Clin Microbiologist ➡️ Field Medical Director in IVD industry. Love: #Stewardship, #SciComm, #IDTwitter #WomenInStem. Blogger for @ASMicrobiology. Views=Me
Apr 14, 2023 • 27 tweets • 8 min read
1/ #SHEASpring2023@samdominguez309 talking to us about the nuts and bolts of building a diagnostic stewardship program! @COpedsID2/ Things are complex and we are getting a lot of sensitive tests coming to market. Interpreting results can be challenging
Dec 30, 2021 • 27 tweets • 11 min read
1/ Hey #IDTwitter#LabTwitter@ASCLS@ASMicrobiology , I want to take a moment to break down our new study: Endotracheal Aspirate Culture Variability and Antibiotic Use in Mechanically Ventilated Pediatric Patients via @JAMANetworkOpen@JAMANetwork2/ This work was a multidisciplinary effort, & I am REALLY proud of that! I think this is a great example of the cool work we can do when we put our clinical laboratory and infectious disease minds together to answer questions about diagnostic tests and #stewardship#IDtwitter
1/ I loved writing this new @ASMicrobiology article. I talked to Dr. Derick Kimathi (@Toinoti, medical researcher in Kenya), about using fractional doses of yellow fever #vaccine. I hope you find this as interesting as I did #IDtwitter#epitwitter…
2 / This is a follow up article to the one I wrote back in May that briefly detailed the history of #YellowFever in the United States, and how the development of #diagnostics for the disease as well as modern research stemmed from that #history.…
Aug 19, 2021 • 23 tweets • 8 min read
1/ Proud to be a part of this hot-off-the-press #stewardship study examining time to blood culture positivity by pathogen and primary service. A joint effort by scientists at @ChildrensColo@CUMedicalSchool@CUAnschutz. Check it out #IDTwitter ! Summary 🧵…2/ Some background:
* Historically, infants and children are given antibiotics until blood cultures are negative at 48-72 hours.
*Empirically treating is essential for children with bacteremia, but waiting for this negative BC period may be unnecessary.
Apr 7, 2021 • 26 tweets • 11 min read
1/I want to take some time to share findings from our semi-recent PETACS study. This was a wonderful collaboration between @COpedsID faculty, survey designers, and #microbiologists across the US. @JClinMicro@ASMicrobiology#ASMClinMicro…2/ First, I want to emphasize that this project highlights many of the reasons I chose to pursue a #PhD in clinical & translational science. As a long-time microbiologist, I can say that the clinical lab doesn't often have a seat at the clinical effectiveness / research table.
Mar 30, 2021 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
1/Dr. Lewis Roberts is giving a really interesting talk at @ACTScience#TS21 that walks us through the art of reviewing and questioning a scientific talk.
We are all pretty familiar with reviewing manuscripts, but I think this is a fresh take! @EdgeforScholars#phdlife#PhD2/ This is like a dynamic (real-time) manuscript review. The corollary:
* One key for presenters: strategically repeat yourself
*Tell them what you're going to say (abstract)
*Tell them (introduction, methods, results)
*Tell them what you told them (discussion) #TS21@ACTScience
1/Listening to an amazing plenary talk by @DrCHWilkins on racism, disparities, and the role of race/ethnicity in medicine and research. AMAZING talk! #TS21@EdgeforScholars@ACTScience
2/Our focus always seems to be on race alone, and not on other social scenarios. We focus so much on personal choices and access to care-- but we focus less on disparities the way we should (and race as a fully sociopolitical concept). #TS21@ACTScience
Dec 3, 2020 • 22 tweets • 10 min read
I have a few things to say this morning. A small but mighty 🧵.
First , I can't say thank you enough to @KatherineJWu for writing this amazing piece highlighting the crucial work of clinical laboratory scientists/medical technologists. Please read it:…
The article captures a piece of the talent, expertise, and dedication of these healthcare workers. This is especially true of my dear friend @darcyavelasquez, who works relentlessly day in and day out at @ChildrensColo to provide the best care possible to Colorado's children.
Aug 17, 2020 • 20 tweets • 6 min read
Ok, sort of weird to say...but today I'm dedicating some time to SPIT (formally known as #Saliva). It's the super hot topic this week in the ever-changing #COVID19 diagnostic landscape we are living in, so let's take a quick peek at some of the evidence out there (thread)
I completely understand the importance of testing saliva, particularly as it relates to lack of supplies and resources. It can be a feasible option that basically eliminates HCW risk of infxn during collection. It can also save supplies: no swabs, media, possibly fewer reagents.
Jul 26, 2020 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
I just want to be clear: while I understand and have similar frustrations with turnaround times for #COVIDー19 testing, I'm afraid the angst is falling on the laboratories...and I do not feel that is fair or appropriate. (Small thread)
The clinical laboratory is full of living, breathing, intelligent human beings. The work takes skill and time. Often, labs are understaffed and there has been a shortage of trained clinical lab scientists FOR A WHILE. There are only so many tests a person can crank out in a day.
Jul 23, 2020 • 43 tweets • 9 min read
Hey, friends. Here's what's up in the world of #COVID19 literature from the last 24 hours (7/23). Simple summaries provided, as always, follow the link for original manuscripts. BE WELL! #IDtwitter#MedED#MedTwitter#Microbiology#InfectiousDiseases1. Title: Addendum to: Children are not COVID-19 super spreaders: time to go back to school
Brief Study Design: This is a letter (addendum) to the author’s original research paper (cited in the letter and can be accessed from it).
Jul 21, 2020 • 26 tweets • 6 min read
I had a request from a friend to provide some literature on the use of #masks. I am happy to provide that here today. As always, the original manuscripts can be accessed by clicking on the link provided. Stay well! #COVID19#MedTwitter#IDTwitter
1.Title: COVID-19: in the absence of vaccination – ‘mask-the-nation’
Brief Study Design: Editorial
Jul 20, 2020 • 25 tweets • 6 min read
In some roles I currently have, I review #COVID19 literature several times a week and summarize the findings. There are thousands of studies to review, so it's impossible to get to them all, but I think sharing some easy-to-digest summaries on #Medtwitter doesn't hurt (thread)
Below are brief summaries of a handful of papers released within the last day or so. Click the links to go to the article and read more if you desire.
Apr 15, 2020 • 13 tweets • 10 min read
Thoughts on upcoming #COVID19#serology tests:
This is actually quite a challenge! (#Diagnostics often involve a lot of complexities). There is a lot of pressure to roll these tests out, but they need to perform well, or we do more harm than good. #MicroRounds (A thread)
WHY we need these soon: 1. Contact tracing. 2. Can be used to test if a vaccine is working during a clinical trial (70 of them ongoing right now, I believe) 3. Inform public policy makers about rate of asymptomatic cases + previous infections/exposures =informed decision making