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Sep 21st 2021
#Facebook is in the crosshairs from multiple angles right now, starting with a lawsuit in Delaware charging #Zuck, #Sandberg and board members w insider trading and "epic corporate governance breakdown." 🧵 1/
@CounteringCrime has been documenting #FB's "epic corporate governance breakdown" for years now -- including repeated cover-ups like this one that have harmed investors. We warned y'all back in 2020 to pull your money out of #FB. It's a HOT MESS. 2/…
Moreover, @counteringcrime has documented how the firm has always prioritized profit over public safety and privacy both in our timeline, available here: 3/…
Read 15 tweets
Jul 16th 2019
Please spare a thought for the amount of extra labor women have to do in the workplace to make sure other women don’t have to interact with male predators.
Think of women supervisors who have to take on more work because an intern doesn’t feel comfortable around some guy who she was supposed to be reporting to.
Think of women professors who have to do extra advising because their male counterparts make women students feel unsafe alone with them.
Read 10 tweets
Nov 26th 2018
The water in the pipeline cannot fix the leaks. Contrary to the advice #WomenInSTEM & #POCinSTEM receive, we cannot actually #leanin to solving the problem of #genderbias & #racialbias in #STEM & #academia. Thanks to @NatureEcoEvo & @RoinnAnLuisigh for this chance to say this. 1/
A few months ago, @Nature published a piece with advice on how senior women can confront #genderbias. While the advice contained therein was useful, the title was enraging.…. 2/
It led me to rage tweet a thread of statistics on #genderbias in #STEM, and that thread blew up And then I got incredibly lucky when @RoinnAnLuisigh offered me the opportunity to turn it into a column. Working with her was AMAZING! 1000% fantastic 3/
Read 51 tweets

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