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Feb 1st 2023
NEW: Jackson Heights NYC Drag Story Hour Draws Defenders, Homophobes #nyc #dragstoryhour #homophobes #Queens… community defenders and demonstrators in front of a library
On Dec. 29, 2022, hundreds of New Yorkers gathered outside the Jackson Heights Public Library in Queens, where a drag story hour was taking place. On one side roughly 40 people protesting, incl. #ProudBoys, neo-Nazis, anti-vaccine activists, & conservative Internet personalities.
Protesters against drag story hour were outnumbered by their opponents: over 300 community defenders, intent on ensuring the event continued safety and without disruption. This report outlines key figures involved and the structure of the police response. Protesters against Drag Story Hour stand on the sidewalk acr
Read 15 tweets
Jan 10th 2023
1/2 "Here, we demonstrate an increased survival of infected #honey #bee #larvae after their #queen was #vaccinated, compared to offspring of #control #queens (#placebo vaccinated)."…
2/2 "These results indicate that #trans-#generational #immune #priming (#TGIP) in insects can be used to majorly enhance #colony #health, protect #commercial #pollinators from #deadly #diseases, and reduce high #financial and #material losses to #beekeepers"
1/2 "The idea came to be known as the “#butterfly #effect” after Lorenz suggested that the flap of a butterfly's wings might ultimately cause a tornado."…
Read 4 tweets
Aug 28th 2022
A 59-year-old man sitting on a #Queens sidewalk died in a hit-run crash when a woman aiming her car at someone else mowed him down instead, police said.
This probably was part of this guys daily routine. It’s a damn shame. Image
a f’ing game to sociopaths Image
Read 4 tweets
Jul 14th 2022
So far the drug market in July is SUPER rough, across the whole country and all classes of substances. Alerts are nested in this thread. #testit
One of the biggest things we're seeing nationwide is that MDA is being sold as MDMA with increasing regularity. MDA (sass) is dosed around 30-50 mg lower than MDMA. Taking too high of a dose of MDA or MDMA can increase your risk of overheating or electrolyte imbalance.
From #losangeles: Dipentylone sold as MDMA. Overamping (taking too much of) a cathinone - which are stimulants - may cause dangerous overheating. If you don't know you have it, you can't dose it, and we don't know the dose for dipentylone yet.
Read 16 tweets
Mar 20th 2022
#Bee Twitter - I put up a thread last Sunday about queen #bumblebees this time of year and how to help - thanks to you it got 800k+ impressions meaning tens of thousands of people are better ‘bee informed’.
Can we do it again?
PLEASE RETWEET this new thread to help save more 1/9
#queens. Bumblebees don’t understand glass - they get confused and trapped and exhausted. Likewise with polytunnel plastic. So if you see or hear a #bumblebee buzzing & banging against your window she’s not trying to get into your house to hang with you - she’s confused. 2/9
If she’s already inside your house and is buzzing at the window she’s trapped. So you need to get her out &
as quickly as you can - don’t leave her suffer while you do something else. Why?
#Bumblebees with a full stomach have about 40 minutes of ‘energy’ in them before they 3/9
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Sep 10th 2021
⚠️🇺🇸#URGENT: Massive fire reported at St. John’s Hospital in New York City

#Queens l #NY
Fire personnel report the fire appears to have originated on the rooftop. Hospital staff and patients are evacuating the structure.
Standby for updates!
⚠️🇺🇸#UPDATE: “Those in the area should close windows and avoid the smoke condition”-NYFD

- St. John’s Hospital is the only full-service hospital on the Rockaway Peninsula
- No word yet on injuries; working to get that information now
- Majority of the fire is now extinguished
⚠️🇺🇸#UPDATE: Fire extinguished at St. John’s Hospital

New footage shows the fire was concentrated on the 11th floor rooftop of the structure. Patients can be seen being evacuated at the end of the video.
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May 16th 2021
Where were you @RepJeffries? Have not heard your voice in support of human rights and justice for #Palestinians. Your constituents in #Brooklyn and #Queens - including me - would like you to speak out.
Congresswoman @RashidaTlaib and @CoriBush have a clear moral compass and callin the ugly reality in Israel Palestine what it is - apartheid - and so not a democracy.

Why are you silent Hakeem @RepJeffries?
Read 5 tweets
Jan 4th 2021
Read 207 tweets
Nov 2nd 2020
1. #TRUMP supporters across the country are turning out in HUGE numbers not only to see a #TrumpRally but also to participate in a #TrumpCaravan or a #TrumpParade this was ours a few weeks ago #TrumpCountry 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
2. Massive Jewish #TrumpParade passes by Trump Tower on 5th ave in the heart of NYC!! #Trump2020 #JewsForTrump
3. So many Trump parades in New York today! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #Trump2020 #TrumpParade #Trump2020Landslide
Read 25 tweets
Sep 29th 2020
BREAKING: NYC daily #Covid19 positivity rate passes 3% mark for first time in months ...
Mayor de Blasio says 7-day rolling average is 1.38%
#nbc4ny Image
NYC hotspots remains in #Brooklyn and #Queens #nbc4ny ImageImage
City announcing additional enforcement actions including: >Fines for anyone who refuses to wear a face covering
>Closure of private schools and child care centers if they don't meet DOE health standards #nbc4ny
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Sep 17th 2020
Today, the House will vote on my resolution (#HRes908) that condemns anti-Asian sentiment related to #COVID19. @realDonaldTrump's use of China Virus & Kung Flu 2 describe the virus have scapegoated #AAPIs as carriers of the new coronavirus. This is wrong & dangerous.

