A thread
This is how Italy's unemployment rate has fared over the past decade
It's been above 10% for a while now

i'll come back to this later on

(The populist 5 Star hoovered up votes in the south)

But the picture looks even worse if you happen to be a young Italian
This is youth unemployment 2010-2016

No matter who is in power
And most people in Italy already know this

Italy's debt to GDP ratio is now a rather sobering 130%
Only Greece has a higher one

After, um, Britain and, um, Greece

In fact, more than half of people in Italy feel this way

Once again, they'd have a lot in common with the Brits

In fact, while we're here only 40% across Europe feel this way

"Slaves of Europe? No thanks!"

Today the country's per capita GDP is lower than it was when the Eurozone launched
The threat of "going to the people" is a handy card for a populist to have up their sleeve
Italy alone accounts for around a quarter of the Eurozone's non-performing loans

This is not the 1990s when Euroscepticism was mainly a fringe-ish phenomenon rooted mainly in economics/worries about political transparency
Around 75% of the migrants arriving in Europe now land in Italy
1. Unemployment
2. Immigration

And how the League partly rode that wave
(work with @JamesRDennison)

Only Turkey is ahead of Italy

-speed up repatriation of refugees and migrants
-close illegal Roma camps
-set up a register for imams
-greater scrutiny of mosques and their financing
-shut down "radical Islamic associations"
It most definitely is not
5Star skews toward the youth, the League fairly even across the generations