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Feb 8th 2023
The pursuit for #100x returns is important, but mitigating losses is equally vital in investment.

Bubblemaps highlights most of the warning signals that heeded, can prevent loss of assets by wallet fraud.

Here's what @Bubblmaps is solving that you didn't know.🧵
The scope of this thread will include

1. Introduction
2. How does it work
3. Problems solved with #Bubblemaps
4. Conclusion and recommendation

Let's get started 👇
1️⃣ We often have a tendency to react rather than prevent.

This habit results in frequent financial losses and disappointment.

#Bubblemaps addresses both common and uncommon causes of wallet fraud that can result in partial or complete loss of funds.
Read 17 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
Everyone wants the next 100x

But avoiding losses is just as important when investing

Here are 5 red flags you can't afford to ignore 🧵 Image
1️⃣ Unlocked wallets 🚨

Since @FTX_Official collapse, one mysterious wallet holds 60% of the supply of #FTT - unlocked and unlabeled

Large wallets can liquidate at anytime and create devastating repercussions.

Top wallets should be labeled and securely locked Image
2️⃣ Wallet splitting

Large holders execute advanced techniques to deceive you.

@babycarebsc stole $500k from investors by simultaneously selling from 50 different wallets.

Those wallets were connected through BNB transfers - forming an easy to recognize cluster 🚩 Image
Read 7 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
Publicamos nossas 10 previsões pra 2023 em #cripto 🚨

Ano passado, teve um palpite nosso que virou verdade em 2 semanas 🤐

A lista desse ano traz também 10 moedas. Quantas delas você tem aí no seu radar? 👇🧵 Image
1 /

O fundo do #Bitcoin já passou.

É arriscado fazer essa suposição, não sabendo até onde o FED vai apertar antes de pivotar.

Mas sinais da bitcoinomia sugerem que um fundo cíclico foi achado em novembro/22.

Assim como o topo de '21, foi menos violento que seu predecessor. Image

"Withdrawals" de ETH em staking são liberados até abril.

Mais uma crítica ao Ether cairá por terra. O yield nativo da rede vai atrair ainda mais capital.

Mesmo que mais da metade dos stakers estejam abaixo da linha d'água, vemos o evento como um daqueles "bullish unlocks". ImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Nov 24th 2022
FTX customers are furious where their money went 😡

Part of the answer is hidden in the infamous #FTX & FTX US financial statements.

Let’s dive in… 🪂
2/ Starting with FTX’s acquisition spree:

🟥 The #LedgerX deal alone comes with $129M paid for goodwill (a fancy word for overpayment).

🟥 Add to that $206M for intangible assets (licenses and customer base).

Licenses are hardly recyclable and customers are long gone. Image
3/ Moving down the document

🟥 The sponsorship agreements for FTX US alone are over $440M.

Compared to:
🟥 $46M in REVENUE
🟥 $98M net operating LOSS

Marketing expense is quite aggressive to say the least. ImageImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Nov 18th 2022

#FTX 新任CEO John Ray III为何怒斥离谱和混乱?在向法院提交的长达30页的法律文件中究竟披露出FTX哪些不为人知的秘辛?FTX又有哪些管理不善及滥用资金之举?PANews将为您一一梳理。

欢迎转推+点赞+关注 🧵👇

1/按照不同的业务,文件将 #FTX 集团按照不同的业务分为WRS Silo、Alameda Silo、Ventures Silo和Doctom Silo这4种业务组,并公布了截至9月30日的资产负债表。但Ray也指出,此表并没有长期债务,按理来讲用户存款会作为很大一笔的FTX债务(因为FTX托管用户资产),但用户资产其实并没有被计入资产负债。 Image
2/该文件也指出,FTX集团大部分财务报表是未经过审计的,且没有会计部门,其中FTX US与知名审计公司Armanino LLP合作,而 FTX全球站则是依靠名为Prager Metis会计师事务所,而这是家声称首家在元字宙平台Decentraland开设会计总部的公司,并没有实体。
Read 18 tweets
Nov 17th 2022
Looks like @SBF_FTX did a tell-all interview with Vox Media over DM's, and those messages have now leaked.

(This is a chronological presentation of the conversation.)


#1: Sam's thoughts on regulators
#2: Sam's ethics, a slight diss at @cz_binance.
#3: Ethics - Part 2
Read 7 tweets
Nov 16th 2022
$AMC Value = Trillions, The #Abuse this stock has been put through is Unreal.

