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Nov 15th 2022
[1/20] John Orchard (CEO, @OMFIF) spricht in diesem gerade einmal 4 Monate alten Video über die Zukunft von #Blockchain, #NFTs und #Web3.

In diesem 🧵 fasse ich zusammen, welche spannenden Rückschlüsse gezogen werden und was die Zukunft für uns alle bereithält. 👀 WSI OMFIF Wealth Strategy Institute How a digital world will
[2/20] Das erste Statement, gleich zu Beginn der Sitzung brachte mich zum Schmunzeln. 😉

Nach über 2 Jahren der Diskussionen und des Research zu #CBDCs, wissen die meisten #Zentralbanken bis heute immer noch nicht was sie tun sollen.
[3/20] Danach startet Stefan Edelmann (@sygnumofficial) in das Gespräch mit einer Übersicht der Investmentmöglichkeiten im #DLT Bereich, die aus seiner Sicht existieren:

• Der technologische Layer / Das Fundament als neues digitales #Asset Universum (Nicht die Währung)
Read 22 tweets
Mar 23rd 2022
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka 1/ The curious case of “disguise, I see thou art a wickedness” [Viola, Twelfth Night]. PART 2/2 <‘the #Emoney shot’>, following on from PART 1 - (). V-Wallet (Europe) Ltd was FCA authorised as an #Emoney op in 11/2018, …
2/ renamed to #Viola Money(Europe) Ltd “VMEL” six months later (05/2019) + purportedly acquired 10 months later (03/2020) by a ‘mysterious’ individual & a Scottish (rumoured to be ex Barclays Bank/Barclaycard/VISA cybersource) purported ‘right hand man’. Noteworthy was that …
3/ shortly before/after the @theFCA authorisation of VMEL, ‘Viola group’ (incl. VMEL) was seemingly ‘re-financed’ with the aid of the notorious now former FCA made men/women at #Alfandari (charges still show as outstanding on some Viola SPV’s).
Read 68 tweets
Oct 4th 2021
What is #Euroclear then? Euroclear is a major global clearing house that settles and clears securities traded on European exchanges. While some commentators feel this is not a must for Indian bond inclusion into major indices, it is certainly seen as a big sentimental...(1/4)
...positive. This is because onboarding bonds on Euroclear means that foreign investors need not worry about registering with onshore authorities, opening onshore accounts, and taking care of tax norms for transactions in India bonds. This appears relevant because some...(2/4) commentators expect Indian bonds to be listed on Euroclear by the end of this year, 2021. If a good part of the above comes through, analysts expect India's yield curve for government securities to flatten by around 50bps and the 10Y to trade around 5.85% in...(3/4)
Read 4 tweets
May 16th 2020
Mini not:

#Euroclear ve Clearstream: 2 küresel "menkul kıymet" saklama ve takas aracısı (yani ICSD)

Durdurulan: Bu 2 rakibin kendi aralarındaki köprü işlemlerde TL uzlaşı

Devam eden: Her birindeki (içsel) TL kıymet takas işlemi


FX piyasası: CLS temizliyor. Karışmasın 😉
Prestij olarak elbette negatif bir gelişme. TL varlıklara talep dip yapmışken takastaki sürtünmenin artması, likidite ve motivasyonu azaltır.

Lâkin direkt FX işlemlere odaklanacak olursak... bu 2 menkul kıymetçiye değil CLS'e bakalım. Orada bir yamuk (henüz) yok.
Bu "bridge" üzerinden ne kadarlık bir tahvil ve hisse takası oluyordu, rakam veren bir kaynağa rastlamadım. Yine de araştırmak isteyenler saklama/takas konularında markaları ve tarihçelerini şu kaynaktan inceleyebilir:…
Read 4 tweets
Mar 12th 2019
😆😆😆😅😅😅😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Bolsonaro @jairbolsonaro to Guaidó @jguaido : "self-proclaiming president is easy, I want to see govern🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
y @telesurenglish
The attack on #Venezuela’s electrical system was carried out in three phases. #HandsOffVenezuela
Read 215 tweets

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