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Jun 17th 2023
When talking to people about #bumblebees (which we do a lot!šŸ˜Š) they tend to mistakenly associate them with two things; honey and stings. Weā€™ve covered the honey fallacy before so hereā€™s a thread on stings to set the record straight Please #retweet for the bumbles.
#Bumblebees have the capability to sting for sure but being the docile gentle creatures they are they donā€™t like to use this capability - itā€™s their nuclear option! The ability to sting is a defence mechanism to defend their nest and themselves if they are beingā€¦
ā€¦persistently aggravated.
In fact #bumblebees have an early warning system which they deploy to try to avoid stinging you if at at all possible. We call this ā€˜the back off buddyā€™ system.
If you encounter/approach a bumblebee on a flower or perhaps on the ground or on yourā€¦
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Apr 8th 2023
Queen #Bees - HELP THEM OUT!
Another important thread concerning #bumblebee queens at this time of year!
Please #retweet/#share as every queen bee that survives gets to establish a nest that otherwise would not happen. This has knock on effects going forward. Let me explain.
#Bumblebees donā€™t understand glass - they get confused and trapped and exhausted. And they die. Likewise with polytunnel plastic. So if you see or hear a bumblebee buzzing and banging against a window in your house she needs your help - and quickly!
Sheā€™s in trouble.
So you need to act fast - donā€™t leave her suffer while you do something else (with good intentions to get to her at some stage - which you might forget).
#Bumblebees, even with a full stomach, have about 40 minutes of ā€˜energyā€™ in them beforeā€¦
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Apr 1st 2023
Many people asking us about #bumblebees at the moment - why theyā€™re seeing them on the ground - so hereā€™s a quick thread to explain what theyā€™re up to. Please #retweet as every #queen that survives means a new colony that gets to exist & produce new queen #bees for next year! 1/8
#Bumblebee queens emerge in early spring from #hibernation and immediately need to feed - thatā€™s why early flowering plants are so important. Apart from feeding their mission at this time is to find a suitable site to establish a nest. Hence you will observe queens flying low 2/8
ā€¦to the ground zig-zagging across the landscape - theyā€™re house-hunting. Stopping to explore in long grass and vegetation, hollows in trees, stone walls, under sheds and even compost heaps. During this time #bumblebee queens spend a lot of their time resting between flights. 3/8
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Sep 4th 2022
A quick thread on why helping #bumblebee queens who might get trapped in your house, conservatory, greenhouse or polytunnel to escape quickly is so important at this time of year. Please pass it on/#retweet. Thanks.šŸ™šŸ¼ 1/10
#bees #bumblebees
First: the #bumblebee lifecycle in brief.
Queens emerge from hibernation in early spring. Theyā€™re hungry obviously and need food. They feed up and immediately set about searching for a suitable site to establish a nest. 2/10
#bees #bumblebees
Once they identify a suitable site they store a small amount of food and lay their first batch of eggs. They sit on these eggs to keep them warm making necessarily efficient foraging trips in between to maintain the energy required to produce the heat for the eggs. 3/10
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Aug 8th 2022
BumbleBee Roasts Its Way to Domain Admin

āž”ļøInitial Access: BumbleBee (zipped ISO /w LNK+DLL)
āž”ļøPersistence: AnyDesk
āž”ļøDiscovery: VulnRecon, Seatbelt, AdFind, etc.
āž”ļøCredentials: Kerberoast, comsvcs.dll, ProcDump
āž”ļøC2: BumbleBee, CobaltStrike, AnyDeskā€¦
Analysis and reporting completed by @Tornado and @MetallicHack

Shout outs: @threatinsight, Google's Threat Analysis Group, @vladhiewsha, @benoitsevens, @DidierStevens, @malpedia, @k3dg3, @malware_traffic, @Unit42_Intel, @EricRZimmerman, & @svch0st. Thanks ya'll!




