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Jul 28th 2022
#Tether - Let's take a look at the team that created USDT and their strange connections - #illegal ones. 🧐

➡️ Origin, core-team and shady connections/frauds

This is a continuation of the last thread, which you can find below ⬇️

[2/x] CHAPTER ONE - #NYAG INVESTIGATION - In the Bitfinex and Tether fraud case

Tether claimed at the outset that it would cooperate with the NYAG, after which it obstructed the handing over of relevant documents and prolonged the process.
Read 29 tweets
Nov 2nd 2018
0/ #Crypto ending the week with a full head of steam. Not ready for the weekend just yet!

Here's the latest from the #cryptocurrency/#blockchain space over the past 24 hours or so...
1/ 🔧 @POANetwork [ $POA ], @CompoundFinance, and @ConsenSys have teamed up to develop Mana, an open source, full node #Ethereum client written in Elixir, a programming language that runs on Erlang Virtual Machine (i.e., BEAM).

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2/ 🤖 @Singularity_NET [ $AGI ] was chosen by @MaltaGov to help them fulfil their desire to explore #AI as an economic niche.

The #crypto startup - known for their work with @HansonRobotics' @RealSophiaRobot - will first help create the world's first 'Robot Citizenship Test'.
Read 25 tweets

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