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Jun 21st 2023
1:03 mark of this #Durham hearing @HouseJudiciary on the #DurhamReport questioning by @RepSwalwell was a masterclass:

ES: President Biden through the Attorney General could have had you removed, fired, is that right?

Durham: I’m sure he could have.

ES: And you stayed on.

Durham: I completed my term as special counsel.

ES: Was there anyone you wanted to indict that you were prohibited from indicting by Attorney General Garland?

Durham: No.
ES: Durham: So if you wanted to, you could have indicted Hillary Clinton, but you never asked, right?

Durham: If I had the evidence, yeah, could have sure...Attorney General Garland had never asked me not to indict somebody.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 20th 2023
The #DurhamReport THREAD 1/19
OPINION - Outsourcing the job
1.The Durham Report omits the origins of the Russia Collusion operation, despite foreign intelligence being the predicate for the FBI opening an investigation into the Americans in Trump’s orbit.…
2.The U.K.’s role. In the summer of 2016, Robert Hannigan, head of Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), traveled to Washington D.C. to meet with Brennan regarding communications between the Trump campaign and Moscow.
3.Oddly, Hannigan bypassed his U.S. counterpart, NSA Director Mike Rogers.
Therefore, it’s entirely possible that Hannigan was responding to Brennan’s tasking, requesting signals intelligence (electronic surveillance) on members of the Trump campaign. Depending on how
Read 19 tweets
Jun 9th 2023
THREAD🧵Former President Trump said June 8 that he had been indicted by special counsel #JackSmith as part of the investigation into his handling of #ClassifiedDocuments.

The federal inquiry has led to the raid on Trump’s personal residence at Mar-a-Lago.…
The indictment is the conclusion of a yearslong saga that started when the former president moved out of the White House following the 2020 election.

The following is the timeline of the events leading up to the indictment👇
Jan. 18, 2021

@CBSMiami reports that at least 2 moving company trucks are spotted at President Trump’s residence at Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida. (Source:…)…
Read 58 tweets
May 24th 2023
Who aren't #Anons tweeting about the #DurhamReport having 4567 pages?
I just found this out thanks to @bmanfree71 and it's incredibly significant, yet it seems no one is on this.
Q456 is Washington crossing the Delaware.
Q4567 is about HRC and the CF: Crimes against Children ImageImage
Q4567 was posted 1044 days before Durham handed his report to AG Merrick Garland.
This is 🔥🔥
Q1044 is the net kill drop:
"Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.
Net will be paused.
On the clock."

DurHAM - MERrick Garland.
The HAMMER 🔨 ImageImage
On the clock=636/106=Much Wow
That 58 could have a second meaning:

4567 is the 619th prime.
619 🔄
Now I'm going to speculate on dates.
6/19 is day #170, 60 days from 4/20 (zero day?). 60=BELIEVE
6/18 is day #169 🔄
6/17 is day #168, 58 days from 4/20. 58=HAMMER
Read 8 tweets
May 23rd 2023
Lo “strano caso” del #DurhamReport (thread)
Lavoro immane. Il team Durham ha
-revisionato tutti i documenti (anche appunti a mano)
-riascoltato tutti, attori protagonisti e comparse (quelli che non si sono rifiutati) già ascoltati da FBI e Mueller e ne ha ascoltati di nuovi.
1/ Image
Ha prodotto due versioni del rapporto. Una pubblica e una secretata.

2/ Image
Segue i fatti svolti da maggio-giugno 2016, quindi solo da dopo che il contratto con #GpsFusion era stato rilevato dalla Campagna di #HillaryClinton
Read 17 tweets
May 22nd 2023
THREAD🧵#DurhamReport: It will take weeks, months, and perhaps even years to fully take in every aspect of the #FBI’s scheme against President Trump.

The most crucial finding concerns the tip that led the FBI to open its investigation.…
Until last week, the official story was that a Trump campaign adviser, @GeorgePapa19, got drunk in a London bar and told an Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer, about a secret plot between #Russia and the Trump campaign to defeat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race by……
While Papadopoulos has always denied the story, the first official hint that something was amiss came when @JusticeOIG Michael Horowitz released his December 2019 report into the FBI’s handling of its investigation of the Trump campaign.

At the time, Attorney General Barr and……
Read 20 tweets
May 22nd 2023
🚨The DNC "Hack" (long thread)🚨
(1) On 10/2006 Igor Danchenko (Steele Subsource 1) is under investigation for being a Russian Spy. He has contacted a member of Russian intel and also has two known FBI espionage subjects in his circle. Image
(2) During this same time, Danchenko has asked questions about US Military movements to a former Intel Community Intern. They say he identified himself as part of the Russian GRU. Image
(3) A FISA warrant is approved on Danchenko in July 2010 but closed in 2011 after he "leaves the country". It is later learned he booked a one way ticket but never boarded. He remained in the USA.
Read 25 tweets
May 20th 2023

Read 12 tweets
May 17th 2023
Looking forward to tomorrow with @Weaponization. I will inform the members how the @FBI is exploiting security clearance suspension processes to punish whistleblowers. That being said, I do have a couple notes about FBI employees currently holding valid clearances 🧵
Should government employees hold top secret security clearances if they require guidance and aid from a government funded “well being and resilience program?” Image
Next week @FBI personnel can take “Mindfulness Lessons” and learn how to “Cultivate Friendships Even When You Don’t Trust People.” After the #DurhamReport, I’m betting there are many within the FBI with trust issues. Image
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May 16th 2023
Welp, @HillaryClinton’s 2016 tweets in August-September-October are a road map to her plans for an expected “October Surprise” that she personally manufactured!
August 6, her plan begins..
August 15, she continues asking the public to understand that there IS something to this “Trump-Russia” thing you keep hearing about…
September 7, she ramps up the Russia theme by directly accusing Trump for praising Putin. Completely out of context, but it fits with her plan, so go for it!!
Read 8 tweets
May 15th 2023
1/ Cut through the hype and cut to the chase of the #DurhamReport:

Durham says it would have been a "sensible step" for the FBI to open Crossfire Hurricane as a preliminary investigation.

