Operatively, the law in force, and on which @inecnigeria announced the timetables and modalities for #NigeriaDecides2019, is the Electoral Act 2010 (as amended).
There was ample time to get a good bill passed when reform was first mooted in the middle of last year.
On @AsoRock's side, @MBuhari offered unsatisfactory explanations the 1st 3 times a workable bill sat on his table only to wave the ‘insufficient time’ card now.
On the one hand, it has aided the development of industries such as cement and salt, though the impact has yet to be felt in final consumer prices.
In June 2017, the Enugu Airport’s manager disrupted the flight operations of @flyairpeace over a ₦7 million debt.
This is also true of other sectors.
This weekly thread will go on break and return on Friday, 11 January, 2019.