A thread 1/
Last month, @A3PCON released its national report that shows the severity of wrongfully describing #COVID19 as "China Virus", "Kung Flu", or "Wuhan Virus".

From March to May, there were 2,583 reports of anti-Asian incidents.

It is likely there are many unreported acts too. 2/
The majority of hate incidents in the national report were verbal harassment at 70.6%, followed by shunning at 21.8%, and physical assault at 8.7%.

These statistics came from 47 states with the highest number of cases in California (46%), NY (14%), and WA (4%).

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Jul 30th 2020
@slowtotruth Its #1stAmendment right 2wear what they want in #America, b #Ready 4reply2 #Public speech #WildWest #HighNoon style. Guy streaming Is Wrong u can b an #American & wear #Naziflag c During #WW2 #Bund=#Nazi symps ala #Trumps Daddy=#Klan @NYPD & #MAGA Traitors…
@slowtotruth @NYPD 2/5 #1stAmendment #PublicSqare Speech #WildWest #HighNoon style. See #Trumps Daddy=#Klan 1000 beatup of 100 mainly irish @NYPD & stopped Catholic AlSmith from being @Potus 1927 .This #NightRiding is why #AntiFa arose c #Receipts c… &…
Read 5 tweets
Jun 4th 2020
Horrifying for #BlackLivesMatters protesters in Whitestone, #Queens. Man tried to run them over on Tuesday, it’s caught on video. 54-yr-old Frank Cavalluzzi arrested. He had blades on his arm. Charged with Reckless Endangerment, Menacing, Weapon Possession. Video from @siburpunk
Thread & Update: @QueensDAKatz says defendant is now charged with attempted murder, attempted assault, menacing and other crimes. District Attorney Katz said, “In a burst of anger and rage, this defendant allegedly sought to kill protesters who were peacefully assembled ...
... and exercising their right to free speech. No one at any time should infringe upon another’s Constitutionally-protected freedoms and doing so with the intent to injure and maim is criminal.”
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Mar 28th 2020
(Thread) While this chart is frightening, reality is even more dire. The contagion rate in New York City is actually around 3 per thousand (vs New York State's 2 per thousand). This places NYC just behind Italy's hard-hit Lombardy Region in per capita cases.@narativlive #Covid19
2. The fatality rate in New York City is also rising. The current rate is about 1.7%, a far cry from Lombardy's 10%, but as hospitals strain from overcrowding and frontline workers battle infections, the number of deaths will increase. That's why #Covid19 is such a killer.
3. The growth in the contagion rate will likely max out at around 50% according to Mayor De Bblasio. At Lombardy's fatality rate of 10% were talking about 45,000 deaths in #NYC. This could be where we're heading absent a lockdown.#CoronavirusOutbreak
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Mar 12th 2020
#Coronavirus UPDATE & Resources
Mar 11th 11PM EST
-126,135 =113 Countries & 🇨🇳
-4,630 have died🌎
-68,216 have recovered🌎
-80,932 Cases in 🇨🇳
-12,462 #Italy
-9,000 #Iran
-7,755 #SouthKorea
-2,284 #France
#COVID19seattle #NC #CA #MA #CT
1/11 #US #COVIDー19 Stats 👇🏾
2) #US #COVID19 Update
March 11th 11PM EST
1,311 #Coronavirus cases
373 in #Washington - most # of cases
36 states & DC have confirmed cases
339 new cases
38 have died: #WA #CA #FL #NJ #SD
👀 Community Prep Resources 👇🏾
#CoronavirusUSA #COVID19US
#NYC #Seattle #LosAngeles #OC
1) Welcome to #COVID19 Info!
Since the World Health Org has declared #COVID-19 a global pandemic, we thought it best to share some basic info starting with an infographic and our Personal Protection thread which includes a Pandemic Guide:
🔗 #Coronavirus
Read 13 tweets
Dec 31st 2019
Feminist Giant wishes you a Happy New Year! #2020Vision
📷 @rerutled
We’re waiting for the molokheyya and Umm Kalthoum is on - Thawrat el-Shak.
Eating our way through New Year’s Eve - first #Queens and then #Harlem
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Oct 21st 2019
1. What is the last time a perceived leftist liberation army won? Did the #IRA win? If they did it was done gracefully. What separated them from other groups to buy a deal? IMO because they showed they'd kill the Royals. When they killed Dianna's uncle Lord Louis Mountbatten
2. it all changed. Things got more violent but peace in the end.

In 1978 I lived in #Sunnyside #Queens. @AOC District. There was a small magazine shop at the corner on Greenpoint. It had IRA publications in the window & they were openly collecting money for "the cause."
3. Twenty years after Mountabatten's killing the Good Friday agreement was the culmination of hard work of many including the Mitchell team to bring peace. Bitterness may remain but Ireland had moved on. Until #Brexit. @BorisJohnson @foreignoffice @GCHQ
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Dec 28th 2018
Major incident at the #ConEd plant right by my house just now. Sky is lit up like the 4th of July. #Astoria #Queens #NYC
Everyone is safe and sound over here. We have all gotten a kick out of reading thru the mentions. Thanks for the entertaining night, Twitterverse.
I'm sure we can all chalk this up to @Noahsyndergaard coming back to
#Queens using the Bifrost. #Marvel #Thor #Mets #ConEd #Astoria
Read 4 tweets

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