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Jul 29th 2022
#SatanicNewMoon 7-28-22
#CommonwealthGames opening #ritual depicted worship of the #ApisBull This is extremely important because the #PriestKings are advertising their control of the masses. #AgeOfTaurus

Let me explain.
The #PriestKings bloodline date back to antiquity. This sun worshiping pharaonic cult hails from the era of the bull (Taurus) which predated Christianity by 4k+ yrs. This is the era in which God created Adam.
Below is their vassal Bull General #KlausSchwab @WEF
#KlausSchwab is the military general exercising the will of the #PriestKings and their #DavosAgenda. World dominance by means of global government infiltration and subversion under false pretenses #Plandemic #ClimateCrisis #GreatReset #SocialJustice…
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Apr 30th 2022
Only the profane, as ignorant as they are, buy into this shit. The fact is, Bill and Klaus are the low hanging fruit scapegoats promoting the will of the #PriestKings
This how you know Jones is nothing but controlled opposition. He's assisting them.
Let's tale a look at #KlausSchwab
Judging by this picture I'd say he was a member of the sun worshiping pharaonic secret society that dates back to the era of the bull (Taurus) which predated Christianity by 4k+ yrs. This is the era in which God created Adam. ImageImage
Taking into consideration of the Procession of the Equinox - Age of Taurus roughly 4400BC to 2160BC: during this time period the beginning of humanity is revealed in the #BookOfGenesis
Its also the start of Dynastic Egypt as upper and lower Egypt merge into one great nation. Image
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Feb 12th 2021
Might as well add some insight to this as ive been studying for a long time now. What it really comes Down to is frequency and vibration of our consciousness. Which has been expanding and increasing w Schumann resonance since the Harmonic Convergence. ImageImageImage
People of higher brain frequencies ☺️🧠 Image
Read 6 tweets
Dec 23rd 2020
@Twitter 🌐🗣️ hey have u heard about the Coming #AgeOfAquarius?

🤔🗣️ u do knowe? that what u are referring to is just listenstages of Evolution, right?

🌐🤔🗣️ No, We just left the #AgeofPisces and have begun the new #AgeOfAquarius This very day, Of the 12th Month on the 20secondayof2020
@Twitter ♓🗣️ Oh, your 12monthseyecal.. Right NoWe,
We are in the 1standoftenthreseven;
{#December × #Numerology:
37 10 01 ~dayearmonth.
÷#Tuesday × #Numerology:
23 5 (2~polarity, magnetism, energy; 3~ thenspiration of the seedoneworking withe 'Powers That Be' byAnne McCaffrewontwo3.
@Twitter 🌐🤔🗣️ You used #Numerology on a Calendar? Cause this is December, month TWELVE.

♓🗣️ hmm,
that still makes 3, with a seedone working with the 'Powers that Be, the inner energeas ofour creation.
U r,
applying #Numerolgy as u would contactlens or glasses.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 17th 2020
Der 21.12. rückt näher und es wird Zeit uns langsam darauf einzuschwingen. Der Countdown dazu hat übrigens schon vor Monaten mit entsprechenden Aktivierungen begonnen. Nun kommen wir auf die Zielgerade dieses Jahrhundertereignisses. #AgeOfAquarius #JupiterSaturnConjunction
Der 21. Dezember ist ganz klassisch der Tag der Wintersonnenwende. Sie findet am 21.12. um 11.02 Uhr MEZ auch ganz normal statt und markiert den Zeitpunkt an dem die Sonne auf der Nordhalbkugel ihren tiefsten Stand erreicht. Doch das ist nicht alles. #WinterSolstice #DarkToLight
Wir erleben zu diesem Zeitpunkt auch den kürzesten Tag und die längste Nacht des Jahres. Für drei Tage ruht die Sonne in dieser schützenden Dunkelheit bevor das #Licht wieder geboren wird. Damit erinnert sie uns daran, wo unser eigenes Licht zuhause ist: in der #Stille ! #Frieden
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Dec 15th 2020
Den einen oder anderen mag es verwundern warum ich mich so intensiv mit aktuellen kosmischen Ereignissen beschäftige aber ich weiß, dass die Konstellationen, die wir durchlaufen nicht von ungefähr sind. Ganz im Gegenteil sie haben Einfluss auf uns ! #Bewusstsein #AgeOfAquarius Image
Der Mensch ist untrennbar mit dem #Kosmos verbunden. Aus diesem Grund spielt sich dort draussen nichts ab, was nicht auch Einfluss auf uns hätte. Das mag uns im Alltag nicht auffallen aber in einer Zeit wie jetzt, rücken solche Zusammenhänge wieder etwas mehr in den Vordergrund.
Seit einigen Wochen ist die Taktung solcher kosmischen Ereignisse relativ eng. Ein #Vollmond am 30.11. der mit einer Mondfinsternis aufwartete, eine Portalöffnung, die uns ab dem 12.12. bis zum 21.12. begleitet, und ein #Neumond am 14.12. der mit einer Sonnenfinsternis glänzte. Image
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Dec 14th 2020
This is the GMT perfect moment of the #GreatConjunction

Several things are going on that indicate to me this is the exact moment we move into #AgeOfAquarius from the age of #pisces

1. Moon conjunct modern ruler ♓ blocking #neptune

#astrology #prophecy
2. The Great conjunction or #jupitersaturnconjunction is not quite perfected at 0° #Aquarius which is about to complete in a few hours from that moment specifically on the #WinterSolstice

3. The world has been looking up at the sky. Our shared subconscious is waking us up.
4. The #MOON is our chart ruler at this exact moment. She is blocking the illusionary nature of neptune

5. The #northnode (souls journey indicating the collective #consciousness at this moment) is transitioning from the 11th house of society into the 12th of #spirituality
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Jul 27th 2020
The #Universe is neither sphere nor flat. It's a #torus. Therefore, there is no up, down, right, or left in our universe.
When you stretch forth your hands into the #future, why do they reach the #past?

There is no time. There is only "Eternal Here&Now"…
What NASA recently discovered was not a #Paralleluniverse, but a previous cosmic cycle. There, time seems to roll back.

At the end of our current reality is the "#EventHorizon" at the heart of the double torus.
This is the dawning of the #AgeOfAquarius.…
Time is just an illusion.

The second law of thermodynamics is wrong.

What we know as #gravity is just our imagination.

NASA is also hiding #PlasmaCosmology.

All creation is "in the right direction" through the torus universe.
Read 4 tweets
May 17th 2020
Damn, watching the backlash from that #LudacrisvsNelly #RKelly verse tells me that the #retrograde energies of #Venus #Jupiter #Pluto & #Saturn are in full effect. Watch what you say cuz truth will be revealed swiftly and dealt with accordingly. #astrology
#RKelly is a Capricorn, Jupiter, Pluto are both retrograding in #Capricorn- big exposure of abuses of power, Saturn retro in #Aquarius- community/social activism and revolution, Venus retro in #Gemini- reminiscing on past music/pleasure through the internet. #ludavsnelly #Verzuz
The whole #ludavsnelly #verzuz "battle" contrast to the previous #JillScottVsErykahBadu vibe session only illustrates that the Age of Pisces, with its duality, dog eat dog, patriarchial, abuses of power, egocentric, selfish mentality is ending and the #AgeOfAquarius has begun
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