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Jan 16th 2022
Now Out in Paperback! “#China Goes to #Sea: #Maritime Transformation in Comparative Historical Perspective”…

@NavalWarCollege @ChinaMaritime is proud to publish this new version w/ @NavalInstitute @USNIBooks!

Come for the #maps, stay for the #history...
Honored to have #JonathanSpence’s endorsement:

“The maritime #history of #China has long been a neglected field..China Goes to Sea bring[s] that knowledge-gap to an end..will be an indispensable companion to those readers seeking to understand where China’s navy may be heading.”
As European #naval powers & even the @USNavy struggle with ship numbers, #China has gone to #sea.

Represents the reversal of a great historical trend that began 600 years ago, when China withdrew from the seas & European naval expansion spread Western influence around the globe.
Read 34 tweets
Jan 12th 2021
1. So I see that the nation & #civmil twitter is discussing extremism, radicalization, & White supremacy in the US military. I have no formal expertise in this area but I was a Jewish enlisted Marine so I will share some things that I observed.
2. I cannot reiterate enough that I am not an expert on this particular issue nor am I drawing from data beyond personal experience & anecdotal observations. But I think sharing some of my observations could offer some insights to those thinking about these questions.
3. First, my experience is that the military is still very hierarchical with good command and control and that the subculture where the radicalization is occurring is more so among veterans than those actively serving. But this is based only on my personal perception.
Read 12 tweets
Aug 7th 2020
1/ Want to build peace & prevent violence? See "A Civic Refresher with the National Guard" A discussion guide on community safeguarding.… @dpeyre & I have decades of experience in #civmil . Attn #Portland #Chicago #Louisville #Austin #DC #RuleOfLaw
2/ Convene an educational event about use of force, command and control and the law.… Attn: @lawfareblog @BrennanCenter @QuincyInst @ProjectLincoln @NiskanenCenter
3/Invite local leaders, including a Member Congress and the state National Guard… Attn: @RepMaxRose @RepDebHaaland @RepCheri
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