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Mar 30th 2021

Yesterday, @AriyoAristotle gave a scoop on the behemoth against the smooth passage of a clean #ElectoralBill towards a clean 2023 polls. The last 24hours, one had expected vehement reactions against SP Ahmad Lawan & his led @NGRSenate, zilch.
2/ At a public hearing, Dec 9, 2020, @NGRSenate & @HouseNGR assured the #ElectoralBill 'll be passed on or before March 31, 2021.

Today is March 30, 2021, but feelers from @nassnigeria, indicate the @DrAhmadLawan-led @NGRSenate ain't committed towards a clean elections in 2023.
3/ Irrespective of the political leaning, a clean #AmendedElectoralAct should concern you. Such Act should:

- Allow @inecnigeria call for nominations at least 360days to election & submission of candidates lists not later than 6months. This solves pre-election litigation issues.
Read 14 tweets
Dec 17th 2018
For your information, INEC through some unprecedented constraints have systemically rigged 2019 elections. Voter registration were frustrated in the southern part of the country by limiting it to LGAs while Polling units across Northern States enjoy unperturbed activities.
Check also the percentage of PVC collection in the north with a robust distribution process that carried along religious centers. Foreigners from neighboring countries as well as infants and under-aged have been registered and will be allowed to vote at gun point.
I asked how INEC plans to curb this but you could have heard a pin drop. Many willing citizens were systemically disenfranchised by the haphazard arrangement of the limitation of registration to LGAs in the south despite knowing the constraints even at polling units in 2014.
Read 5 tweets
Dec 17th 2018
If they can edit broadcast on their media laterine and order media blockade why won’t they try to influence NBS? They want all institutions balkanized and subjugated before their graven image. #NeverAgain
I believe it is imperative we examine President @MBuhari’s Promises as against what is obtainable in reality don’t you think? Even if it is just an empirical overview? 🤔
In the spirit of Education let us look at each heading as report only what is obtainable with references that would aid fact checkers while we raise our argument to Objective level beyond the reach of e-rodents and Online herders who may be lurking to misconstrue to spread lies.
Read 26 tweets
Dec 17th 2018
There is a schizophrenic nature in modern politics. A leader is expected to have a religious faith but he is not supposed to let it influence him in his duties.
Somehow, the truths that determine everything else about his existence are not allowed to influence how he conducts himself in public life. Not only that, his principles are usually considered so personal that the public is not even allowed to know for certain what they are.
This passes for noble statecraft in our time. It was once thought cowardice.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 14th 2018
The brooding festive mood did little to stifle the fact that electoral reform was stumped, our worst fears about the north-east are real, a forex ban list got longer and regulatory immaturity persists.
Honourable Mohammed's remarks about #BokoHaram underscore the gulf between official propaganda regarding the north-east and the realities on the ground.
The region has been described previously by @TheEconomist as "a failed state within a failed state" and boasts some of the worst socio-economic and developmental indices in #Nigeria.
Read 25 tweets
Dec 13th 2018
Things I learnt while at The Electoral Institute yesterday:
1. That report about @MBuhari getting 75% of his votes in 2015 from areas where card readers were not used did not come from @inecnigeria or its data.
2. INEC will use #PVC #CardReaders in all the 2019 elections.
3. INEC does NOT need the #ElectoralBill to be enacted to be able to use #PVC #CardReaders. It has been using #CardReaders consistently since 2015 and intends to use them in 2019. If it hadn't already planned to, two months to the election would be far too late to start planning!
4. INEC has stopped the use of 'incident report' to justify non-use of #CardReader for voter identification.
5. These safeguards are why some now resort to #votebuying.
6. Slow/late funding issues will not stop the 2019 polls, just as they didn't stop the 2015 polls.
Read 5 tweets
Dec 13th 2018
INEC Bent on Rigging for GMB: IDPs in Nigeria have no certifiable/certified identity documents. There are over 14.7 million IDPs between Nigeria & it's borders with Chad, Niger and Cameroun. Now they will use them to perpetuate themselves in power! #Atrocious #NeverAgain
A ruler that will sacrifice the physical and emotional well being of his citizens, balkanize the security institutions to serve his personal interest in oppressing opposition and treat his people as pawns just to stay in power needs to be stopped. @USEmbassyAbuja #NeverAgain
We will turn up the heat on the @NGRSenate @HouseNGR @bukolasaraki @YakubDogara if this madness is not nipped in the bud. Nigeria is in ruins under this unconscionable administration yet they seem not to know the limit. #ThisEndsNow
Read 22 tweets
Dec 11th 2018
On the #ElectoralBill and #NewPoliceAct as promised, there will be a Mega Protest should the Presidentfail to sign it into Law before the end of the year. It will be the biggest protest ever, beyond the control of @PoliceNG We are still asking nicely and bidding our time.
APC wants to shutdown the #ElectoralBill for selfish interest? For the first time in our democracy we are in Uncharted Territory. The dissidents being procured & deployed should think deep. They will all hear from the people. It will be loud and deafening. #APCLeaks #AsoRockLeaks
As we speak plots are thickening to stop @NGRSenate passing the #ElectoralBill by a simple majority. Money is currently flying about to by soulless dissidents. But can simple majority the override veto? Issues concerning the legislature must follow the constitution.
Read 6 tweets
Dec 8th 2018
#ElectoralBill: 2019 Will be a Contest of Rigging--A THREAD

The game is over for Buhari. He & his minders know it. Atiku will win at least 45% of the Muslim north & more than 45% of the southwest. These 2 blocs are supposed to be Buhari's strongholds, but he is losing them 1/7
b/c of his ruthlessly dreadful & strangulating ineptitude. Atiku will, of course, win more than 70% each of d Christian north, the southeast, & the southern ethnic minority bloc. So it's obvious that 2019 would be a blowout for Atiku. The signs are apparent even to the dumb. 2/7
That's why there's frenzied, transparent panic in Buhari land. The only option left for Buhari now is to rig himself back to power, & that's what he's planning to do. That's precisely why he has refused to sign d electoral bill. His reason for not signing it is that,"any real 3/7
Read 7 tweets
Dec 5th 2018
I call on @NGRPresident @MBuhari to end the uncertainty by signing, without delay, the 2018 #ElectoralBill. This would allow @INECNigeria and all concerned parties to prepare on time for a credible process in the upcoming General Election.…
My position remains that the @NGRPresident, his aides, the entire country and the international community are aware that all the concerns raised by the @NGRPresident on the past three occasions he withheld assent to the #ElectoralBill have been addressed by the legislature.
We bent backwards on each occasion to accommodate the wishes of the President on the #ElectoralBill. We started work on this law since 2016 to prevent a situation where it would become part of the election controversies.
Read 6 tweets

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