LIVE from Linden Hills! Join your host, Chet Wedgely, for an evening of unnecessarily high production values and grave concerns about parking, property values and neighborhood character. Coverage begins at 7 PM.
"I'm concerned how new corridor designations affect single family homes."
"There's a lot of input to be gleaned from all of you."
Resident: "All those houses are going away."
Worthington: setbacks are a zoning issue. That's a detail to come later. The comp plan is not a zoning code.
Also you will still be able to park your two boats in your driveway.
Speak for yourself, I'm enduring it.
(Can we have another round of applause for requiring more off-street parking?)
Palmisano mentioning projections for population growth.
Worthington: statute requires it. In the past we've done a "check the box" update that has not meaningfully addressed problems. As a result we've fallen further behind.
Question: How many commuters will actually take the train to Eden Prairie? What do you do when you get there? Walk?
Nobody uses the bike paths.
Guy says Blaisdell has 200 cars for every bike.
Worthington says they've put resources into other forms of engagement. It was a good decision and she'll defend it.
Worthington begins to answer, then, "I'll finish my thought and then you can get the microphone."
"I don't wanna live on a block that has 3 or 4 apartment buildings that are 3 or 4 stories high." Along 50th. Loves single family homes.
Palmisano: "We could be building housing for 7 years straight on the existing zoning that we have."
Analysis: would that not require the use of eminent domain?