Swap_0.00002 #Ether For 112,241,171,790.9004535839937579638
#AMC on #Uniswap V2 From #Uniswap V3 Router 2 --> Wrapped #ETH er

$APE #APE #AMCSTOCK @SylviaRey @BossBlunts1 @AMCbiggums @KatStryker111 ImageImageImage
2.) Throwback 👇 Image
3)⚠️#Synthetix A New Financial Primitive enabling the Creation of SYNTHETIC Assets. Unique Derivatives & Exposure to Real-World assets on the #blockchain
@Burim8203 Thx bro!💎 @BossBlunts1 @AMCbiggums @SylviaRey @erikfinman @PeterRHann1 @cvpayne @CEOAdam @EduardBrichuk @rattoy2 ImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Nov 15th 2022
[1/20] John Orchard (CEO, @OMFIF) spricht in diesem gerade einmal 4 Monate alten Video über die Zukunft von #Blockchain, #NFTs und #Web3.

In diesem 🧵 fasse ich zusammen, welche spannenden Rückschlüsse gezogen werden und was die Zukunft für uns alle bereithält. 👀 WSI OMFIF Wealth Strategy Institute How a digital world will
[2/20] Das erste Statement, gleich zu Beginn der Sitzung brachte mich zum Schmunzeln. 😉

Nach über 2 Jahren der Diskussionen und des Research zu #CBDCs, wissen die meisten #Zentralbanken bis heute immer noch nicht was sie tun sollen.
[3/20] Danach startet Stefan Edelmann (@sygnumofficial) in das Gespräch mit einer Übersicht der Investmentmöglichkeiten im #DLT Bereich, die aus seiner Sicht existieren:

• Der technologische Layer / Das Fundament als neues digitales #Asset Universum (Nicht die Währung)
Read 22 tweets
Nov 13th 2022
🧵A Thread On Who REALLY crashed #FTX and WHY
1) #SBF was owned and operated by Davos as a front for Offshore Dollar Market (ODM) money creation and laundering through Ukraine and beyond the jurisdiction of the Fed.
2) Davos used #SBF and #FTX as the tool for regulatory capture of the entire #crypto industry. They need to control the industry in order to control stable coins because stable coins are the replacement of the ODM/Eurodollar System.
3) The ODM is being destroyed as Powell raises rates and bankrupts Davos. Therefore Davos’s only hope was to capture the entire stable coin market so they can keep printing more money to fund wars and overthrow governments (and steal the midterm elections).
Read 11 tweets
Nov 13th 2022
Although some of my funds got caught in #ftx as I thought they would be able to provide more liquidity I warn many people to remove most of their funds as I consider them to be crypto insolvent, was I delusional back then? @iTzAnthonyNap @otisa502 @CEL__100 #CelsiusNetwork 1/7 🧵
Me commenting about @cz_binance warning. #CelsiusNetwork 2/7
Recommending @binance 3/7
Read 7 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
El caso de @FTX_Official es la estafa más grande experimentada en el ecosistema de las criptomonedas. Lea bien, CRIPTOMONEDAS más no del #bitcoin. Son cosas diferentes.
Pero, ¿como fue, que pasó y quien la ejecutó?
Te lo explico desde el principio en un hilo Post Mortem 🧵.

@FTX_Official es o fue un exchange de criptomonedas fundado en el 2019 por dos jóvenes talentosos de WallStreet y Silicon Valley. Su líder Sam Backman Fried @SBF_FTX un físico y ex trader de @JaneStreetGroup y Gary Wang, un ingeniero informático y ex de Google y Facebook.

La compañía esta registrada y tiene su sede principal en Las Bahamas, creció tan rápido que en apenas 2 años tenía 130 filiales y se convirtió en el 2do exchange más grande de EE.UU y el 4to más grande del mundo llegando a transar hasta ~$28.863 millones en un solo día.

Read 25 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
Why the FTX drama is not the end of crypto, but rather a beginning. 🧵

(1/21) For those who don't know me, I guess I should start by just saying I've been in this space for a while. I was here before #MtGox imploded. I met Vitalik before #Eth was a thing. I remember exactly..
(2/21) exactly where I was when #Bitcoin hit $100 & $1000. I remember when the engine driving Bitcoin was a philosophical and ideological one, when the space was a bizarre hybrid of gold bugs, libertarians, anarchists, hackers & OG #cryptography evangelists.
(3/21) I've been here for a while & the recent/ongoing drama involving FTX & #SBF is probably the worst I've seen to date.

