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Apr 6th 2022
An RTI filed by,the reply for which came after 5 months reveals that #InternetShutdowns were imposed in Jammu & Kashmir for a period of 2 months.…
#LetTheNetWork #keepiton #internetshutdown #JammuKashmir #BreakingNews
SFLCin had received information that the mobile Internet was being frequently suspended in various regions of Kashmir for nearly 10 hours every day.
The areas facing such suspensions are #Anchar, #Eidgah, #Qamarwari, #Soura, #MRGung, #Nowhatta, #SafaKadal, #Bagyass of #Srinagar district; #Wanpoh of #Kulgam district, #Qaimoh and the #Litter area in the #Pulwama district of #Kashmir.
Read 14 tweets
Apr 11th 2021
Unethical terrorist. #thread
On 09 Apr 2021, Hav Mohammed Saleem Akhoon of 162 TA Bn, who was off duty at around 1645 hrs was shot dead by terrorists at his residence in Bijbehara, #Anantnag…. Image
The martyred Hav Mohd Saleem Akhoon is survived by his wife, 9 yr old daughter & 6 yr old son. Unfortunately, Saleem is not the first soldier who has been attacked like this by terrorists in #Kashmir Image
02 Aug 2022, Rifleman Shakir Manzoor of 162 Battalion (TA), was abducted by militants while he was returning to celebrate #Eid with his family in #Kashmir’s Shopian. His burnt car was later found in the nearby #Kulgam district. Image
Read 9 tweets
Jan 28th 2021
Deradicalisation of #Kashmir Youth, need of the hour. #Thread.

The valley has been bearing the brunt of radicalisation that has the potential to destroy the future generation of #Kashmir. Its a ticking time bomb that needs to be addressed at the earliest.
The gradual erosion of #Sufism is an indicator of the growing radicalisation in #Kashmir. Sufism faces a stiff competition from the Wahhabi brand of Islam as preached in Saudi Arabia & other parts of the world.
Sufi shrines are being burnt and there has hardly been any public outcry regarding the same, indicating the waning influence of the Hanafis. With the abundance of Saudi money, Wahhabi followers are gradually taking over Hanafi masjids in the valley.
Read 15 tweets
Sep 24th 2020
#Pakistan sponsored #terrorists are trying to derail democracy in #Kashmir

By killing political leaders, these Pak stooges wants to create fear & distrust, hampering the development initiatives taken by Govt. Because a peaceful, prosperous #Kashmir is no good for them
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Yesterday’s dastardly killing of BDC Chairman Khag #Budgam Bhupinder Singh comes in the wake of multiple such cowardly attacks carried out in the last few months. 8 political workers have been murdered in the last 3 months.
On June 8, Ajay Pandita, the sarpanch of the Lukhbhawan area, #Anantnag south #Kashmir, was shot dead by #terrorists. As a Sarpanch, Pandita had always worked hard for his village & its people.
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Read 11 tweets
Jul 17th 2020
🔥Breaking News🔥

Joint Operation launched by Security Forces at #Nagnad #Kulgam around midnight, fire fight started at 05:20am

Likely Presence of 02 #Terrorists

Operation Based on input from @JmuKmrPolice

News of #TerroristFreeKashmir Awaited ⚡️

#kashmir Image
🔥Update🔥 #Encounter #Nagnad-#Chimmer #Kulgam

01 #Terrorist killed, 02 soldiers injured
01 more Terrorist said to be trapped
Operation going on

@CestMoiz @AlphaWo40963407 @vinirish @doctorsingla
@Sidbakari @tksapru @debasisdas Image
🔥Update🔥 #Encounter #Nagnad-#Chimmer #Kulgam
02 Terrorits killed
03 army jawans injured
Operation still underway

@sikka_harinder @Tahir_A @vinirish @kayjay34350 @ragarwal @Peacefulrumi Image
Read 10 tweets
Jul 4th 2020
#JUSTIN | #Encounter has started at #Arrah area of #Kulgam. Police and security forces are on the job. Further details shall follow: J&K Police
#KulgamEncounterUpdate: So far one #unidentified #terrorist killed. #Operation going on. Further details shall follow: J&K Police
Read 3 tweets
Jun 7th 2020
We are hearing that #Internetservices have been snapped in #Shopian District in South Kashmir. In case you hear anything about it please tell us @NetShutdowns and @SFLCin. #JammuAndKashmir #LetTheNetWork
We have been hearing that internet has also been snapped in Kulgam district in J and K. Please let us know if you come across any reports please tell us @NetShutdowns and @SFLCin. #LetTheNetWork
Internet has been restored in #Kulgam and #Shopian. #LetTheNetWork
Read 3 tweets
Sep 13th 2018
Historical Buddhist statue at the Mes Aynak site in #Kabul, #Afghanistan, #Buddhism
Centuries old "Ekamukhalinga " ( Lord Shiva) in #Afghanistan , now in #Kabul Museum !
Read 79 tweets

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