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Feb 9th 2021
I want to say something about #antisemtism within the two main UK political parties - @UKLabour & the @Conservatives - & the grotesque disparity in responses to each, from Jewish leaders & communities, the public, politicians, & especially the print & broadcast news media.
Any & all antisemitism is despicable, & has no place in contemporary society - & especially no place in political discourse.

Wherever it is found, it must ALWAYS be exposed & very robustly challenged, as we all know where the scapegoating & demonization of minorities can lead.
As a passionate anti-racist all my adult life, it was heartbreaking to find instances of #antisemitism within @UKLabour.

There are discussions around the point at which legitimate criticism of the Israeli Govt becomes antisemtism - but that is not what I want to address here.
Read 15 tweets
Jan 31st 2021
Following the widely unreported news that Boris Johnson is facing growing condemnation for an “appalling” Tory alliance with neo-Nazi & anti-Muslim parties across Europe, it reminded me how little traction Tory #antisemtism has got in the news since 2015.…
I think most people are aware of Boris Johnson's book '72 Virgins', with its references to Jews controlling the media, Arabs with “hook noses” & “slanty eyes” & the mentions of “pikeys” & "coffee-coloured “half-castes”, so I won't dwell on it.…
In October 2016, many pointed out the similarities between May's "If you believe you are a citizen of the world, you're a citizen of nowhere", & the language used by Hitler in Mein Kampf, & in Stalin's anti-"rootless cosmopolitan" campaign against Jews.…
Read 41 tweets
Jan 31st 2019
In August 2018 Jim Sheridan a Labour Councillor was reported to the Labour Party for #Antisemitic comments. Sheridan stated that he had lost respect and empathy for the Jewish community.
I am not going to defend his statement. It appears to have been used in frustration at what he perceived to be unwarranted levels of #Antisemitic allegations against the #LabourParty Jim Sheridan has since apologised and been reinstated with a warning.
But what was behind his frustration? Why would someone who stated he had supported the Jewish Community all his adult life, suddenly say he had lost empathy for them? Perhaps we should look at the broader picture?
Read 21 tweets
Oct 29th 2018
THREAD: After the #TreeOfLifeSynagogue #shooting, the #KrogerShooting before that, and the +14 bombs sent by the #MAGABomber, it's crucial that we call #RightWingTerrorism out for what it is, but we also clearly need to talk about #WhiteSupremacy in the 2018 election.
We celebrate the truly #HISTORIC number of #women and #POC running for office in 2018, but we also refuse to ignore the volume & range of explicit and implicit #racist attacks almost every single candidate of color has faced in this election. That's also #WhiteSupremacy in action
Let's be clear: #POC running for elected office have ALWAYS faced hurdles to victory defined by the strength of #StructuralRacism and our country's long-standing culture of #WhiteSupremacy. But 2018 has taken it to a new level.
Read 12 tweets

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