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Jan 24th 2022
Wasn't Bryan Trottier, the Canadian far right social butterfly whose comrades keep accusing him of being a fed (and who I have confirmed is a fed), working with or otherwise trying to get in with Exeintel?
For greater clarity, Trottier bragged about being the source of this info #AndyNgo reblogged about a local Syrian activist (and friend) following a #DaveRubin/#MaximeBernier protest in Canada. They also made this information available to Hamilton Police.
This means that the harassment of a Syrian immigrant, and subsequent #harassment of his family's restaurant (an incident which elicited a tweet from Justin Trudeau) was directed through an organization being run by an #FBI special agent.…
Read 5 tweets
Nov 16th 2018
This is a re-thinking thread. Entertainment vs Education edition.
I cancelled #Netflix a while ago. I urge you to consider doing the same. #CancelNetflix. Obama has a 2-year content production contract with Netflix since Soros/Susan Rice took over.…
Yes I know you want to be entertained, you want to binge watch, but your dollars are going straight to the #EnemyOfThePeople. You give your money to #Soros/#Bezos. You are donating to the enemies of @POTUS. #BoycottAmazon #BoycottWAPO #BoycottNetflix #Trump2020
I started reading about the #C_A a few months ago. #ThisIsNotAGame. This civilian '#Intelligence"agency is at the heart of the #ShadowGovernement (#DeepStateSwamp). The #C_A was run by #JohnBrennan during the Obama years. Think of the damage done with a man like him in power.
Read 23 tweets

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