Extended session
Day 36
#RajyaSabha starts
Papers being tabled right now
Amit Shah can be seen
As per reports he is set to make a statement on situation in #JammuAndKashmir
Surendra Singh Nagar, Sanjay Seth, Bhubaneshwar Kalita resigned
Chair accepted their resignation as he found those voluntary and they were not willing to reconsider
Chair then reads out hours allotted for discussion of pending Bills
Appeals to PM to expand and modernize #Parliament House in run up to India's celebration of 75th year in 2022
Then Amit Shah is called to introduce #JammuAndKashmir #Reservation Bill
Amt Shah states that he is ready for a debate on what's happening in #JammuAndKashmir and will answer all Qs
Chair states that MPs will be given opportunity to submit amendments uptil 12.30
Amit Shah talks abt some revised list of business but this is nt available on #RajyaSabha website so far
Please note - the text of this Resolution is not available on #RajyaSabha website !!!
Then Amit Shah states something about #JammuAndKashmir Reorganization Bill
Utter mayhem in House
There is intense chaos inside House
Chair allows Bill to be taken up on a voice vote even as nothing could be heard among the noise
There is BLACKOUT!

Chair appeals to MPs to take up the #JammuAndKashmir Reservation Bill, tries to persuade MPs by saying that only this Bill will be taken up
Ravi Shankar Prasad appeals to MPs to start discussion
Amit Shah can only be heard intermittently, talks about how #Reservation for EWS will be extended to J&K in education and employment
Then Chair asks other MPs to start speaking on Reservation Bill, which he claims
Tiruch Siva claims that 2 Bills were introduced and only after that Supplementary List of Business was circulated!!!!
See pics

It is difficult to believe that Chair who would adjourn proceedings if an MP as much as rose from his seat is letting proceedings go on, on issues of wide ramifications, amidst utter disorder and chaos
Amit Shah continues to speak, not clear on what!
Since other Bills which were moved earlier hadn't been circulated before being moved, they will be moved again
Just before that, Chair asked Marshals to come in as he claimed that some MPs were tearing the Constitution which he couldnt tolerate
Ghulam Nabi Azad speaks on #Article370
States that something historic and extraordinary has happened, this is not ordinarily how Bills are passed
As some MPs from treasury benches intervene, he asks them to 'Shut Up'!!
Strongly condemns the act of some MPs who tore Constitution, but stands by #Constitution of India, and alleges that BJP murdered #Constitution and #Democracy
Amit Shah speaks - I dont know if #Article370 was historic but my Bill is historic
Maharaja Hari Sngh signed on 27th October 1947, Article 370 came in 1959
Article 370 didn't join J&K with India, it is temporary
And again asks Opposition to debate on it
Chair announces that debate open on all 4 issues but voting will be separate
Chair again clarifies that discussion on all issues will be together, voting will be separate
Art 370 is temporary, as situation was such at that time
In past also resolutions have been passed to add territories to India, like how Goa, Daman and Diu, Sikkim was added when Opposition and Govt came together
Brings up fact that when decision against Indira Gandhi had come, Constitution amended overnight
Claims that its a day of pride, for unity and integrity of India and it amounts to fulfilling the aspirations of people of Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh, will held in development
We have accepted #Constitution as a flexible constitution, which can be amended time to time, we belong to party which protects fundamental rights of people
Integration of J&K with India a dream of many
Amit Shah intervenes, argues that within Art 370, there is a provision 370(3), reads out 370(3) and its proviso
In the notification that Prez issued today morning, he clarified that Constituent Assembly means Assembly of State
Since State under Prez Rule, all powers of State Assembly vests in #Parliament, so Parliament can pass this resolution to abrogate Art 370
Claims that Art 370 is harming J&K
Paints Art 370 as the ultimate devil blocking all development of #JammuAndKashmir
And then congratulates his Govt for taking a historic step, also congratulates on this being the most productive session of #Parliament
Further claims - There is nothing to worry!
AIADMK is one of the parties which is most vocal whenever any right of state govt is being curtailed!
Then, claims that today, in the right manner, J&K has become part of India, thanks Home Minister
Claims that we want to redeem people of #Kashmir from torture bt what happened to Kashmiri pandits in 70yrs!
Asks everyone to stay away from petty politics.