CS Payload Hosting
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Jul 14th 2022
Our new paper ā€˜Quantifying exposure of #bumblebee (Bombus spp.) queens to #pesticide residues when hibernating in agricultural soilsā€™ is out in Environmental Pollution! šŸ‘‰ā€¦ #Pollinators #OpenAccess @ELSenviron @NigelERaine @McArtLab šŸšŸ‘‘šŸ§µ(1/5) Image
(2/5) Many bumblešŸ species hibernate underground, where they can be exposed to soil contaminants. To quantify #exposure to #pesticide residues for these šŸ‘‘, we sampled soils from suitable likely hibernation sites onšŸŽand diversified farms in Ontario šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ during fallšŸ‚
(3/5) We found that bumblešŸšŸ‘‘ are very likely to be exposed to complex #mixtures of multiple insecticides, herbicides & fungicides in agricultural soils (including high levels of cyantraniliprole, chlorantraniliprole, & boscalidā€¼ļø). 53 active ingredients were detected. Image
Read 5 tweets
Mar 20th 2022
#Bee Twitter - I put up a thread last Sunday about queen #bumblebees this time of year and how to help - thanks to you it got 800k+ impressions meaning tens of thousands of people are better ā€˜bee informedā€™.
Can we do it again?
PLEASE RETWEET this new thread to help save more 1/9
ā€¦#queens. Bumblebees donā€™t understand glass - they get confused and trapped and exhausted. Likewise with polytunnel plastic. So if you see or hear a #bumblebee buzzing & banging against your window sheā€™s not trying to get into your house to hang with you - sheā€™s confused. 2/9
If sheā€™s already inside your house and is buzzing at the window sheā€™s trapped. So you need to get her out &
as quickly as you can - donā€™t leave her suffer while you do something else. Why?
#Bumblebees with a full stomach have about 40 minutes of ā€˜energyā€™ in them before they 3/9
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Mar 13th 2022
Lots of people asking us about #bumblebees at the moment - why theyā€™re seeing them on the ground - so hereā€™s a quick thread to explain what theyā€™re up to. Please share as every #queen that survives means a new colony that gets to exist & produce new queen #bees for next year! 1/7
Bumblebee queens emerge in early spring from hibernation and immediately need to feed - thatā€™s why early flowering plants are so important. Apart from feeding, their mission at this time is to find a suitable site to establish a nest. Hence you will observe queens flying low 2/7
ā€¦to the ground zig-zagging across the landscape - theyā€™re house-hunting. Stopping to explore in long grass and vegetation, hollows in trees, stone walls, under sheds and even compost heaps. During this time bumblebee queens spend a lot of their time resting between flights. 3/7
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Sep 16th 2020
I found a #bumblebee nest last week @parcplaisance ! Can you see it here? I spotted a common Eastern bumble bee worker from about 50' away flying down towards some non-flowering vegetation so I took a look, and voila, a nest! (1/n)
@parcplaisance (2/n) Here's a closer view of the bumble bee nest entrance. Can you spot it now? It was actually under vegetation that has been mowed, but adjacent to an unmowed 'island' with a shrub, stump, other vegetation.
@parcplaisance (3/n) Despite the cool temps (ranged from say 8-16C in the times I looked at it), I saw workers, males, and at least one gyne (new virgin queen) leaving or entering this common Eastern bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) nest, sometimes with bright pollen loads!
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May 12th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12May2020-2

The Racial Dot Map: One Dot Per Person for the Entire U.S.


#maps #demographics #census2010
Scientists concerned that coronavirus is adapting to humans | Society | The Guardianā€¦

#society #human #coronavirus #mutations
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Dec 19th 2019
This must be the most comprehensive, fascinating review of the ECBā€™s foundations and policies that has ever been produced. It will take some time to digest indeed, but here are a few highlights on my side. (1/n)
The authors' broad framework is one of ā€œtwo regimesā€, helping to (re)think ECB policies and the effects of the debt/institutional crisis, in particular. (2/n)
I'll leave the foundations for another day, but it surely provides the starting point for the upcoming strategy review.
As for the future, well now there's a speech for that. (3/n)
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