour vehicle in diff area for diff requirements.

Most R indigenous #MadeInIndia & some Licenses Produce.

Thread 🧵 👇👇
@DfIlite @Sandeep_Mave @Kunal_Biswas707 @DefenceDecode
1) Kalyani M4 MRAP 😎

⭐ 16ton Beast with all Armament
⭐ 18Kg TNT blast under Hull,10kg for tyre & 50Kg frm side.
⭐ 2.3Ton Payload capacity,4×4
465HP Engine Power.
⭐ 10People's (8 crew+2 in Front)
⭐ 800Km range with Internal Fuel.

Deployed against #China 🇨🇳
Made in India 🇮🇳 by TATA Group

⭐ 14 Ton Beast with 2ton Payload
⭐ 240 HP Engine
⭐Stanag Level 4 Protection,14 Kg Blast under Hull.
⭐ 360° Turret on Top
⭐14 Crew Capacity
⭐ Run Flat Tyre
Deployed against #China 🇨🇳 in Ladakh & Sikkim.
Read 12 tweets
Aug 3rd 2022
Repositioning the global supply chains away from China is already becoming a reality following the COVID-19, and the Indo-Pacific region is about to become a forefront of this geoeconomic reconfiguration, due to the withdrawal of American & international capital from Beijing. 1/
Major geoeconomic opportunities and challenges will appear following the diversification of the global supply chains. A global disruption of supply chains is coupled with the imperilled rules-based global order caused by eroding international structures. 2/
The reconfiguration will be initiated by the US to bring manufacturing and supply chains back home or to branch out to American allies and partners from the Anglosphere of influence such as UK, Australia, Japan, and increasingly India. 3/
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Jul 20th 2022
US-#China operating in the #IndoPacific - "Having predictable codes, cues guiding unexpected encounters at sea are an important part & that needs to be normalized, certainly among our coast guards" per @ComdtUSCG Adm Linda Fagan
"I think the goal is no war" per @USARPAC_CG Gen Charles Flynn on US-#China in the #Pacific

"War is very unpredictable, it's very violent, it's very long & it's very human. It's something at all costs to avoid"
US working w/allies&partners to make sure "the free & open #IndoPacific is stable & remains stable for the foreseeable future" per @USARPAC_CG

"Aggressive or overly aggressive behavior is not helpful"
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May 29th 2022
Not all realists share #Mearsheimer views on Russia's war against Ukraine. I am positioned in the #realpolitik corner while using #geopolitics and #geoeconomics as the main pillars of #foresight.This is my assessment since Dec 2021 (see pinned tweet) on Russia's plan.
There won't be any peace negotiations no matter how often Germany & France (small-size countries in Europe have no geopolitical weight) call Putin. Once Russia establishes control over Donbas & reaches its war goals in the this phase, Moscow will unilaterally declare ceasefire.
Preventing Russia from winning in this critical phase of the war requires the heavy weapons deliveries to Ukraine to sustain the Russian attacks. If Ukraine has to give up on territories in Donbas for the sake of Western appeasement, this won't stop the war. On the opposite.
Read 26 tweets

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