M @csibike1@mastodonapp.uk 🐠💙FBPE GTTO 🇪🇺🇺🇦 Profile picture
migrant, ex civil servant, vegetarian, Mum of 2 orphaned dogs. Hate extremism, cruelty, injustice & fascism #LongLiveEurope #BLM #FBPE #EuropeanMovement 🐾
2 subscribers
Jan 27, 2023 8 tweets 9 min read
@euro writes (vital thread) to warn us that

1/ EU regulations are not perfect but are not ‘red tape’ either. They improve the quality of our everyday lives by protecting our rights as #workers and #consumers, our #environment and #wildlife and the quality of the #food we eat. Please, read on 2/ to get more detail on the #REUL Bill (Retained EU Law)
I personally experienced that EU decisions were all scrutinised by UK Parliamentary Committees before they became law! kentbylines.co.uk/balance-of-com…
Mar 24, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
From June Austin on Facebook:
I remain a passionate supporter of the European Union.
I remain proud that I voted to stay in the EU in the 2016 referendum.
I remain convinced Britain has made a huge mistake by leaving. I remain worried that we shall all be poorer as a result of Brexit.
I remain terrified that Brexit is moving Britain into dangerous territory.
Mar 16, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Last night at 6pm it was getting dark but my two @dogs4EU needed to lift a leg.
Took my Dad’s old walking stick with me.
1. I’m always a bit worried about walking alone in the dark, even with 2 dogs. I’m no pretty 30yr old but rape is about power not looks. #AllWomen 2. On Sunday, I was warned that in the park I walk my dogs in, a man tried to steal a woman’s dog in broad daylight.
My spaniel was stolen from our home in 2010 and it took me 18mths of heart breaking campaigning to find him. I rescued my GSDx in that time as I was scared
Jan 12, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
@SimonPease1 @DwWork2 A joint statement from Great Britain’s three Chief Veterinary Officers:
We have taken swift action to limit the spread of the disease and have introduced a legal requirement for all poultry and captive bird keepers to keep their birds housed or otherwise separate from wild birds. @SimonPease1 @DwWork2 .
Whether you keep just a few birds or thousands, you are now legally required to keep your birds indoors, or take appropriate steps to keep them separate from wild birds. We have not taken this decision
Dec 10, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Today we in solidarity with Sth Africa for this much Loss of Mam Fikile 🖤🖤🖤🖤😢😥😰😥😢 as stated below by XR Sth Africa rebel groups.......we.shall always miss this beautiful irreplaceable specie...

We are here on International Human Rights day, to honour and commemorate the life and death of Mama Fikile Ntshangase. This brave human rights defender,
activist and grandmother was brutally gunned down on 22 October this year, for fighting against coal mine expansion into her community in KZN, South Africa.
Jul 23, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Statement by His Holiness the Dalai Lama Welcoming EU Agreement dalailama.com/news/2020/stat… “It is heartening to know that European Union leaders have succeeded in meeting one of the toughest challenges in the organization’s history by agreeing a package of measures to rescue their economies from the disruption caused by the pandemic.

July 22, 2020
Jul 17, 2020 4 tweets 5 min read
My @dogs4EU, like all of us are getting old. They need medicines for debilitating conditions of old age. #arthritis #Pain #epilepsy drugs. Yesterday, I found that my vet couldn’t find my Bonnie’s medicine. Eventually, found a new supplier which cost me £15 more. #AnimalWelfare My @dogs4EU are my family. @SODEMAction @No10Vigil @wooferendum knows them. They were by my side. Now they are frail, I won’t let them suffer. But what if medicines run out? Are pet owners and farmers aware that #NoDealMeansNoMeds due to customs delays. #Brexit raised cost.
Jul 16, 2020 9 tweets 6 min read
Yesterday was #NoDealMeansNoMeds day. Are you on any medication? Do you have “pre-existing conditions” facing #COVID19? Do you have pets & care about #AnimalWelfare? Do you think 60,000+ deaths are too many? @WendyNowak had this to say on Facebook. Worth taking seriously. Thread ”Today we are protesting against something which should have been picked up by mainstream media a long time ago, but those of us who rely on regular medication have always been an afterthought. #NoDealMeansNoMeds
Jun 28, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
When you shop in a UK supermarket anywhere, you want to be sure that the food you buy is safe for you and your family to eat. Do you ever wonder who ensures that you can shop with confidence? The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is an independent source of scientific advice on existing and emerging risks associated with the food chain. This advice is based on research undertaken in the 28 EU member states and is the foundation for European policies
Jun 26, 2020 21 tweets 5 min read
How many families have a loved one coping/fighting #Cancer #epilepsy, needs #dialysis or insulin for #diabetes? Due to #COVID2019 there’s 2.4m backlog, a 10m waiting list expected through no deal. Shortage/delay of medicines from the EU would be the last straw. #No2DeathByNoDeal belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/brexit/re…
Jun 1, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
From Times: “Some 2.4 million patients have missed out on cancer tests and treatments due to a backlog caused by the coronavirus pandemic, charities have said.
According to Cancer Research UK 2.1 million patients are” awaiting screening appointments for breast, cervical and “bowel cancer and another 290,000 have not had referrals for tumours. It is also estimated that about 21,600 patients have had surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy postponed in the past nine weeks.
Sarah Woolnough, policy chief at Cancer Research UK, warned that hospitals faced“
Feb 19, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
facebook.com/events/s/enoug… #EnoughIsEnough Together we march this Saturday from 13-16.00. @RightProtest #Brits2020 #HoldThemToAccount Do you care about #climate & #democracy & #Judiciary & #racism & #inequality & #NotInMyName & #Fascism
Enough devastating droughts, floods and storms.
Enough of police clamping down on peaceful protesters.
Enough fires decimating wildlife and homes from the UK to the USA, Australia to Amazon & Africa.
Enough of being labelled extremists for standing up for each other.
Enough racism. Enough
Sep 13, 2019 6 tweets 4 min read
Thread: I just wrote to email.number10.gov.uk and sent copies to media:
Reading the #yellowhammer leaked and redacted publicised versions, it is evident that #Brexit is the disaster the experts have been warning about. # 2/ We also know why the 31/10 date is so important as it will allow the people that donated their money to the Johnson campaign to recoup their investment by betting on the markets. The public can not be fooled anymore. #LiarJohnson #RevokeArticle50
Nov 11, 2018 28 tweets 40 min read
@KimSJ @tony_lockyear @SteveLawrence_ @fascinatorfun @DamianCollins @CommonsCMS Bombard him with letters like
Brexit affects EVERYTHING. If you care about austerity,but not Brexit, you don't really care about austerity. If you care about cancelled operations, but not about Brexit, you don't really care about @KimSJ @tony_lockyear @SteveLawrence_ @fascinatorfun @DamianCollins @CommonsCMS cancelled operations. If you care about children's services, but not about Brexit, you don't really care about children's services. If you care about Universal Credit, but not about Brexit, you don't really care about Universal Credit. Brexit will spread like a virus into