Lately we've all heard the same question. "Do you think the FTX debacle is the end of #crypto?". I understand the question, but as somebody who knows...
Read 21 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
5 casais morando numa penthouse de U$35M nas Bahamas.

Um jovem vegano descabelado seguidor do "Altruísmo Efetivo" 💡

Gisele Bundchen, Bill Clinton, anfetaminas... e muitas orgias 🍆

A história da #FTX extrapola #cripto.


SBF, dono da FTX, e seus sócios, moravam nessa penthouse nas Bahamas.

Possuem +200M em imóveis na ilha.

De lá comandavam a 2ª maior exchange do mundo. E a a Alameda - o hedge fund responsável pelo rombo bilionário que roubou milhões de clientes mundo afora nessa semana.
A FTX não tinha um board.

SBF mexia todos os pauzinhos. Os maiores investidores do planeta tinham financiado ele:

BlackRock, Sequoia, Tiger Global, SoftBank, Paradigm , Ribbit, Temasek...

Ele gastou U$40M em doações políticas em 2022. Foi o maior doador do Biden em 2020.
Read 30 tweets
Nov 11th 2022
Thread /👀
En moins de 72 heures, #FTX est passé d'exchange n°2 mondial à plateforme insolvable.
Tout s'est enchaîné rapidement, nous vous proposons donc de revenir sur les récents événements. Comment le colosse aux pieds d'argiles s'est effondré ? SBF coupable de ces dégâts ?
👇 Image
FTX et Alameda, une société de trading crypto, sont deux entités fondées par @SBF_FTX. Ces entreprises ont des liens très forts entre elles de part leurs divers investissements en $SOL, ou dans la DeFi mais surtout en $FTT, token de la plateforme FTX.
👇 Image
2/Le $FTT
C'est le token clé dans toute cette histoire. Il constituait 40% de la trésorerie de #Alameda et était utilisé comme collatéral pour certaines de ses dettes. Le jeton constitue donc le socle de l'immense château de cartes de SBF. S'il chute, il emporte tout avec lui.
👇 Image
Read 21 tweets
Nov 11th 2022
1/ #SBF might have ignited the FINAL death spiral

🧵A thread on why an #FTX bankruptcy is the #Lehman of #DeFi

#CZBinance #FTT #SamBankman #BlockFi #DeFi Image
2/ With $2+bn raised, support from virtually every tier 1 fund, a $32bn valuation, 1.2m wallets & $10bn in deposits, #FTX was 2nd to none other than the man that triggered their bank run - #CZ's #Binance.
3/ As @FTX_Official files for bankruptcy, what's left are 100K+ creditors, $10+bn in liabilities, and... a new high score on a certain graph Image
Read 22 tweets
Nov 11th 2022
#FTX, a crypto exchange valued at $32 Bn went under🥵

$32Bn is INR 250,000 Cr+, i.e., More than HCL Tech and Wipro's valuation 🤯

What happened❓ Let's decode👇
A. Background

Alameda Research was founded in 2017 by Sam Bankman Fried

It was a trading firm in crypto space (think, Zerodha)

Later, Sam built an exchange - FTX, in 2019 (think, Bombay Stock Exchange)
FTX decided to expand its bouquet of services

They starting giving loans to customers

Who bought cryptos on loan and FTX charged interest against that

Later, they decided to bring their own cryptocurrency - FTX Token (#FTT)
Read 12 tweets
Nov 11th 2022
FTX的 #BTC 存量从北京时间的11月10日晚上23点正开始出现下降,并持续减持一直到现在,累计减持425枚。目前尚剩余5,589枚在其控制的所有地址中。 Image
FTX的 #ETH 存量从北京时间11月5日早晨八点的最高值(ERC20)63万枚开始减持,一直到现在仅剩余12,016枚在其控制的所有ERC20地址中。 Image
FTX的 #USDT 存量从北京时间11月2日下午15点的最高值(ERC20)3.01亿美金开始减持,中间出现过停止提币的现象,并且于北京时间11月11日9点30分继续出现减持,目前所有ERC20地址的USDT存量仅为32,625枚。 Image
Read 6 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
O acordo Binance-FTX foi suspenso e a alavancagem da FTX pode trazer grandes consequências ao mercado.

A Binance foi procurada pela FTX, que está enfrentando problemas de liquidez, e após análise do cenário da exchange, o due diligence da Binance desistiu de firmar acordo.
Na tarde desta segunda-feira (7), a Binance foi procurada pela FTX, que estava enfrentando problemas de liquidez.

