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Apr 24th 2023
During the reign of #Atal Bihari Vajpayee, a famous company called #Enron planned to set up a factory in Dabol, #Maharashtra!... However, this did not happen due to the opposition of the local people. As a result, Enron was angered by the changing circumstances.
38,000 crore compensation case filed against the Indian govt in the #ICJ.
Vajpayee appointed #HarishSalve and #KulbhushanJadhav as advocates for the #GovtofIndia. But, Do you know who was the lawyer for #Eron? None other than #Chidambaram of congress.
The #Vajpayee government #won the case!...
That is, the verdict came in favor of India. Time has passed!
Later, the Vajpayee government ended and the Congress government was formed!#ManmohanSingh is the Prime Minister. Cabinet Minister #Chidambaram. #Enron #appealed the case.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 14th 2021
1 - Foreign intelligence agencies behind Balochistan situation: Justice Javed Iqbal (9 June 12 Express Tribune)

Mr Moeed Yusuf Special Advisor to #PMImranKhan rips apart false claims of Fifth Columnists #Pakistanis about #MissingPersons in #Balochistan

2 - Foreign intelligence agencies behind Balochistan situation: Justice Javed Iqbal (9 June 12 Express Tribune)

Mr Moeed Yusuf Special Advisor to #PMImranKhan rips apart false claims of Fifth Columnists #Pakistanis about #MissingPersons in #Balochistan

1 - Foreign agencies behind missing persons: Justice Javed Iqbal ( The Nation | 9 June 2012 )

Mr Moeed Yusuf Special Advisor to #PMImranKhan solve the mystery behind the so called #MissingPersons in #Pakistan

Read 16 tweets
Feb 3rd 2021
ڈاکٹر دانش صاحب آپ قطعا” مکاریاں نہ کریں آپ اور #اے_آر_وائ_نیوز نے بالخصوص اور دیگر اینکرز نے صحافت کے نام پر وہ کیا ہے جس کو یہاں لکھنا مناسب نہیں آپ اور دیگر مبصر و دفاعی مبصرین اللہ کرے دنیا اور آخرت میں زلیل خوار ہوں اور آپ تمام پر تمام کائنات کی لعنت ہو
You! Dr Danish stop this act right now ! You & other anchors at #AryNews instead of #Journalism did something else which couldn’t be written here . You and all such Yahoo anchors & Defence Analysts deserve Eternal Curse of Almighty for what you did with the people of Pakistan
Human Memory is weak but I still remember what kind of sleaze you unloaded during the #KulbhushanJadhav issue and you had started this name calling and distributed the Certificate of Loyalty & Treachery on live TV ! You & every journalist (minus very few) are blot on Journalism
Read 7 tweets
Jul 24th 2020
Farogh (Lawyer of #NelsonMandela) likely to rejoin cabinet today (24 July 2020)

#FaroghNaseem #JusticeQaziFaezIsa
“ایں سلسلہ طلاۓ ناب است - ایں خانہ تمام آفتاب است - #مرزا_غالب ۔

#FaroghNaseem #JusticeQaziFaezIsa
#AltafHussain Image
Farogh (Lawyer of #NelsonMandela) likely to rejoin cabinet today (24 July 2020) Mr Imran Khan explains to Dr Danish

#FaroghNaseem #JusticeQaziFaezIsa #QaziFaezIsa #MQM #AltafHussain
#KulbhushanJadhav #کلبوشن_کے_یارو_جواب_دو
Read 23 tweets
Jul 23rd 2020
محترم مراد سعید صاحب کو #وکی_لیکس کے بارے میں احتیاط کرنی چاہیے کیونکہ جو کچھ وکی لیکس میں محترم عمران خان صاحب نے پاکستانی دفاعی اداروں کے بارے میں امریکی وفد سے اور جولین اسانج کہا ہے وہ دہرایا نہیں جاسکتا


پڑھیئے 👇…
👇 ImageImage
محترم مراد سعید صاحب کو معلوم ہونا چاہئیے کہ انکی جماعت کے وفاقی وزیر جناب چوہدری فواد حسین نے ریکارڈ پر #میمو_گیٹ پر @husainhaqqani کی بے گناہی کا اعتراف بلکہ آصف علی زرداری کی بھی بے گناہی کا اعتراف کیا ہے

