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Sep 21st 2021
Collectors: It's not just about status or money, it's about supporting artists who have invested years into developing their craft. Artists have been overlooked for far too long, yet continue to pour into what they are passionate about. Artists make our world a much better place.
Being an art #collector, whether in #cryptoart, #nft's, traditional #art, or many other art forms - it must primarily stem from a love for beauty, skill, creativity, nature, meaning, and thinking. Great art makes us appreciate, connect, aspire, reflect, and adjust perspectives.
As collectors, we help to recognize these talents in original artwork. Collecting from underrated, undervalued, underappreciated, unknown #artists who display stunning aptitudes for creating is a joy and a privilege, as it communicates to artists that they are valued and seen.
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Sep 22nd 2020
This #SaudiNationalDay we honor our frontline workers and take a look at how KSA protected its residents, and the rest of the world…
For #SaudiNationalDay, we look at how King Salman’s leadership made a different in #SaudiArabia’s fight against #COVID19

How the Saudi Ministry of Commerce helped protect the economy during COVID-19

What Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Commerce did to help protect the Kingdom’s #economy amid the #coronavirus pandemic

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Aug 31st 2020
#UAEIsrael: The #UAE is set to welcome a US-Israeli delegation led by @jaredkushner today, who are arriving on a landmark commercial flight between the Emirates and #Israel
#WATCH: Children wave flags of #UAE🇦🇪 and #Israel🇮🇱 while Israel’s national anthem plays in the background to commemorate today’s historic meeting (credit: @kaisos1987)
#UAEIsrael: @EL_AL_AIRLINES’s inaugural commercial flight to the #UAE uses the 971 number in honor of the Emirates’ calling code

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