Segundo CZ, a FTX pediu ajuda para lidar com o risco de insolvência envolvendo a operação do FTX token (FTT).
O problema surgiu após a Coindesk revelar o balancete privado da Alameda. A empresa tinha $8 bilhões em dívidas, sendo 93% dessas dívidas vinculadas a empréstimos com colateral.

A FTX ficou sob pressão depois que Zhao disse que a Binance liquidaria suas posições em FTT.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 10th 2022

What you can see:

1. Total Balance
2. Portfolio Top 3 Holdings
3. Profit & Loss (PNL)
4. Latest Transactions


Please like & share!

Follow me for more content @IAmDonnieAzoff

@ArkhamIntel thanks 🫡❤️
1) Binance Exchange

1. Total Balance: $37,092,924,163.07

2. Portfolio Top 3 Holdings:

- $21.62Billion BUSD
- $5.80Billion ETH
- $3.02Billion USDT

3. Profit & Loss (PNL): approx. + $3.1Billion Profit

@binance @cz_binance
2) FTX Exchange

1. Total Balance: $1,234,285,804.07

2. Portfolio Top 3 Holdings:

- $652.66Million FTT
- $57.54Million PAXG
- $52.36Million USDT

3. Profit & Loss (PNL): approx. - $1.6Billion Loss

Read 14 tweets
Nov 9th 2022
Sam basically went with the "money glitch method"

If you don't understand what sam did then here you go 👇

FTX created $FTT inflated its value.

Transferred that money to their sister company @AlamedaResearch where they can show a profit on their balance sheet

Then proceeds to borrow other assets like btc, eth etc.
After borrowing all these assets they can send all of these assets back to FTX

By doing this you can literally create and print as much money as you want.

This is why $FTT has such a big effect on the @FTX_Official
Read 7 tweets
Nov 9th 2022
1/ Sam's empire has collapsed. #FTX #FTT #Alameda

From the next Warren Buffett to an outcast in less than two months.

He's now joining a very exclusive group with folks such as Do Kwon (#Terra), Su Zhu (#3AC), and Alex Mashinsky (#Celsius).

How did he end up here? A thread. 👇 Image
2/ Let's start with the obvious, but NOT so obvious.

His health suddenly deteriorated & he was so anxious all the time. Why?

He knew what many did not, but some did. 👇

3/ In August, Sam Trabucco (#Alameda co-CEO) resigned.

In September, Brett Harrison (#FTX US President) resigned.

Now we know why. They were on a Titanic and they jumped ship early.

But what about Sam? 👇 Image
Read 18 tweets
Nov 9th 2022
1/ So basically SBF was using his own token $FTT as collateral in a flywheel scheme, allegedly misusing/gambling user deposits.

#CoinDesk published #AlamedaResearch's balance sheet which showed the extent they were using $FTT as collateral.
2/ #cz_binance was pushed into selling his $FTT holdings which made everyone question #FTX solvency.

A bankrun started and when everyone tried to withdraw it became clear that #FTX did not have enough funds to cover all the deposits.
3/ I am trying to find another logical explanation different from #FTX gambling with user funds.

Where are the funds if they were simply hodling them for the users? At least according to their ToS.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 9th 2022
A recap of the crazy last 72 Hours, a thread🧵👇: Image
It all started with the worry about #Alameda's financial status after their balance sheet and liability are leaked👇.
Then the rumor is out that FTX is in a liquidity crisis.
But at this point, based on the scale of FTX, many still hold FTX is safe.…
Then 3 days later, a huge #FTT transaction (22,999,999 - $580M at that time) happens, then the man, @cz_binance steps in and announces #Binance gonna sell all #FTT they have due to #FTX existing risk, seems a war between @binance and @FTX_Official has just begun. ImageImage
Read 25 tweets
Nov 9th 2022
This is probably the most detailed analysis of #Alameda's on-chain status:

We pull a total of 643 #Alameda's addresses data on different chains.

Right now, they have $310M in EVM positions and assets, $200M on Solana (excluding low liquidity assets)

A breakdown:
Assets on Ethereum worth $230M include:
$99M #USDC
$32M #BIT they keep the oath I guess
$23M #USDT
$18M #WETH
$12M #ETH
Mostly major assets, on the other hand, other altcoins decreased. Image
Besides, they have around $80M worth of Ethereum positions like:
$23.5M #FTT collateral to borrow $MIM
$3.66M #WBTC collateral on @AaveAave to lend $CRV
$2.37M aETHc on @ankr
$5.64M #USDC Liquidity on @ClearpoolFin
$7.11M #xSUSHI @SushiSwap
Read 5 tweets

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