#Memogate Image
محترم مراد سعید صاحب سے گزارش 🙏 ہے کہ #ریمنڈ_ڈیوس جیسے حساس معاملے پر احتیاط کریں کیونکہ جو کچھ public domain پر چھپ چکا ہے اس سے تحریک انصاف ہی #RaymondDavis پر مشکل میں آجائیگی ، پڑھیئے

How a Single Spy Helped Turn Pakistan Against the United States… ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Jul 19th 2020
۱ - معروف ماہر دفاعی و خارجہ امور جناب امجد شعیب صاحب کیمطابق #نواز_شریف اور #مسلم_لیگ_نواز نے کلبھوشن والے معاملے میں غیر سنجیدگی اور غیر ذمے داری کا مظاہرہ کیا۔

۲ - معروف ماہر دفاعی و خارجہ امور جناب امجد شعیب صاحب کیمطابق #نواز_شریف اور #مسلم_لیگ_نواز نے کلبھوشن والے معاملے میں غیر سنجیدگی اور غیر ذمے داری کا مظاہرہ کیا۔ امجد شعیب کیمطابق #بھارت میں نواز شریف کا کاروبار ہے

۳ - معروف ماہر دفاعی و خارجہ امور جناب امجد شعیب صاحب کیمطابق #ایران نے #بھارت کیساتھ دفاعی معاہدے کر کے امت مسلمہ اور #پاکستان کو نقصان پہنچایا ۔ کیونکہ پاکستان کا دشمن ہے بھارت ۔ مکمل دیکھیں 👈

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Jul 18th 2020
1 - Ms Ritchie believed to have obtained a visit visa on the recommendation of Azam Swati. (by @baqirsajjad ) #CynthiaDRitchie
not involved in anti-state activities, interior ministry tells IHC…
(18 July 2020) Mr @arsched explain
2 - Ms Ritchie believed to have obtained a visit visa on the recommendation of Azam Swati. (9 June 2020) #CynthiaDRitchie
not involved in anti-state activities, interior ministry tells IHC… (18 July 2020) Mr @arsched explains
3 - Azam Swati reportedly later helped her socialise in Pakistan and develop local contacts. (9 June 2020) #CynthiaDRitchie
not involved in anti-state activities, interior ministry tells IHC… (18 July 2020) Mr @arsched narrrates
Read 27 tweets
Jul 17th 2020
Pakistan offers India consular access to Jadhav for a third time: FO (17 July 2020 Dawn) Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi clarifies his position to Mr @arsched on #ARYNews

Pakistan offers India consular access to Jadhav for a third time: FO (17 July 2020 Dawn) PTI Federal Minister for Human Rights Ms Shireen Mazari clarifies her position to Ms @NasimZehra

Pakistan offers India consular access to Jadhav for a third time: FO (17 July 2020 Dawn) PTI Federal Minister for Human Rights Ms Shireen Mazari gave her candid view to Mr @arsched on #ARYNews

Read 55 tweets
Jul 15th 2020
کہیں آپ وہی تو نہیں ہیں جنہوں نے ۲۰۱۴ تا ۲۰۱۸ کے درمیان تقریبا” تمام شرعی گالیاں “نواز شریف” کو دے ڈالی تھیں ، اور اتنا گر گئے تھے کہ آپ نے ایک حلال معزز پیشے “لوہار” کی تذلیل کرتے ہوئے نواز شریف پر استعمال کیا ۔ دانش آپ عمرو عیاریاں نہ کریں Image
ڈاکٹر دانش کو انٹرویو دینے سے بہتر ہے کہ سرے سے انٹرویو دیا ہی نہ جائے
سیاستدانوں کو بھی اپنی عزت نفس کا پاس نہیں ہے وہ ایسے ایسے پروگراموں میں جاتے ہیں جن میں جانا ہی باعث شرم ہے اور چوہدری غلام حسین ، صابر شاکر ، عمران خان (اینکر) ، کامران شاہد ، ارشاد بھٹی و دیگر کئ صرف “سانڈے کے تیل “ کی مارکیٹنگ کرسکتے ہیں انکو صحافی کہنا صحافت کی توہین ہے
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Jan 29th 2020
My lil research on US’s E-11 A crash~Taliban~Iran~Pakistan (no surprise there!)

