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Sep 16th 2022
-Pravin Sawhney wrote a book Last War
-I don't know how much he understands #ArtificialIntelligence but I agree AI is most profound #technology humanity ever developed
-Future wars will depend upon AI
-For me nothing is above nation so I attempt honest review where #India stands
-#India’s overall ranking 17
-Small countries like #Singapore & #Ireland are ahead
-#Infrastructure & Govt Strategy are 2 areas where we lack
-Notice we are No 2 in talent

-It all starts from #University and Institute
-Number of citations
-Number of PhDs
-#Indian universities do not figure in top unvivsities who are doing research

@ARanganathan72 @sushantsareen #ArtificialIntelligence
Read 14 tweets
Aug 1st 2022
New to #privacy & #dataprotection? Here are 18 books (in English) you should read to give you a thriving start:
1- Privacy’s Blueprint: The Battle to Control the Design of New Technologies by @hartzog. [To understand how #technology - software, hardware, algorithm & design - is not neutral: it can easily manipulate us and negatively affect our #privacy]…
2- Re-Engineering Humanity by @BrettFrischmann & @EvanSelinger. [To understand what happens when we get too fascinated by #bigdata, predictive analytics and #ArtificialInteligence and forget the importance of human autonomy and freedom]…
Read 22 tweets
Jun 22nd 2021

The Government has published a 110-page report on the future of human augmentation (HA), dubbed the “binding agent between the unique skills of humans & machines.”

It covers genetic engineering, future warfare, & brain-computer interfaces etc.👇🏻
In an Exec Summary, the Ministry of Defence paper says “we cannot wait for the ethics of human augmentation to be decided for us, we must be part of the conversation now. The ethical implications are significant but not insurmountable; early & regular engagement is essential.”
In the same section, it goes on to state “ethical perspectives on human augmentation will change and this could happen quickly.

“There may be a moral obligation to augment people, particularly in cases where it promotes wellbeing or protects us from novel threats.”
Read 20 tweets
Oct 11th 2019
How do we build an ambidextrous company out of Africa? #TransformationFriday
Great things start small... with intentionality. #TransformationFriday
Over the last year, we have been speaking with many business owners, read extensively as we try to establish @transform2scale: a consulting firm with a mandate to transform determined African companies to global institutions. #TransformationFriday
Read 45 tweets
Feb 19th 2019
@realDonaldTrump signed an executive order on 2/11/19 directing federal agencies to prioritize research & development in the field of AI

The American AI Initiative, is intended to enhance national & economic security & improve Americans' quality of life.…
President @realDonaldTrump laid out 6 objectives in the Executive Order on Maintaining American Leadership in AI for 6 Departments/Agencies

Secretaries of:
- Defense
- Commerce
- Health & Human Services
- Energy
- the Administrator of NASA
- the National Science Foundation
Executive Order on Maintaining American Leadership in AI
(d)The US must foster public trust & confidence in AI technologies & protect civil liberties, privacy & American values in their application in order to fully realize the potential of AI technologies for the American people
Read 44 tweets

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