Swapan Dasgupta, Nom. - proud day for country and Kolkata as movt. to integrate J&K started by Shyama Prasad Mukherjee
Sanjay Raut, SHiv Sena - Art 370 a Bhasmasur, a shaitan, good that abrogated
Satish Chandra Mishra, BSP- supports Bill, now Muslims, Dalits etc. from other parts of country will have right to buy property, called as residents of J&K
States that Instrument of Accession ws signed on condition that individuality of state of Jammu and Kashmir will be maintained, plebiscite was supposed to happen, but promise nt kept
Rams down Congress- Sheikh Abdullah said that there is no word for friendship and gratitude in GoI
We have given our lives for protection of J&K
There is narrative that Opposition opposing development, bt they are opposing killing of Constitution
Leave your ego aside, embrace #Kashmiris
We have opened gate for Kashmir to become Palestine
States that President cannot repeal unless on recommendation of State Assembly and SC has given judgment that Art 370 is permanent, not temporary
Even if such a decision was to be taken, were people consulted, will the Govt stop with this?
States that he had come to speak on extension of #Reservation to J&K, but now no point in speaking on that
Claims that he had never thought that, in his lifetime, his state will be treated like this.
From last 1 week, so many rumours spreading, so much chaos and confusion among people, not just among people of Kashmir, but also among Jammu and Ladakh
All fears coming true
#Kashmir has been part of international and nat'l discourse since 1947, but no one would have imagined that so many different steps will be taken in one day itself
There is 47 page Bill, we are ending a state, without enough deliberation
After this Bill, out of 29, 28 states will be left and its an imp state, touches boundaries with China, Pakistan
Govt has succeeded in fight against enemies in Kashmir, as locals would provide necessary info, without their support, forces wud not have succeeded
#Kashmir chose to side with secular India and expected that in return, their rights will be respected
#JammuKashmir was getting mainstreamed, but you put a stop to that process
Integration not done thru law, bt thru heart
Govt has played a bad joke on #Kashmir
Challenges Govt to bring a law to make Gujarat a UT, if it can
A state's identity is being trampeled by making it a UT
Dont get too intoxicated with power
Its not about Hindu-Muslim, both communities and even Budhists, Jains etc. spread all over state
Expresses 'afsos' on thinking of Govt
Asks that New India cant be formed after 'todo, modo, jodo' old India
This will be black day in history of India
State's delimitation being done without consulting people
You have trampeled the blood of all those who sacrificed
Derek O'Brien - today is a Black Monday, a dark day for Parliamentary democracy, for federalism, for Constitution, for Rajya Sabha and for idea of India
What will happen now
-Apply President's Rule in a state
-Then take recommendation from Governor
-Bring a law to break state/make UT
Mockery of #Parliament - At 11.07 resolution moved by Minister and then later at 11.18 supplementary business brought
-Last night Parl Affairs Minister was sending list of business to leaders to confirm, stop playing these games
-Everyday pressure being exerted, members jumping from here to there
-Why cudnt you take all parties in confidence?
Social Media calling this #KashmirFinalSolution, same to Nazi call for killing all Jews in 1942
Appeals to MPs from @AamAadmiParty - you have fought Lt. Gov in Delhi, how are you supporting formation of another Lt. Gov
We expect that now there will be peace in #Kashmir and Govt will work for development there
Then argues that AAP will tolerate injustice by Lt Gov but will stand for unity and against terrorism
The way Govt handled last few days, all advisories etc., created fear in mind of otherwise peace loving people, you are feeding separatists agenda, as they want violence
There was relative peace in #Kashmir but now situation will deteriorate
But you dont care whether people live or die in #Kashmir
-Govt only wants to show their voter base that they have managed to abrogate Art 370
-only care about votes no matter what happens to the country
[Also in between mocked how AAP supported it when themselves suffered on hands of Lt. Gov]
Opposes the Bill
Oppose Bill
Fear spread among people in #Kashmir
And today morning, thru Bill this conspiracy was made into practice
Political party and nation is different
Thru this Bill, they are imposing a party's politics on people
Hope that it will lead to peace and that Govt will ensure that there will be no bloodshed
Then states that her party will abstain from voting
Govt is making states their vassals, their municipalities
How can Govt use Art 370 to modify Art 370, at best they could have used Art 370 to modify other provisions? This is beyond comprehension
By repealing #Art370, unleashing forces they cannot control
There are secessionist elements, but no one supports them
Ayes - 125
No - 61
Abstain - 1
Then clauses 2-103, schedules 1-5 were out to vote together.
And Bill was passed