1️⃣As early as Jan 1st wk, there ws intel that Iran’s elite paramil unit— Quds Force,ws training Talibani men to use MANPADS (portable shoulder fired air def sys) & EFPs (explosively formed
EFPs (explosively formed penetrators). This is y US state sec POMPEO hd accused Iran of sabotaging US’s peace talks with Taliban earlier this month.

2️⃣Talibs getting trained by Quds is not news to many. Bt majority of think tanks believed Iran wld not want to exacerbate
3/n exacerbate the situation.

3️⃣Talibs bonhomie with ISI is known to all including US. Bt ISI is close to IRGC funded Liwa Zainabiyoun grp too. As recently as 2018, IRGC hd recruited 1600 Pakistanis. That’s no joke. ISI claims itself to b one of the best int agencies yet the
Read 8 tweets
Jul 17th 2019
Why is ICJ verdict a slap on Pakistan and victory for India?

1) Execution stopped.
2) Pak national jurisdiction contained.
3) Military Court trial not acceptable.
4) Pak Military again stigmatised.
5) India's stand on Vienna Convention upheld.
6) India's legal arguments upheld.
Why is #KulbhushanJadhav innocent?

1) Jadhav was kidnapped from Iran, where he was residing and carrying on business after retiring from Indian Navy.

2) There is absolutely no clarification by Pakistan about the circumstances of his arrest.
India’s persistent efforts led to ICJ Verdict:

1) India fought the kidnapping of Jadhav since the day it was informed about the ‘arrest’.

2) India put intense diplomatic pressure on Pakistan through numerous diplomatic notes & demarches and letter from EAM for Consular Access.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 19th 2019
Kulbhushan Jadhav case at International Court of Justice: Khawar Qureshi QC begins his submissions for Pakistan

#KulbhushanJadhav #ICJ @CIJ_ICJ
There is a confession by Jadhav before a judicial magistrate. He was also convicted under Section 3 of the Official Secrets Act for terrorist activities in 2014. India has glossed over these matters, Khawar Qureshi
#KulbhushanJadhav #ICJ
Developments in customary international law not consistent with India's position on Article 36 of Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, Qureshi

#KulbhushanJadhav #ICJ
Read 35 tweets
Jan 18th 2018
The #ISI paid a DEAD #MullahOmar crores of rupees to kidnap #KulbhushanJadhav from #Iran... says the #Indian media via #MamaQadeerBaloch.

#InfoWars begin again with a fake story attempting to connect the #ISI with the #Afghan #Taliban (#IEA).…
#MamaQadeerBaloch is the same #Baloch “activist” that took millions of dollars from foreign sponsors to march from #Balochistan to #Islamabad.

The march was as much of a farce as Mama Qadeer himself.
He is also connected with a supposed claim that 2 #ISI officers walked into #LUMS and threatened the university to cancel an anti-#Pakistan event featuring #MamaQadeerBaloch.

Yet, no video or letter has ever been produced to authenticate this statement.
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Jan 8th 2018
When Paid Media, Liberals & Commies are bought by opposition to defeat a successful leader Modi, it's time to sit back & see what Modi has done in this little time.Will this progress continue if we ignore him & let vultures come again? Pls read the thread below!👇
#WhyModiIn2019 Image
24. #SwachhBharatMission

लोटा लेकर खेत में जाना, अंधेरे में बलात्कारियों का शिकार बनना अब कम हो रहा है।

11 Cr Toilets have been built in 6 yrs of Modi.
5.5 lac villages have been declared Open Defecation Free. Hollywood will no longer show ppl shitting in open to showcase India
25. #RamMandir

Hindus pleaded for Ram Lalla's Temple on his birthplace since ages & dispute was filed in court 134 yrs ago. Congress corrupt lawyers postponed it for 70 years. It was only under Modi Govt that the decision for building Bhavya Ram Mandir was given
🚩Jai Shri Ram🚩
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Dec 25th 2017
If you are worried about Pakistani propaganda on #KulbhushanJadhav, you can relax. It won't come from Pakistan but rather from some Indian media working at Pakistan's behest
Earlier this year, I had sent a pitch to many publications for an article on how Kulbhushan Jadhav was kidnapped from Iran by Pakistan's proxies. I get a call from a top editor within minutes. He wanted me to write on "who in RAW blew his cover"
Someone someday might write along these lines in Indian media. It's just a question of when
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