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Oct 13th 2021
We are #hiring soon! We have a series of #job openings for: #DataViz Specialists, #DevOps Engineers, #RStats/#Python Developer, and #Usability Specialist @USGS_Water & @USGS_DataSci. Location negotiable

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#DataScience #SciComm #RemoteWork #uxui #TechTwitter A banner advertising job openings with the USGS Water Missio
We especially encourage you to apply if you are BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, have a disability or are of any marginalized identity @BlkInData @BlkInGeoscience @AccessibleGEO @500QueerSci #BlackInSTEM #QueerInSTEM #DisabledAndSTEM #DiversityInTech #NativeInSTEM #LatinXInSTEM #BlackTechTwitter
The Data Visualization Specialists and R/Python Tool Developer will be advertised under the Biologist, Physical Scientist, and Mathematical Statistician job series (series 401/1301/1529).
Read 7 tweets
Sep 16th 2021
En honor al #MesDeLaHerenciaHispana, hemos compilado una lista de personajes históricos Hispanos y Latinos que han dado forma a la química tal como la conocemos hoy día:

#LatinXChem #CENenespanol
Oswaldo Luiz Alves fue uno de los primeros científicos brasileños en desarrollar, investigar y enseñar nanotecnología. También fundó el Laboratorio de Química del Estado Sólido en @unicampoficial. Puedes obtener más información sobre él en #LatinXChem
Sara Borrell Ruiz fue una de las primeras expertas en hormonas en España. Trabajó con el equipo que estaba desarrollando el primer anticonceptivo oral. Lee más sobre Borell en

#LatinXinSTEM #MujerEnSTEM #CENenespanol
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Sep 16th 2021
In honor of #HispanicHeritageMonth, we wanted to highlight 10 Hispanic and Latino scientists from history who have shaped chemistry as we know it today:

#LatinXChem #LatinXinSTEM
Oswaldo Luiz Alves was among the first Brazilian scientists to develop, research, and teach nanotechnology. He also founded the Solid State Chemistry Laboratory at @unicampoficial. Learn more about him at

#LatinXChem #LatinXinSTEM #HispanicHeritageMonth Picture of Oswaldo Luiz Alves
Sara Borrell Ruiz was one of the first experts on sex hormones in Spain. She worked with the team that was developing the first oral contraceptive. Read more about Borrell at

#LatinXinSTEM #WomenInSTEM #HispanicHeritageMonth Picture of Sara Borrell Ruiz
Read 12 tweets
Jun 17th 2021
Dr. Julian Martinez-Agosto (@JMartinezAgosto) authored the @CellCellPress paper “Interaction between differentiating cell- and niche-derived signals in hematopoietic progenitor maintenance”… #FacesOfCell "Coming from a small s...
Dr. Martinez-Agosto (@JMartinezAgosto) is #LatinXinSTEM and a #MedicalGeneticist and #DevelopmentalBiologist at UCLA School of Medicine.
@JMartinezAgosto’s research interests are neurodevelopmental #RareGeneticDiseases, #CancerPredisposition, and growth signaling pathways.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 29th 2021
Don’t miss the latest research from #FacesOfCell. Read Nicolas Villanueva’s (@NicoVPhD) paper, “Delineating the conformational landscape of the adenosine A2A receptor during G protein coupling”:… "My training, experiences, and opportunities have put m
Dr. Villanueva (@NicoVPhD) is #LatinXinSTEM and a senior scientist at @zentalisp. His research interests are in #StructuralBiology, #GProteins, and #GPCRs, and he hopes to be a leader of the field of structure-based #DrugDiscovery
@NicoVPhD believes transformational science arises from diversity and is committed to building diverse teams that uplift those from disadvantaged groups to pioneer novel approaches for scientific discovery
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Jul 20th 2020
Hi! For a special post during #LatinoConservationWeek I'm briefly taking over the SERCinvasions account to share my story! I am Brenda María Soler Figueroa and I'm a #phytoplankton ecologist and invasive species researcher here on the invasions team. Image
I got my PhD in Puerto Rico @uprm researching the population dynamics of dinoflagellates in the Bioluminescent Systems . I also worked as a Marine Educator at @SeaGrantPR #LatinxInStem Image
I also enjoy dancing Bomba and playing the Bomba drum (traditional music from Puerto Rico), and I have a cat. Thanks for letting me introduce myself! Happy #LatinoConservationWeek! Image
Read 3 tweets
Nov 13th 2018
Less than a day tweeting here and I'm already being asked to comment on gender in science/academia. No surprise to any of my fellow #womeninSTEM...
I have a lot to say about women in science - the barriers we face and what we can do to change things for the better. But I also wish that we could sometimes just be scientists, and didn't have to always be Women In Science.
It's not great to feel the pressure to represent an entire marginalised community (like @xkcdComic shows below). Not just #womeninSTEM, but #queerinSTEM #BLACKandSTEM #LatinxinSTEM and a lot of others who feel pressure to be a 'model minority'.
Read 6 tweets

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