It comes way at the end — page 295.👇

I just discussed w/@ErinBurnett @OutFrontCNN. Image
2. Dovetails with what DOJ Inspector General testified in December 2019.

DOJ IG found sufficient basis for opening full investigation.

Durham publicly suggested he disagreed.

BUT IG Horowitz explained Durham actually AGREED was sufficient basis to open prelim investigation.👇 Image
3. Also if FBI opened a preliminary investigation, it would have surely moved to a full investigation.

Rather than confirmation bias, lots of evidence of contacts with Russian agents etc. Indeed Mueller investigation ended up finding all of these (1-14)👇… ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
May 15th 2023
THREAD🧵#DurhamReport: The #FBI did not interview people connected to the information it used to open a investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, the report shows.…
The bureau rushed to open the initial investigation based on unvetted intelligence from Australia, according to #JohnDurham, who has spent nearly 3 years investigating the origins of the #FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign.

The FBI’s rush to open the investigation and the……
“The objective facts show that the FBI’s handling of important aspects of the Crossfire Hurricane matter were seriously deficient.”

See the report👉…… Image
Read 16 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
@jaketapper July 42, 2016

“Russians hacked into the DNC, and now are releasing these files through WikiLeaks to help Donald Trump?”

@RobbyMook ”Well, this isn’t my assertion, there are a number of experts that are asserting this.”

@jaketapper @RobbyMook Mook:
“I think we need to get to the bottom of these facts. Experts have that it is the Russians who went in & took these emails. If they are the ones who took them, then we have to infer they are the ones releasing them.”
@jaketapper @RobbyMook Tapper wants to focus on WikiLeaks emails that were about @DWStweets @DNC & Bernie Sanders: “You’re not gonna answer the question about specifics”

Were those emails about the DNC & Sanders also RU disinfo/phony?


Read 7 tweets
May 22nd 2022
#Durham Sussmann trial take away so far. The FBI either never fully investigated the Trump Server / Alfa Bank comms and/or it botched the investigation. @emptywheel has a nice write up & notes Durham uses an FBI witness who admits he's not a DNS expert.… Image
This part is just stunning 2 me. Durham's FBI expert, who admits he doesn't know the technicals of how DNS works, concludes there wasn't a hack (something secondary to the odd DNS traffic) & then calls the methodology "horrible" & concludes the analysis by the FBI is done? #OSINT ImageImage
So from the #Durham trial testimony the FBI admits it spent less than a day looking at the suspicious DNS data that a number of outside experts have continued 2 suggest show computers from Trump / Alfa Bank / Spectrum may have been communicating around Trump's 2016 GOP nomination ImageImageImage
Read 24 tweets
Sep 21st 2020…

LCILP directors Arvinder Sambei and Martin Polaine are experts in cterrorism and intel. They teach covert spying. It's on their website.

#DurhamReport work focuses on it. Polaine and Sambei claim they do intel work for the US State Department.
LCILP were doing intelligence work.

Polaine and Sambei train spies.

In 2014, the pair asked Mifsud if they could use the London Academy of Diplomacy to host training.

I've been told that Link Campus in Rome was also used as a venue once Mifsud joined LCILP.

Who was paying?
Did they use covert Special Investigative Means (SIMs)
against @simonamangiante and @GeorgePapa19?

According to Sambei and Polaine they have developed a new range of covert methods of handling informers and agents.

Sambei claims Papa is making it all up.
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Sep 20th 2020
The London Centre of International Law Practice (LCILP) was a curious place.

Gary Born told The Washington Post he wasn't working there despite LCILP having an email address under his name.

Were LCILP commiting fraud?

The only real principles were Sambei, Idris and Dovey. ImageImage…

Gary Born did attend and give a keynote address at an LCILP event. Why would he lie about an affiliation with LCILP?

The email address in his name?

Why was it pumped full of Americans?
Here is a photo of Arvinder Sambei at an LCILP event.

Why would LCILP lie about lawyers connected to them? Gary Born says he has no affiliation with them.

Were LCILP using and abusing those credentials for intelligence work? @simonamangiante @GeorgePapa19 Image
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Sep 19th 2020…

Last year, Sky News @haynesdeborah reported that the late Charles Farr, formerly of the Joint Intelligence Committee, helped assist Alexander Downer in someway in relation to the Joseph Mifsud-Papadopoulos tip.

Alexander Downer has practically been disowned by the Australian government who say they are helping the Durham investigation.

Mifsud's curiois trip to Adelaide in March '16 to meet defence related RUSI figures close to Downer being part of the investigation.
Read 3 tweets
Sep 11th 2020
Canary in coal mine dead.

Looks like profound corruption in Barr-Durham probe—attempted October surprise.

Top Durham aide, Nora Dannehy resigns partly because “team is being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done”!…
2. @jgeltzer and I wrote this piece in anticipation.

How to prepare the public for Barr’s likely misuse of the #DurhamReport to affect the election.…
3. I wrote this article on the DOJ “60 Day Rule.”

Now note: the article has statements by former prosecutors who served in US Attorney’s Office for the District of Connecticut—the office from which Nora Dannehy just resigned—about adherence to the Rule.…
Read 6 tweets

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