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Apr 19th 2023
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SABANCI'lari hedef aldi acaba..#Jewish
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Chase Bank
Yahudi sermayesidir

#ElKaide gibi
Radikal TERÖR ÖRGÜTLERİni finanse eden sermayedir

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Gozleri acik tutulur..
Read 16 tweets
Nov 1st 2021
We are hosting a workshop organized by @theNAEng on autonomy today, with a wide range of speakers from academia and industry. You can join us here:
We will also be tweeting updates throughout the day
#autonomy #AV #robotics
Dean Al Pisano: This is an opportunity for us to ask where we are in this field and how we make sure that this technology is being leveraged to ensure we advance important work.
.@PennEngineers Dean @vijay_r_kumar in his opening remarks: one key question is how to get humans to interact with machines
Read 28 tweets
Oct 5th 2021
Lo sapete che prendere un treno "Alta Velocità" tra #NewYork e #washingtondc costa in media più di 5 volte di un treno AV in #Italia?
@liberioltre @CarloStagnaro @DeShindig @micheleboldrin @istbrunoleoni
Forse vi sorprenderete ma negli #StatiUniti, nel trasporto ferroviario passeggeri c'è ancora un monopolista, #AMTRAK che di fatto gestisce il servizio ferroviario.
I passeggeri sulla principale linea #AV americana - #Acela (anche se la velocità massima è molto inferiore all'Italia) sono solo 3,5 milioni (solo #Italo ne faceva 20 milioni nel 2019).
Read 6 tweets
Jun 4th 2021
What Friday nights are all about! @FairVoteCanada 20th anniversary conference opens, featuring a panel with @judyrebick @acoyne @ElizabethMay and Hugh Segal. Excited for this discussion of #ElectoralReform! I will post key points. 😊…
(A thread)
Coyne: Electoral reform "defeats" in Canada aren't really defends, but examples of the extreme lengths opponents of #PR will go to stop it. e.g. Most BC voters backed PR, but the government refused to implement it. Same thing happened on PEI.
Coyne: Trudeau and Legault governments noted for their flip-flops and broken promises on electoral reform. A setback, but we still need to work hard on this important issue. The necessity remains. Clear problems with #FirstPastThePost. False majorities, false results, etc.
Read 51 tweets
Oct 21st 2020
In light of Tesla's so-called "Full Self-Driving" (an inaccurate, dangerous name) release and the anniversary of Elaine Herzberg being killed by a negligent Uber AV test and chaperone driver, I'm re-upping my #AV talk. I'll follow up with some highlights.
(The YouTube link is the raw video, and you can find the slides at When I'm able, I'll add the slides side-by-side with the video of the talk, but for now, this will have to do.)
In the large-scale MIT study on the "Moral Machine" of a simulated #AV trolley problem, they frame the hypothetical around "sudden brake failure" and an "unavoidable accident", which I argue is a scenario that ignores the purported safety promise of AV *and* bad language/framing
Read 9 tweets
Aug 1st 2019
Da comiendo el primer día del quinto mes, esto es #Rosh #Jodesh #Av -comienzo del mes Av-, del acadio “abu”, caña, pues era la época en la cual se cosechaba.

Av, ¿debemos permanecer en el pasado o mirar al futuro? Súper Hilo:
Según la tradición judía durante este mes debe invadirnos un espíritu de tristeza al coincidir con fatídicas fechas, entre ellas la destrucción de Jerusalén y del primer y segundo Templo a manos del Imperio Babilónico y Romano respectivamente.

Relato histórico:

1º acto
Con la muerte del Rey #Josías de #Judá en el año 609 a.E.C. a manos de los egipcios la plena soberanía judía desapareció por completo. Sin embargo #Egipto no gozaría mucho de esta victoria. En el año 605 a.E.C. #Nabucodonosor II derrotó a los egipcios en la Batalla de #Carquemis.
Read 30 tweets
Jul 22nd 2019
At @AASHTOSpeaks Joint Policy Conference of Committee on Design and Council on Active Transportation (I'm a member of that). Flexible design workshop to kick it off. #infrastructure #RoadSafety
Joyce Taylor, Maine DOT Chief Engineerb Over the years people have debated names for different approaches to streets that serve people. Let's call it GOOD DESIGN. #AASHTO #infrastructure #RoadSafety #PeopleStreets #HealthyStreets
Shari Schaftlein, FHWA Office of Human Environment, on context sensitive solutions/design. Case studies/resources #AASHTO #infrastructure #RoadSafety #PeopleStreets
Read 149 tweets
May 3rd 2019
Sería muy interesante armar el maratón de #MCU alrededor de #Avengers, pero acomodando todas las escenas de todas las películas en una sola línea temporal. No incluyo las series por que sería sumamente largo y complicado.

Abro #hilo y me explico.
Actualmente hay dos formas (bueno hay un chingo) en que puedes ver todas las películas del Universo Cinematográfico de Marvel:
1.- En el orden cronológico de lanzamiento, es decir comenzar con #IronMan (2008), hasta llegar a #AvengersEndgame (2019).
2.- Viéndolas en orden cronológico de tiempo de los eventos, es decir, comenzar con lo que sucedió primero con #CaptainAmerica: The First Avenger y terminando con #AvengersEndgame. Esto sin contar los "flashbacks" con los que comienzan algunas como #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy
Read 56 tweets
Sep 16th 2018
Kicking off #WalkBikePlaces with an infrastructure tour on @BlueBikesNOLA. Several under way now; I'm on the one that looks at public art, placemaking. #bikeNOLA
First stop: Jackson Square, National Historic Site, named for Andrew J. Led battle that saved NOLA in 1812 but owned enslaved people. Should his statue come down? #WalkBikePlaces
Beautiful murals! Families of Plessy and Ferguson reconciled with art in celebration. Studio BE right across the street--big studio space in covered warehouse. @BlueBikesNOLA station right here at park.
Read 144 tweets
Jan 9th 2018
Pilot in BC Canada: @velometro 3-wheeled enclosed #ebikes operating as shared vehicles. Think Car2Go+bike. Geofenced to keep off pedestrian walkways. #TRBAM
If @velometro classified as bikes they can be in bike lanes but you couldn't park these at a bike rack. Lots of policy issues to be worked through. #TRBAM #bikeshare (?)
Traffic operations questions created by low-power vehicles that aren't quite bikes. If they operate (maybe in general motor vehicle lanes) + you want smaller vehicles used for urban delivery + working for bike mode shift, what happens? #TRBAM #LEVs
Read 73 tweets

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