The link is below, but in the interim, here are some excerpts and some commentary - since, as you'd expect, it gives a shrewd account of where #Brexit is now/1…
That will always lead to charges of 'defeatism', but while Rogers may be an Eeyore, he knows too much to be ignored /2…
...But Rogers isn't buying.../3

As one UK source said to me (exasperated by minister) "Trust us" cannot be turned into operational legal text. /4

Stop for a second and imagine that the EU may be as attached to the integrity of its own legal order as we Brits are of our 'sovereignty' /5

Equally absurd is the idea that leaving a customs union with the EU will pay dividends that outweigh the costs. (Agriculture is the caveat here.) /7

And the losers are not going to be the 'citizens of nowhere'. On the contrary. /8

But if it is, he warns of the price of not being honest that the "sunny uplands" will be cold and shady for a lot of people who voted for Brexit. (Feels like a long shot in current environment) /10

Shorter: 1) MaxFac will never fix N-S Irish border Q. 2) UK would never agree to NCP, so why would EU? [They won't] /11
Ergo we are heading for "deep" regulatory alignment on goods. /13

If the UK agreed a Customs Union with reg alignment, and paid-to-play (like Swiss or Norwegians) and accepted the ECJ oversight implied by alignment, could the EU give us a pass on Free Movement?

protects them on goods (where they run surplus) and keeps UK locked in a vassal/colonial relationship, without much on services./15

Italy is a problem, Macron has an agenda, and Angela Merkel, the true keeper of the Freedoms, is far from the powerhouse she once was. /19