The Linchpin. #TransformationFriday
Culture is based on a shared attitude, beliefs customs -written and unwritten rules that have been developed over time and considered valid. The Custodian is the Founder/CEO. It's on this foundation that bricks of innovation are laid. #TransfromationFriday
Yes, results do matter. But if you optimize for the outcome, you win one time.
If you optimize a process that leads to great outcomes, you can win again and again @JamesClear #TransformtionFriday
in today’s world cash is King. How do you get the cash?, by selling the product right. That’s why we have half-baked products and services. For a fully optimized process that constantly delivers the right product, you need more than 1+1 to get 2.
‘A pro takes several pictures of a flower, an amateur take only one’ ~ @SethGodinBlog
Strategy gives direction, Technology lights the way.
Today, we have a previously unimaginable computing power without complexities of emotion at our fingertips. #TransformationFriday
We have come to understand that the smartest people don’t always have the right answers. They ask the oddest questions. What if people could swim like a fish or fly like a bird? #TransformationFriday
It’s easy to identify a company not focused on the future. They lack the desire for invention and long-term thinking. They are competition obsessed. Unfortunately, obsession about on competition is like a rocking chair, it adds nothing valuable to your bottom line.
Think about financial literacy. Most of us are all extremely poor at keeping an account of spend. Innovative transformation is the best defense against the future. We must anticipate our customer’s needs before they think it is necessary
1. Geotagged Statement of account Google already provided the platform. Pug into it. This is called sustaining innovation. Typically, incumbents win because they are constantly in a ’Think Value’ mode. #TransformationFriday